It's not good to be warm in wine. The girl Xiaoliu has a quick mouth. A good word from her mouth seems to change the taste.

She lifted her eyes and saw that the young man in Fei clothes was walking towards this side through the ethereal smoke.

Xie Heng didn't go to court for many days. In the wind lotus garden, he always looked like a romantic childe with big sleeves and light clothes. He hung a jade pendant on his waist. The tassel was red like fire. His ink hair was only vertical with a red hair band. His hair flew with the wind when walking, and his cloud sleeve clothes flew with him.

The little king of hell's eyebrows and eyes were poetic and picturesque, slightly hooked his lips, and his smile flowed in his eyes. He faded his anger of chopping anyone who didn't go well. It was clear that he was an elegant young man at the right age.

"What is predestined or not?"

As soon as Xie Heng opened his mouth, he inevitably brought a bit of vinegar.

When a pair of amber eyes looked at the warm wine, they almost wrote on their face, "do you dare to have a chance with others?"

Wenjiu reached out without thinking, pulled him over, stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "Zhao Xi! The little monk holding the flower cat is Zhao Xi."

Although she knew that the Qingyi guards were reliable, in her memory, Zhao Xi lived in a Taoist temple before returning to the royal family.

Suddenly she became a monk. She felt something was wrong in her heart. It was hard to rest assured that she had not seen it in person.

Seeing Xie Heng coming at the moment, I immediately forgot that I came behind his back. I just thought that the future Regent could have a better relationship with the future little emperor by finding Zhao Xi first.

Xie Heng smelled the speech, but he didn't even give an eye to the future Little Emperor. He took it easy to reach out and pinned her hair disordered by the wind to his ear. With a smile, he said, "in front of so many people, what's your hurry?"

Warm wine: "

Around them, people's eyes fell on them, full of curiosity and speculation. Most of the people who came to burn incense and worship Buddha were Houzhai ladies.

In an instant, 35% of them were talking head to ear:

"What did Wen Caishen mean by that drag just now? Are you afraid that Xie Xiaoyan will be robbed?"

"The little king of hell laughs. He's trying to seduce the soul! How many girls will this man harm when he puts away his butcher's knife?"

"I... suddenly think they have a husband and wife face. What's the matter?"

They all lowered their voices. All kinds of voices mixed together, but they became more and more dizzy with warm wine.

She just wanted to tell Xie Heng something important.

What the hell are these people talking about?!

It happened that Xie Heng had a stronger smile in his eyes, bent over and whispered to her, "what's the matter? Let's talk about it at home, huh?"

The boy's warm breath slowly rustled in his ears, and the hot air rushed into the skirt room along his neck. The warm wine's heart beat a little fiercely, and a hazy water light also appeared in his apricot eyes.

It's surrounded by smoke and the secular world is troubled.

There are many important things that need them to do.

But now.

When Wen Jiu heard him say "go home", he felt that there was nothing else to say except nodding.


She nodded and said in a warm voice, "OK."

"That's good."

Xie Heng bent his fingers and flicked the glass beads in the middle of Wen wine's eyebrows. His strength was not heavy, but it was kind of like a deliberate flirtation.

The young man smiled, his eyes and tail were slightly picked, and the innate three-point romantic color expanded to seven or eight points in a moment.

The appearance, sound and color have confused people to the extreme, but you are still proud. No matter you are the prince of heaven, I won't serve you if I'm not happy!

It's only to his sweetheart that he has such a smile and warmth.

Even if the little Yama is notorious, the young ladies who come around to burn incense and pray for Buddha still can't help but stop and look more.

Wen Jiu's cheeks were slightly hot, and he couldn't help reaching out and touching his forehead.

As soon as I looked down, I found that two small people were staring at her. Zhao Xi, who handed the sachet to half, was also looking at her.

The scene is quite subtle.

Warm wine, don't look at them again, just don't look at them.

It happened that Xie Heng took her hand and walked in front of several small. First, he knocked on the head of the little bald donkey Zhao Xi. When his hand fell, he took the sachet and threw it into Xie Xiaoliu's arms. "How old is it? Even his belongings are thrown everywhere. If someone picks it up again next time, wait to be someone else's little daughter-in-law!"

The young man's actions are like clouds and flowing water at one go.

The eldest brother is full of airs when training others.

Just warm the wine. I always feel something wrong.

She said that the little monk was Zhao Xi. Why did Xie Heng do it!

Don't you think your life is too long?

The next moment.

He heard Xie Xiaoliu very curious and asked, "elder brother means that if I look at someone in the future, I can just secretly give him my belongings?"

Wen Jiu took a slight puff from the corner of his eye and asked Xie Heng, "does that mean?"

Xie Xiaoliu took her small sachet and her eyes were cunning. "That's what the elder brother meant. Sister-in-law, I know. Let's not ask the elder brother. It's boring to say it twice."

"Then I have to go home and ask someone to get me more jade pendants and sachets."

Xie Xiaoqi thought for a long time and said, "it's rare in the world that you are so handsome like me. What if you don't send too many girls who like me in the future?"

Wenjiu couldn't help laughing, "OK, go back and let someone prepare more for you."

Small six and small seven looked at each other, and their eyes were full of contempt.

Xie Heng held warm wine in one hand and another hand was empty. He raised his hand and knocked on his two small heads, "who learned this problem?"

Little six and little seven said together, "elder brother..."

The ending didn't have time to lengthen, so it was quickly converted into, "elder brother's good brother, our good fourth brother!"

Xie Heng smiled, "you two really owe a lesson."

Little six and seven smiled and pretended to be stupid and didn't answer.

Warm wine quickly made a round of the scene, "Xiao Liu, the sachet was found by little Shifu for you. Thank you, little Shifu."

The Xie family is very polite outside, no matter what they look like at home.

What's more, the noise in Wanhua Temple today is so loud that it will naturally end better.

Xie Xiaoliu's little thumb hooked the sachet, stepped forward, smiled brightly and saluted the little bald donkey, "thank you, little bald and little master."

She was very shallow from Zhao Xi. As soon as she raised her eyes, she looked at the little boy's eyes with very light pupil color.

He was stunned for a long time. He always said witty words. At the moment, he forgot how to thank people.

Only a moment later, the little cat lying on Zhao Xi's shoulder suddenly ran down and disappeared into the crowd with Xie Xiaoliu's sachet in his mouth.

Xie Xiaoliu: "

Xie Xiaoqi: "

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng looked at each other: how many meanings does this mean?

Xie Heng smiled and said, "this cat is very interesting."

After a while, Xie Xiaoliu came back and shouted, "elder brother, my sachet has been taken away again!!!"

Xie Heng said slowly, "well, I saw it."

Xie Xiaoliu: "... I saw it?"

Nothing else?

Xie Heng turned around with a smile and walked into the crowd with warm wine in his voice. "You shout it and see if it will come back by itself."

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