In the end, Wen Jiu didn't know what he thought, so he went back to Xie Fu with Xie Heng.

Several Qingyi guards said that the eldest princess and the Wuqiu master were greeted by them.

Little six and seven were chattering on one side. Wen Jiu walked to the alley just one street from Xie Fu, and then gradually calmed down.

Xie Heng looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Then what..."

Wen Jiu raised his head, rubbed his eyebrows and whispered, "isn't it good for us to go back like this? The eldest princess and master Wuqiu are still in the wind lotus garden? They are like that... If they are not careful..."

Xie Heng took her hand and led her forward. "There are green guards here. They can do it even if they fight."

Warm wine eyes color some subtle, "they certainly won't fight."

But in this world, there are more troublesome things than fighting.

"Don't worry, no matter how ridiculous the princess is, she won't do anything without asking." Xie Heng said with a smile as he walked forward: "not to mention that Xiaoye is still there. She will come out if anything happens. ”

When he mentioned Ye Zhiqiu, he remembered that this man had not appeared in front of her since the day Xie came.

I don't know what's going on.

Xie Heng is usually mysterious enough. The Qingyi guards under him come and go without a trace. Now he has become like this with Xiaoye.

Wenjiu's thoughts are a little confused. Unconsciously, he is approaching Xie's house.

She suddenly regained her consciousness and stood where she was and refused to come forward.

Xie Heng turned back and asked her with a smile, "what's the matter?"

The boy seemed to have expected her to be like this.

Her shadow was reflected in Xinghua's shining amber eyes, so that Wenjiu couldn't find a reason to say anything and couldn't hide.

Wenjiu's palms began to sweat, looked up at him and said, "isn't it good for us to go back empty handed? Why don't we... Buy something."

She always has a problem. When she is flustered, she either drags money or spends a lot of money.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that can make people feel more stable than this hobby.

Xie Heng looked at her and said, "shopkeeper Wen, why did you forget what we did back so soon?"

Wenjiu's face was also hot and said slowly, "I didn't forget."

It's just in front of the door. I'm a little nervous.

I don't know why I couldn't help agreeing to Xie Heng just now.

It can be seen that the blue face is a disaster, which makes people uneasy and really does harm to others.

Little six said behind him, "there's nothing missing at home, so there's no need for a wife. Just go back."

Xiao Qi followed the conversation and said, "please, sister-in-law."

Behind him, a group of young ladies and waitresses bowed their heads and smiled, that is, there were not many pedestrians on the road in winter, otherwise there would be more passers-by watching the excitement. I'm afraid shopkeeper Wen would have to find a seam to drill in.


At the moment, she barely maintained the shock on her face. In fact, she felt empty every step to Xie's house.

Xie Heng clenched her hand and whispered, "it's really hard, my shopkeeper Wen."

The wind whispered slowly in my ears, and the young Qingyue's voice, with a flying smile, blew into the warm wine's ears and scattered.

It's a cold winter, but it's surprisingly hot to warm wine.

When he came to the door of Xie's house, the carriage from the palace also stopped in front of the people. What came down were another capable internal servant Li Hong and two accompanying small internal servants around the old emperor. He was stunned when he saw Xie Heng, Wen Jiu and others.

After a while.

Li Hongcai smiled and said, "it's master Xie, shopkeeper Wen. How did you come here today? The master of Xie's house has changed. I'm afraid you can't go in again."

This man is famous for holding high and stepping low. He is also an old man in the palace. Compared with Wang Liang, he can be called a specimen of "I step on you if you have no right".

Xie Heng hooked his lip, "Oh, why is it difficult to enter the method?"

As soon as Wen Jiu heard this, he knew that the little king of hell, who had always been able to move his hands and never moved his mouth, was going to start to fight against people.

It happened that Li Hong didn't notice it. He brushed the dust in his hand and walked up to Xie Heng with his chin raised. "Childe Xie, why do you ask so clearly and humiliate yourself?"

The waiter beside him was also quick, "it's no secret that you don't get along with Xie Shilang. Now the general's house has become Shilang's house. If I were you, I would have..."

The waiter's words were only half said. After being glanced at by Xie Heng, he unconsciously shut up and stepped back two steps.

Xie Heng glanced at the crowd from a condescending position. His thin lips were slightly hooked, and he gently shook his hand holding warm wine. "Shopkeeper Wen, how can I feel a little itchy."

The boy said this very casually.

There was even a smile in his voice, which was somewhat coquettish.

But the people changed their faces at the moment, with a panic expression that they wanted to run away.

Warm wine, some want to laugh, and some helpless, "wait."

The shock on everyone's face: wait? What do you mean waiting?

Then a blue soft sedan stopped a few steps In addition, plenty of food and clothing opened the car curtain, and the boy in purple came out.

A handsome face like a crown of jade, like an iceberg for many years, looked at the people in front of the door, and became more and more friendly and expressionless.

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