And that night.

Warm wine took Xie Heng to the wine cellar in the house, lit a lamp, took out the wine brewed in the past, opened the seal, directly poured it on a large bowl, and placed a whole row in front of the boy, with ten bowls.

She put her hand on the wine jar and said, "drink whatever you want."

Xie Heng laughed, "young lady, you are really..."

"How can I?" Wenjiu picked slightly from the corner of his eye. "Didn't you say you wanted to drink? It's not enough to say what you wanted? If it's not enough, I'll bring it to you. The most important thing in our family is wine."

Many of the wines made by warm wine have been left behind. Thinking that the aged wines are rare, they are rarely given to outsiders, so they are kept for their own people to drink.

As she spoke, she turned to carry the wine.

The next moment.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and held her wrist. "My little lady, you can sit down."

The young man smiled on his lips in a gentle and affectionate tone.

The smell of wine is everywhere, and a candle is dim in the middle of the night.

Warm wine sat beside him, took his hand back without trace, took up a bowl of wine to respect the boy, "Na, drink my wine, but..."

The second half of her sentence "don't be unhappy" hasn't finished yet.

Then Xie Heng said, "I drank your wine and I'm your man."

He looked up and drank the wine in the bowl.

Wenjiu was stunned: "...."

What's wrong with this?

Xie Heng put his hand on his ear and looked at her.

The side face of the young handsome unmarried man was shrouded in fire, and a pair of amber eyes were shining, reflecting her appearance.

"Ah Jiu."

He suddenly whispered to her.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, took a bowl of wine and drank it all at once. Then he felt his mind back and answered, "huh?"

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and gently wiped the wine stains on the corners of her lips with his finger. He couldn't help but hook his lips. "Why is it so urgent?"

Wenjiu's cheek was a little hot and leaned back slightly.

Heart: drink to strengthen courage.

In the middle of the night, lonely men and women didn't feel anything before. Now it's... Mostly guilty.

A boy like Xie Heng, who was born with a gorgeous face, even when he was hostile, still couldn't help feeling that he was blessed, let alone now.

One more look, one more look.

What should I do?

"Why don't you talk?" Xie Heng stood up with one hand on the table.

Then, he leaned over slowly, sniffed the wine on her lips, and said in a low voice, "how can I smell... The wine you just drank, especially fragrant?"

The warm lips of teenagers are close at hand.

As long as you warm wine and open your mouth, you can touch it.

It was quiet in the dead of night.

Only each other's heartbeat is particularly clear.

The young man kissed down slowly. Warm wine was a little unstable. He grabbed Xie Heng's sleeve in one hand and fastened the corner of the table in the other hand. His long eyelashes trembled uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a sound came from below.

Wen Jiu pushed Xie Heng away. He heard that the floor shifted two steps away. The third childe didn't know when he leaned out most of his body and looked at them expressionless.

"Three, three elder brothers..." Wen Jiu stuttered with fear. His little face turned red and quickly got up, "how did you come up from the bottom?"

Xie Xuan was standing there, not up and down, but it looked much more natural than warm wine.

It's not like the one who takes a tunnel in the middle of the night and interferes with the good things of others.

"How did you get out of here?" Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, got up and went to the third childe and stretched out a hand to him.

Xie Xuan grasped it expressionless, jumped out of the tunnel with a slight cool tone and said, "passing by."

"Tut." Xie Heng's eyes and tail were slightly raised, "it's really time for the third childe to pass by."

The two brothers can open their eyes and lie more than one.

Wen Jiu reached out to help his forehead and couldn't help asking, "when was this tunnel dug?"

Why doesn't she know anything?

Once upon a time, the secret road in Xie's house in Changping County was the same. Why didn't she find out that the third childe still has the habit of digging tunnels?

Xie Yu glanced at her and said faintly, "when you don't know."

Warm wine: "

Isn't that when she doesn't know?

If she knew, what else could she ask.

The third childe doesn't look good. Obviously, he's in a bad mood.

Wenjiu thought he was a watcher. Naturally, he knew that he couldn't stand up to him at this time. He just smiled. "Since the third brother came, sit down. There are still a lot of wine here. You haven't been able to talk well for a long time. This is a good opportunity to sit and drink together tonight."

She just dropped her voice.

Xie Xuan said with a handsome face and a slightly cold face, "I never like drinking."

"Well..." Wen Jiu thought for a while. Now it's not easy to go out to get other things, so he had to say, "then you can make do with it tonight."

make fun of.

If she went out to make tea or something at this time, wouldn't she tell outsiders that there was something fishy in the wine cellar?

Xie Yu stared at her for a moment and was speechless.

"OK, sit down." Xie Heng stretched out his hand and took the third childe to sit at the wine table. "If you don't like drinking, you don't drink. No one forced you. Come to me in the middle of the night. What's the matter?"

Wen Jiu was busy putting the wine bowl in front of the third childe on the other side. When he heard the speech, he couldn't help looking up at them.

Xie Yu was silent and didn't speak for a moment.

Xie Heng said, "don't say anything to me. I happened to pass by. It's only ah Jiuxin."

Still frightened by the third childe, I have to believe it.

Xie Xuan pondered for a long time before he said, "all the people in Nanning palace were killed on the way to Beijing."

Xie Heng and Wen Jiu both looked at each other, and a cold color crossed their eyes.

At the beginning, Yunzhou was very noisy. Although Xie Heng and Xie Yu didn't come back together, they rushed back at the fastest speed. Those people in Nanning palace were escorted to Beijing and were assassinated several times, delaying many days.

Since the third childe had been on guard for a long time, it's difficult to die.

I never thought that this was close to Dijing, but such news came.

Xie Heng said, "the third childe thinks who did it?"

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