On this day, the fourth childe was stunned and didn't get close to warming wine within five steps.

Wenjiu talked with the old lady and Mrs. Xie for a long time in songhetang. No one mentioned the absurd marriage on that day, but said that for the rest of his life, the estrangement that once destroyed his heart dispersed silently.

Xie Heng accompanied him, talking and laughing from time to time, and a small six and seven were laughing and making trouble in front of him, so the general's house became a Shilang's house, which seemed to be just lively for others to see.

It seems to outsiders that the Xie brothers are full of wind and rain. Living under the same roof is bound to cause a lot of trouble.

How do you know that when the storm is coming, it is a blessing in life to be able to live at home together.

The people in the mansion came and went. Not long after Li Hong returned to the palace, several palace attendants were sent down, saying they were for Xie Yu. They always spoke with a little bit of shame. Since the little Yama can come back and live shamelessly, there will inevitably be conflicts in the future. The emperor sent us to set rules for the people, all for Xie Shilang.

A group of people stood in the lobby. The head waiter smiled, but his eyes were full of contempt.

As soon as Mrs. Xie heard this, she was so angry that she immediately got up and scolded again. She was stopped by Xie Yucheng and recited several heart clearing and fire removing formulas.

A moment later.

Mrs. Xie got up and said, "go and get me a bowl of bird's nest porridge."

Xie Wanjin whispered helplessly and funny, "Aung, you've eaten enough tonight."

Xie Sanfu humanitarian: "who said I wanted to eat? I poured it and fed the dog!"

People: "

Several people who had just come out of the palace were stunned when they heard this. They didn't speak or don't speak.

Why are the Xie family so different from others?

Given a mansion, the people in the palace ran several times in a row, and the new dignitary Xie Shilang didn't even show his face.

Wen Jiu slowly got up and said with a smile, "since you are here to serve Sheriff Xie, you won't bother with the chores in the house. It's perfect. Let them take it."

She didn't say a word or even give them a chance to talk nonsense.

This is not the first time that people have been sent to the palace. There are many smart people in the last time. In the end, they are not behave properly.

She thought about it this time. If she sent it to the third childe to shut the door, she could almost learn.

Before the palace people could finish, they were taken out.

The night outside the eaves came quietly, the shadows of trees in the courtyard were flying, and the ladies in the palace were wearing skirts.

Wen Jiu looked out of the window. Every day, there are big and small things. Emperor capital is a very lively place.

"It's getting late, too." Mr. Xie rubbed his forehead, got up and said, "I'm a little tired after talking for a long time. Go back and have a rest."

Little six and seven followed their grandmother back to Songhe hall.

Xie Wanjin and Xie Yucheng are still talking with the third lady about whether the dog will lose its hair by feeding the bird's nest porridge to the dog.

Wen Jiu finally got up and left. When he stepped out of the threshold, Xie Heng suddenly reached out and hooked her little thumb and slowly said, "madam, I want to drink."

Their sleeves were wide and covered their hooked hands. The night wind hit and fluttered over each other.

The lamps under the eaves swayed, and the warm halo crossed through the residual snow. Some of them shook their eyes, warm wine, long eyelashes, and suddenly some couldn't walk.

After a while, she asked, "what kind of wine do you want?"

Xie Heng leaned over. If his warm lips seemed to wipe her sideburns, his voice was low for a few minutes, "I want to drink any kind."

Warm wine coughed, "that's it."

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows. As soon as he was about to ask her what this meant, he was pulled by warm wine and walked quickly through the corridor.

Looking back, Xiao Liu asked strangely, "why is the elder brother's ear red?"

"Really! Xiao Qi jumped up and looked at him and whispered," what's wrong with your eldest brother? "


The palace people were a little confused by the disregard of the Xie family. They just arrived at the yard where Xie Yu lived. Before they slowed down, they saw a beautiful woman in white standing outside the main house. In a faint tone, "adults don't like others to enter the house. If you have anything to say, just stand outside the door."

Just at night, the wind blew purple bamboo, bamboo leaves drifted all over the sky, and sporadic pieces floated into the window.

A lamp was lit in the room. Xie Xuan sat on the table by the window, read the confession, and brushed away the fallen leaves from the tree.

The light of fire envelops the jade like young man, the elegance of pine and bamboo, and the coldness of frost and snow.

Although the leading palace lady was not full of time, she was very respectful to the young and promising waiter. She took a group of people to the window, gently explained her intention, and added something about the cold treatment of the Xie family in front of the hall.

Speaking of "the emperor sent us as a favor to the Chamberlain. The Xie family treated you like before, but now they despise the emperor's will..." when she looked up at Xie, she was three times afraid and seven times timid, and her tone was somewhat provocative.

Jiang has no time to directly look away. He is too lazy to look more.

And after the maid of honor's voice fell, only four times remained quietly.

Xie Pei's written confession didn't pay attention to her at all.

After waiting for a long time, the palace maid was unable to hold on. She couldn't help but say, "thank you, sir? Are you listening? I just..."

"Who sent them here?"

Xie Yu interrupted coldly, closed his confession and put it on the top right of the table with a slight frown. "What has madam Shao done? How can anyone enter my yard?"

The third childe never talks much. He often looks a little heavy. If he says one or two more words, he will be scared to death.

Several palace attendants immediately became bloodless and wanted to speak. At the moment, they had to kneel in front of the window and listen to their hair.

Rich in food and clothing, he hurried forward and said bitterly, "return, sir, these are the people sent from the palace."

Jiang wucai added, "Mrs. Shao asked someone to bring it."

As soon as Xie Xuan heard this, his face became more and more expressionless. He raised his hand slightly and directly put down the window. He was not bothered by the people outside.

A moment later.

Even the lights went out.

There was only a clear and cold sound "let her take people away."

There was a long silence in the hospital.

Fengyi answered "yes" and whispered to the people kneeling in front of the window, "get up and retreat outside the hospital. When the young lady is willing to come and take you, you will have a place to go."

The leading maid was unwilling, "we are ordered to serve Xie Shilang. How can we send him away at will?"

Jiang wucai stood a few steps away and said, "if you don't go, kneel far away. When you go out tomorrow morning, you will probably be in a bad mood again. It will be difficult for a large group of people."

"You..." several little maids were very wronged, "why do you say that about us?"

Jiang wucai smiled carelessly and asked, "do you know where you were wrong just now?"

Everyone shook their heads, "I don't know."

Jiang wucai said, "it's not a mistake to try to be clever in front of the new master."

Foot food understood God and said in one side, "what's wrong is that you shouldn't thank everyone in your family every word. What is everyone and who is in everyone?"

The palace people were stunned for a long time and suddenly could not speak.

Finally, Fengyi added, "for the sake of working in the same place in the future, I remind you: in front of our adults, it's not good to say anyone, except the young lady."

Suddenly, they got up and retreated outside the hospital. Everyone was very worried.

On the first day I came here, I was rejected because I spoke ill of my Lord's sweetheart. How can I live in the future?

Well fed and well-off, Jiang wucai stood under the bamboo branches, looked at each other silently, and then hid in the night, hiding his merit and reputation.

At the third watch of the night, a secret letter came into the palace:

Xie Yu's love for warm wine was true. He hated Xie Heng deeply and humiliated him by not going in and out of the gate, which caused the dissatisfaction of the Xie family. Then he lived alone in the same courtyard and ignored it.

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