Xie Wanjin took a little guy out with one hand, quite like a father and a mother.

The servant girl was holding an umbrella and followed her closely.

Xie Xiaoliu and Xie Xiaoqi were still talking about their eldest brother. The fourth childe smiled and stuffed the two small ones into the carriage. They stood beside the horse for a while, raised their sleeves and wiped their foreheads.

On this cold day, I ran in the wind lotus garden and forced myself into a hot sweat.

He turned back and looked at the wind lotus garden. The corners of his lips couldn't help rising more and more.

Fortunately, it's thousands of miles Your running is not in vain.

These two people should be happy, too.

Xie Wanjin turned and picked up his robe corner. Just about to get on the carriage, the Qingyi guard who came back to the imperial capital from the Western Chu Dynasty with him swept to his side.

The green guards whispered, "fourth childe, you didn't even see the fifth childe's face in the capital of Western Chu, but you lied in front of the childe and the young lady. It's really good?"

"You're not right." Xie Wanjin looked back at him. His usual smiling face was rarely serious and said, "the letter was written by Xiao Wu, right?"

The Qingyi guard standing in front of him was stunned and nodded.

Xie Wanjin said, "the whole Xie family wants him to live, so he is alive. There is a letter to prove it. Does it really matter whether the childe has seen him with his own eyes?"

Tsing Yi Wei was deeply thought.

Xie Wanjin reached out and patted the Qingyi guard on the shoulder. "Although Xiao Wu hasn't come back yet, what I do and say is what he will do. I just said something in advance for him. Everyone is happy. Why not?"

The Qingyi guard was stunned by what he said. He really couldn't answer.

I had to hug my fist and salute the fourth childe to show my respect.

The sons of the Xie family have their own strengths. Xie Heng doesn't talk much, but his sword is very fast.

The third childe has few words, but it must make people tremble when he opens his mouth.

Only the fourth childe Xie Yu, who likes to laugh and talk a lot, often deceives people who think what he says is right.

"Isn't that all right?"

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and patted the Qingyi guard on the shoulder. "When you go later, elder brother, you should know what to say and what not to say. Remember?"

The Qingyi guard said, "what the fourth childe said is very true."

Xie Wanjin smiled with satisfaction, helped the carriage jump into the carriage, smiled and said to Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi, "go home and report the good news with grandma."

The long street is endless, the wind and snow are clear, and there are few pedestrians on the road.

Between heaven and earth, there is a bright peace.

The wheels slowly pressed over the snow, and the strong wind blew the curtain of the motor car. There was only the sound of a few people talking and laughing in the remaining carriages of the long street.

On the eaves, a man in purple brushed the snow lightly. He stood on the eaves and looked at the slowly leaving carriage.

The attendant followed closely behind him and asked in a low voice, "are you going to stare at Xie Yu?"

"Don't bother." the man in purple smiled and said slowly, "let people stare at the wind lotus garden, avoid Xie Heng, and bring warm wine to me."

The attendant whispered, "my subordinates obey."


In the wind lotus garden.

Warm wine was thrown up and down several times. The whole person was dizzy. Venus appeared in his eyes. He held the young man's neck with his arms and hung it on him forcibly.

"Xie Heng -"

Her voice also floated, "if you throw me up again, don't come close to me within ten steps!"

Xie Heng was slightly stunned and said, "why?"

Warm wine was angry and funny. "I'll throw you up and try?"

Throw it ten or eight times to see if you don't vomit.

Xie Heng put her down with a smile and glanced at her from top to bottom, "isn't it right?"

Warm wine held his dizzy forehead, "what's wrong?"

Childe Xie said sadly, "you can't throw me away, can you?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless, "..."

How dare you thank little Yama for being thrown into heaven?

No wonder, every time I coax her, I like to hold it high.

The two stood opposite each other and were quiet for a moment.

There was constant snow in front of the court, and the atmosphere was inexplicably subtle.

After a while.

Xie Heng's reaction was wrong. He reached out and touched the back of his neck, revealing a rare young man's helpless appearance. He whispered, "you... You don't like me like this?"

Wen Jiugang was about to nod, but a pair of young Xinghua's shining amber eyes suddenly wanted to laugh.

The warm current in my heart slowly.

As long as Xie Heng was there, the strong wind, flying snow and the surging tide in the imperial capital became insignificant.

Only between heaven and earth, a quiet and tranquil.

She smiled and said in a warm voice, "it's not that I don't like it."

A boy like Xie Heng can't be disliked.

"Well..." Xie Heng just opened his mouth. Not far away, jin'er ran here with a wooden box. "Young lady, you asked me to get something."

"Don't say that first."

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and dragged Xie Heng's sleeve to the room. The conversation turned, "come and have a look at these."

Jin'er put the wooden box on the table, and then withdrew very consciously. He looked at the two people's eyes secretly. He couldn't hide his smile, and took the door with him.

This one two, their own marriage is not concerned at all, but they are more and more worried about their own master.

Wen Jiu glanced at jin'er with the corner of his eye and said, "it's really itchy.".

Her face didn't show anything, and she said to Xie Heng, "open it and have a look?"

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and Fei's clothes were elegant. As soon as he raised his hand, his wide sleeves were like the morning glow and the fire was blowing. The boy had a pair of incomparably beautiful faces, but it seemed that he didn't know it at all.

It's as easy to take the head of a person as folding flowers and holding willows, which makes people dare not look directly at the appearance of little Yama.

Only Wen Jiu dared to look at him like that.

In the past, she only wanted to be nice to him. Later, she told herself to stay away from him.

In my heart, I struggled in thousands of ways, and more or less secretly mocked why I became so cowardly and hypocritical.

Until now, I know.

Such a gorgeous and unparalleled youth, let alone protect each other, even if they see each other more, they are afraid to miss their whole life.

If you look more, you will be enchanted and doomed.

What's more, she was so close to him.

She was thinking about it. The boy had opened the wooden box. There were several pieces of jade cards neatly placed in it, each of which was similar to the seven or eight points handed over by Xie Heng to her.

Warm wine slightly picked from the corners of his eyes and said casually, "I carved these. Choose which piece you like."

It's really not enough. We've got enough pieces.

Xie Heng was speechless.

Good half ring.

The young man looked up at her and couldn't help saying, "how long did it take you to get these? Why are these jade cards so familiar?"

"Do you look familiar?"

Warm wine tone is as like as two peas. "This is what I was made by Zhao Li when he was in Nanning." he said, "he is lucky enough to take it." he said, "the jade card that I gave to me is exactly the same as the jade card you gave me."

She suddenly stopped for a moment and looked at Xie Heng's eyes. Her eyes were clear. It was not tight. She said slowly: "young master Xie, general Xie, little Lord... What should I call you?"

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