Jin Eryu Lu leads the way, and Zhao Jingyi walks slowly.

The scenery of the wind lotus garden is unique, and the clear water is vast. If the wind blows the fragrance of lotus in summer and the stars and moon come at night, it is not too much to say that it is a rare good place in the world.

Unfortunately, it's a cold winter now. The water has formed ice, leaving only a bleak snow scene. A few red plum trees are scattered by the arch, which can be regarded as a bit of color.

The maids kept a distance from the big princess. No one dared to speak without warm wine.

Zhao Jingyi unconsciously dialed the Buddha beads on her wrist. When she passed a door, she suddenly saw two young monks walking in the yard.

She stepped and looked up, "Chaohua Pavilion."

A moment later.

She went straight in.

Jin'er Yulu was stunned. When she reacted, the big princess, who was like entering her own back garden, had gone to the center of the hospital.

The ice and snow on the eaves melted and turned into ice water and fell down along the tiles. Zhao Jingyi walked in the residual snow in a rouge Luo skirt, and her red lips rose slightly.

As soon as the two little monks saw her, their faces became a little subtle, "Gong..."

As soon as they spoke a word, Zhao Jingyi raised her hand and motioned them to shut up and step aside.

She stepped up the steps, only two steps away from the door of the main house. As soon as she looked up, she saw the white monk coming out.

For a moment, they happened to be inside and outside the door.

Four eyes are opposite.

The Chaohua pavilion was silent.

Jin'er Yulu didn't know, so she stood a few steps away and whispered, "princess, LiNbO platform is over there..."

"This palace looks very good here."

Zhao Jingyi said, directly across the threshold and walked in.

Jin'er was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to have any objection to what the big princess did. As long as he turned and looked at Ying Wuqiu, "master, this..."

He nodded slightly and said "no harm".

The voice fell, but the man stood by the door without moving.

Sandalwood was burning in the house, curling away, and there was a faint sound of chanting.

Zhao Jingyi took a few steps inside. As soon as she opened the veil, she saw a young boy sitting around chanting scriptures. However, in her teens, she had a mole in the center of her eyebrows and a good face like jade. When she opened her eyes, she was a little invisible.

"I see."

She leaned against the curtain of the compartment, looked back at the lover who had no desire and no desire, and said with a smile: "the palace thought you were closed to meditation every year and didn't intend to come out. Doesn't it mean that the people who practice meditation don't care about our mundane affairs? Why are you taking care of him now?"

I should have stood still for a few moments, with a mild look, "Princess highness laughed."

He will always be like this without waves and waves. I think all living beings look like this.

Zhao Jingyi looked at it and couldn't help getting angry. "Do you think no matter what I say to you, I'm joking."

Should not ask, do not speak, silently turn the Buddha beads on your hands.

Zhao Jingyi hated him the most. No matter how close she was, her heart was as far away as the horizon. She walked towards him quickly without thinking about it. "Don't you speak? Aren't you powerful? Why do you only hide and silence when you come to me?"

Should not have hurried back two steps in a hurry, directly withdrew from the door, the tiny chin first voice, "Amitabha, Princess highness, please stop."

Zhao Jingyi stood by the door, some self mockingly hooked her lips, "there should be no request. Until today, don't you have anything to say to me?"

There should be no silence for a long time. Then she said, "please don't be close to the ten steps of the poor monk."

The wind blew the white robe of the young monk, and plum blossoms fluttered under the eaves and crossed his eyebrows.

Zhao Jingyi reached out and caught it, looking at the petals flying in the palm of her hand.

She asked him, "why ten steps?"

He said nothing, his face was as calm as before, just slightly lowered his head, watched the numerous flower Mei petals fall to the ground, and wanted to fly around the man's Rouge skirt.

Zhao Jingyi couldn't wait for an answer. Her white fingertips gently brushed her cuffs, "just, I knew you didn't want to say more to me."

She smiled. "The little evil inside is not much better than this palace. Please take care of yourself, master."

With that, Zhao Jingyi turned and left.

When he passed Ying Wuqiu's side, the silent young monk suddenly opened his mouth, "Congratulations, your highness."

Zhao Jingyi walked at random and left.

Haven't you been like this for so many years?

When I can't see him, I want to see him anyway.

But I really saw it and couldn't say a word.

Master Wuqiu, who treats everyone equally, is only stingy to say one more word to her.


You can only get this sentence: "Congratulations, your highness."

Zhao Jingyi was silent, raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows, and quickly walked out of Chaohua Pavilion.

At the moment she stepped out of the courtyard, she closed her eyes, raised her hand, brushed the frost, covered a layer of crystal grass and trees, took the wind with her big sleeves, and her ink hair flew.

The two little maids behind him followed not far or near, and even dared not go out of the atmosphere.

Emperor Tianjia is a charming girl, a phoenix with golden branches and jade leaves.

The great princess was born with great beauty and talent. It seems that she has occupied all the good things in the world.

But it just seems.

"That's right."

Zhao Jingyi, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and asked with a smile, "your shopkeeper said there was enough wine control. Don't deceive people?"

Jin'er Yulu couldn't slow down at once. After a while, she said in unison: "be sure to be enough. Our shopkeeper can't deceive you!"

Zhao Jingyi looked at them and said with a smile: "you know your master's virtue."

Jin'er Yulu: "

My heart wailed: young lady, listen to us... This is really not our intention.

Wenjiu, who was pacing back and forth at the arch of the flower hall, suddenly sneezed.

Xie Heng, who was joking with Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi, turned around. It seemed that Danfeng was a little surprised in her eyes, "ah Jiu, what are you doing there?"

Wen Jiu hasn't figured out how to tell him about Xie Fu.

Then he heard the boy say with a smile, "come here."

The hand under the warm wine sleeve rubbed gently, walked up to several people, smiled and said, "what are you talking about? So happy?"

Little six and little seven stepped back, "sister-in-law, I'd better ask my eldest brother."

Then he ran, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

Wenjiu didn't come to ask them to slow down. As soon as he looked up, he looked at the boy, "Xie Dongfeng, why are you looking at me like this?"

Xie Heng raised his hand and dialed the glass beads between her forehead. "You seem to have something to say to me?"

"HMM." Wenjiu reached out and grabbed his sleeve and said slowly, "the old emperor gave the general's house to the third brother."

Xie Heng looked at her for a long time, "then?"

Warm wine didn't speak.

The old emperor is so disgusting. What else do you want?

The young man leaned over and asked her with a smile, "ah Jiu, do you want to know what to do at this time? Can you pay him back in his own way?"

Warm wine slightly picked from the corners of his eyes, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Xie Heng said with a smile, "move back to Xie's house immediately, occupy the place, don't move, eat the salary of the third childe, and use the people of the third childe. Can the old emperor manage the heaven and the earth, and also manage the rebellious brothers to dump the scoundrels? I'm afraid he will spit blood at least twice as soon as the news gets back to the palace."

That sounds reasonable.

But when you think about it, there's something wrong.

Wen Jiu's eyebrows jumped slightly, "how do I feel... You just deceived me to go back with you to see grandma?"

Xie Heng smiled in his eyes and said solemnly, "tut Tut, it seems to you."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose.

This guy is shameless. This guy really doesn't want it at all.

Xie Heng lowered his head, put his chin on her shoulder and rubbed it gently.

The young man's voice was low and hoarse, with a somewhat confused color, "my boss Wen, do you want to take me back to kill and export the evil spirit?"

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