The nine princes probably had the emperor's order. They could receive this position from Zhao Feng in their last life.

This * *, Xie Heng looked at Prince Edward directly, and found him directly. He was the most suitable Zhao Xi to compare with those who had been bearing the burden of the sun.

First, he was young. Second, his biological mother died early. Now his status is more and more embarrassing. Out of Xie Heng, I'm afraid no one will remember him.

The only bad thing is that Zhao Xi is not a simple boy. Xie Heng was the Regent in his previous life and Xie Yu was the richest man. Although the little emperor had no real power in his hands, he still helped Zhao fan and Meng Chengyun, making the two forces compete.

He was sitting alone in a high position, and the following ministers had a dispute. The usual way to deal with it was:

Please come to the Regent about the war. The official is promoted and sent to ask Xie Shoufu. The royal family has made trouble. The four royal brothers have come

The little emperor had no real power in his hands and simply didn't care about anything. He looked happy and relaxed.

It seems that he indulges in sound and color and likes singing and dancing. His biggest hobby is to write some inexplicable plays for people to sing outside the palace.

Everyone said that the little emperor had no talent, no virtue and no ability. It was such a teenager who balanced the relationship between all parties and sat safely on the dragon throne for more than ten years.

Even merchants like her are extremely kind. Wen Jiu still remembers Zhao Xi's strange and subtle feeling of calling her "sister Wen".

Many memories of previous lives floated in Wenjiu's mind. It took a long time to get over it and found that Xie Heng had been looking at himself.

She put all the secret letters on the table. "Compared with these people, Zhao Xi is naturally good."

Even Zhao Qingfeng is counted here. It can be seen how unreliable these young people of the Zhao royal family are.

If, if Xie Heng himself

Wen Jiu just had the idea in his heart.

I heard Xie Heng say, "as long as you don't compare him with me, you'll think he's good."

Warm wine glared at him.

Can this man read his mind?

She was blocked back before she could say anything!

Xie Heng held her hand gently pressed on the stationery, "I want to finish all these bad things quickly. When the world settles down, we will take our family back to Changping County, whether his minister scolds the street or the emperor spits blood. We will live a long life."

Young lips with a smile, tone with a little yearning.

The rest of life is long and the road ahead is long.

Dudu has no meaning for the throne.

There were many things to say about warm wine, and my heart suddenly settled down.

forget it.

He can do whatever he likes.

In his last life, Xie Heng also held the power of the world. He would rather be a regent scolded by thousands of people than sit in that position.

He has his own persistence in his heart, so why force a change.

He held the hand of warming wine all the time. The stove in the room was smoking and the heat gathered a little.

She was so hot that her palms began to sweat.

Suddenly there was something not very interesting about the young man's eyes.

There was silence in the room for a long time, only a little noise from the wind blowing through the window.

Half a ring.

Wen Jiucai said, "where is Zhao Xi now? It's the easiest time for changes. It's better to take him back to our place first, which is more appropriate."

When Xie Heng heard that sentence, he was very happy and said slowly, "Wanhua temple. ”

Wen Jiu heard the words and said to himself: sure enough, the rumors are not believed.

What she had heard before was that the little emperor had grown up in the Taoist temple since he was a child. How could he be in the Wanhua temple in his life?

The little bald donkey is quite different from the path length.

At least the latter has hair.

She thought in a mess, regardless of whether her hand was still held by Xie Heng, "you have to go to Wanhua temple as soon as possible and find someone to replace Zhao Xi?"

Xie Heng didn't answer.

Wen Jiu couldn't help looking up at him, but found that the young man's eyes had been on the table. The white jade fingertips quietly passed through her fingers and silently clasped her fingers.

Warm wine: "

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

But Xie Heng looked up as if nothing had happened and asked, "what did you just say?"

Warm wine heart way: say your uncle!

She took a deep breath and repeated again, "I'll go to Wanhua temple tomorrow to confirm whether Zhao Xi is there and discuss whether to change him out and hide in a safe place."

Xie Heng was about to nod and suddenly remembered that what she had just said was Wanhua temple. Her face was a little delicate. "Qingyi guards have been there. It's still early now. It's not suitable to scare the snake..."

Before he finished, Wen Jiuding looked at him and asked, "are you afraid that master Wuqiu will take the opportunity to read scriptures to you?"

Xie Heng: "... Yes, yes, I'm most afraid of reading scriptures with Shang."

The young man took the hand of warm wine and shook it gently. It's not coquettish rather than coquettish. "Young lady, please forgive me."

Wenjiu said, "I didn't say you had to go."

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows. "How can I not go when you go?"

What he said was quite natural.

Warm wine was almost surrounded by him. You came and I said a few words. Warm wine was surrounded by him.

Shopkeeper Wen, who wanted to pet Xie Xiaoyan, could only continue to pet him with a smile. After this, she thought that when Xie Heng was away, she would go to Wanhua Temple alone.

Zhao Xi is still young. It's the easiest time for others. If anyone makes random bets with Xie Heng, it's too late to cry.

Since this matter needs to be done, it should be done more thoroughly.


After three days of heavy snow, it has become a primary school that falls from time to time.

Since Wenjiu returned to Dijing, all the business she handled before fell on her.

Especially after Xie Wanjin came back, he said "I have something to find the young lady". After that, the fourth childe went to the gentle country in peace of mind.

The only thing left was warm wine, busy inside and outside, not touching the ground, and Xie Xiaoyan, who was idle at home, became the first hand to turn over the account book for her.

One rare day, when Wen Jiu got up, Xie Heng was not in the wind lotus garden.

Qingyi guard said, "young master, you have something important to do. Let your subordinates tell madam Shao that you must go home before dark."

After listening to the warm wine, my mood was a little subtle.

When you go out, you go out and ask someone to tell you.

On the contrary, it seems that she cares how much he says.

Jin'er and Yu Lu waited on her and said, "my uncle is really more and more..."

Wen Jiu was wiping his hands when he heard that they were so natural and familiar, saying how my uncle was, and suddenly some cheeks turned red, "today I'm going to Wanhua temple, go and prepare."

Although they didn't understand why she suddenly wanted to go to Wanhua temple, they responded very skillfully.

It's a strange coincidence today.

As soon as Wenjiu and his party entered Wanhua temple, they met someone she had been hiding from

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