The Buddhist temple was chanted with Sanskrit, and the crowd was surging in front of the door.

Xie Heng left with warm wine. The pace was not slow. The people around him retreated on both sides, and his eyes involuntarily stayed on this pair of jade people.

The voice of discussion faded a lot unconsciously.

"Elder brother..."

Xie Xiaoliu shouted again, but there was no echo.

The little girl looked at her eldest brother who only knew how to lead her sister-in-law, looked at the direction of the flower cat flying away, bit her lip, and whispered, "if you have a sister-in-law, you don't want a sister, hum!"

Next to Xie Xiaoqi came up and bit her ear, "cry, brother, and I'll help you find the sachet."

Xiao Liu looked at him with a smile, then stepped on Xiao Qi's foot and changed his face in an instant. "Your brother is your brother. You can only be your brother when you are born late. You don't want to turn over as my brother in your life!"

After saying that, the little girl glanced at xiaoheshang with a faint eye around her, "don't let me see the cat again!"

Before the sound fell, people had gone.

Xie Xiaoqi fell at the end and hurriedly chased up, "what are you doing so fast? You haven't got the sachet back yet? Don't take it now? Hey... You're waiting for me!"

The party returned to the wind lotus garden. It was already dusk.

Dinner had already been prepared in the flower hall. When several maids saw that two small ones had also come, they quickly added two bowls and chopsticks to serve the little master.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng sat next to each other, the lights flickering beside them, and the aroma of dishes on the table overflowed.

Little six and seven have been talking about the sachet. They want to have a fight. They are reluctant to put down their chopsticks and food in the bowl.

While groaning for food, did you stare at me.

With these two living treasures, the wind lotus garden is more and more lively.

"Don't look at him."

Xie Heng filled a bowl of crucian carp soup and handed it to Wen wine. Naturally, he robbed the maid's work without knowing it.

Wenjiu smiled, "who am I looking at without looking at them?"

The little Yama was probably soaked in a vinegar jar. Before, those young managers came to the wind Lotus Garden several times. Later, they all looked like they wouldn't come if they could. They came in with soft legs.

Someone said: I was stared at by the little king of hell. I'm afraid I'll go to the king of hell hall in the middle of the night.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "look at me. ”

Wenjiu said seriously, "I'm afraid it won't work."

Xie Heng raised his eyes slightly, "why not?"

Wen Jiu held back his smile, stretched out his index finger and gently provoked the boy's jaw. He said very seriously, "the little gentleman is beautiful and edible. If I often look at you at dinner, won't I soon become a fat man?"

Xie Heng looked at him, his eyes slightly stunned.

Miss Wen always only loves silver. She often says she hasn't read a few books and doesn't have any ink in her stomach.

Although there was no delay in doing business, it was a little difficult to say any elegant words from her mouth

I didn't want Leng Buding to talk about love, but it makes people's heart vibrate like this.

The boy's face was as usual, but the root of his ear suddenly got hot and faintly turned pink.

"Drink the soup first."

Xie Heng handed it to her with his left hand. Suddenly he felt that some posture was wrong, and then changed to his right hand.

Ah Jiu praised him?!

So caught off guard

In front of so many people.


The waitresses were busy preparing dishes for miss six and childe seven. The two little ones were busy eating. When they saw that warm wine had molested little Yama, they pretended not to see it.

It's important to keep your life.

It's important to keep your life!

Wen Jiu naturally stretched out her hand to pick it up. These days, she was stared at by Xie Heng to make up this and that. She was used to eating whatever he gave.

The boy sitting on his side is straight, and there may not be such a correct sitting posture above the Palace Banquet.

Wen Jiu glanced at him with a smile, "why don't you eat?"


Xie Heng picked up the chopsticks with his left hand.

Xie Xiaoliu: "

Xie Xiaoqi: "

A group of maids beside him, "..."

Xie Heng held two mouthfuls of rice in his left hand. He didn't think there was anything wrong. He looked up and asked the people, "what are you doing looking at me like this?"

The ladies quickly bowed their heads as if they didn't see anything.

Little six and little seven are crazy about cooking, and their little shoulders are shaking all the time.

I wish I could bury my face in a bowl and cover my laughing face.

Wenjiu smiled with curved eyebrows and eyes. After drinking two mouthfuls of soup, he suddenly remembered something and asked the boy in a low voice, "what... Were you so cute when you were a child?"

Xie Heng thought for a moment, nodded and shook his head, "it's not so noisy."

Wenjiu pressed his hand when he picked up the fish bone with his left hand, took out the chopsticks and stuffed them into his right hand.

At this point.

Xiaoliuhe Xiaoqi couldn't help but put down the dishes and chopsticks and fell down on the chair laughing wildly.

"Elder brother! Elder brother! You also have today!"

"If his sister-in-law hadn't pressed his hand, it is estimated that the elder brother would have finished the meal with his left hand!"

Warm wine can't help it. The corners of the eyes and eyebrows are stained with a smile.

God knows that little Yama is such a pure man.

Flirting, it's like this.

Xie Heng's expression was slightly stiff, "..."

The two little ones are too rampant.

After a while.

He said, "I was just practicing my left hand."

"Yes, what the elder brother says is what he says."

The two little girls couldn't stop laughing.

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