It's rare for warm wine to be so tough. It seems that it has a great momentum, but in fact it's hot.

I'm afraid she can't hold on if the boy says more.

"Get down to business, get down to business."

Xie Heng was blocked by warm wine on the spot. It was a pity that he couldn't open the topic.

Without stopping for a moment, he picked up the jade cards in the wooden box one by one and looked at them for two eyes. The quality of the jade was almost the same. The carvers were obviously better one by one, and the carving patterns were obviously dependent on the appearance of chasing clouds.

When he turned to the last piece, it was seven or eight points similar to the original cloud chasing order.

Xie Heng looked at it carefully for a moment, and then suddenly said, "so many jade cards should have wasted a lot of time, ah Jiu."

The boy suddenly called her and asked with burning eyes; "It's only two or three months since Yunzhou. Why have you engraved so much?"

Warm wine was a little guilty by him, "I..."

She was interrupted by Xie Heng as soon as she opened her mouth. "It seems that the carver should have been made by one person."

"I have nothing to do."

Warm wine was blocked by him, so he casually found a reason, "just take the cloud chasing order to practice. Who knows Zhao Li is still thinking about it."

Now, looking back on the days when I first came to bafangcheng, I think it has been a long time.

At that time, I was alone, tossing and turning in the middle of the night. I got up to find something to do, settle accounts and carve jade. It was always difficult to have peace in my heart.

Practice is obviously a lot of models that can be used to practice.

But she didn't know why, but she used the green jade card that Xie Heng gave her.

Old friends are far away, old things accompany day and night, after all, this situation is difficult to break.

Xie Heng smiled and his voice became clear. "Why did you choose the cloud chasing order because of so many carving patterns that can let you practice?"

"Naturally, it's easy."

Warm wine is really a little unsustainable.

The young man has a gorgeous face. He doesn't know it. He smiles at you like this. If he is an ordinary person, I'm afraid his soul will be taken away by him.

"Oh, it's because it's easy." Xie Heng's tail tone rose slightly, and his white slender hand brushed the jade tassel. "It seems that he often carries it and often... Thinks of me, huh?"

Warm wine was looked at by him, but he couldn't refute it. The heat surged up all over his body, and his cheeks were fainted by the rosy clouds.

But for a moment, sweat broke out on his forehead.

She raised her sleeve and rubbed it gently. She pretended to be nothing. Her head was already in a mess. She stood up and blurted out: "how do you think? Can't I think about it?"

Xie Heng was stunned for a moment, then held back his smile, nodded and said in a voice: "yes, naturally. As long as the young lady is happy, everything will be done."

Outside the window, the cold wind blew through the branches and leaves, and the plum blossoms fluttered.

After warming the wine for a while, he reacted. He was ashamed and angry. He took the abacus on the table next to him and threw it on the table. "Now I'm asking you something serious. Do it again..."

"I don't do that anymore, young lady. I'll never do that!"

Xie Heng was able to bend and stretch. He raised his hand and made an oath. However, he stretched out two fingers. His gestures were nondescript.

Seeing that Wen Jiu was really angry, he quickly made an oath gesture, "I'll say whatever you ask. God knows how long I've been waiting for young lady's question. ”

Warm wine really couldn't compare with his thick skin. He had to suppress his anger and drink a whole cup with a cup of tea. Only then did he feel better.

Xie Heng quickly helped her to continue the tea.

Such a gentle smile, if let others see, I'm afraid I'm still dreaming.

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and didn't go to see him. After a while, he calmed down and said slowly, "the prince is mediocre. It's difficult to be a big job. King Rui regards you as a thorn in the flesh. If he succeeds to the throne, I'm afraid there will be no peace for the Xie family. Zhao fan is trapped in the seven Jue tower and has no chance to come out. Now there are no other princes in the palace. Who else can block this job?"

The first emperor had only one queen, and there were only two women without children under his knees, one more than the other.

But now there are many children of the old emperor. It's a pity that they either die early or useless. Seeing that the overall situation will be chaotic, no one can pick the beam.

"There are still a few Royal collateral branches that are passable."

Xie Heng raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The dark guard on the eaves immediately turned over the window and entered, just like the snow and the strong wind. The figure came to the two people silently.

Wen Jiuxin was surprised and looked at the two masters and servants who never played cards according to common sense. They were calm.

Heart: talk and talk, suddenly ask people to do what?

Xie Heng's eyes are slightly picked, "Show the news collected before to Mrs. Shao. The Zhao family is still able to make do with it."

Qingyi guards dare not ask what they are talking about. They usually come to see the excitement. Now they just want to slip away.

He took some secret letters out of his arms, presented them to warm wine with both hands, and then stepped back two steps.

"Childe, someone is wandering around the wind lotus garden today. My brothers are very busy. I'll help first."

Xie Heng waved, "go."

As soon as the sound fell, the Qingyi guard ran away.

Warm wine: "

She opened those secret letters one by one. There were many branches of the Zhao family, but the old emperor himself was not elegant. After he ascended the throne, he suppressed those cousins very miserably. Some died inexplicably on the way to the fief, and some of the more fateful are now planting land in the fief in the name of the king.

It is not easy for these unlucky Royal sons not to raise waste. There are still a few who are waiting for the opportunity to turn over in one fell swoop.

In the memory of Wenjiu's previous life, after the death of the old emperor, Dayan had civil strife for a long time, and finally Zhao Fengdeng, supported by Xie Heng, took the throne.

But in this life, Xie Heng obviously can't stand in Zhao Feng's camp.

When she opened the last one, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"The ninth Prince - Zhao Xi."

This is the youngest son of the old emperor. His mother died of childbirth. She was crowned with an ominous name at birth. She was thrown into the Royal Taoist temple since childhood. Almost no one remembers his existence.

Zhao Feng died after two years of overwork in his previous life. He had no children under his knees. It was this boy who suddenly emerged and became the ninth five year old.

When Wenjiu died, Zhao Xi was still a small emperor without real power. Now, she looks like a teenager.

She couldn't help asking, "how did you find this man?"

"If you want to find it, you can find it." Xie Heng said with a smile: "what does ah Jiu think of this person?"

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