Xie Yu said, "elder brother, why do you ask clearly."

"The third childe's words are bad." Xie Heng took a bowl of wine, drank it up, raised his sleeve and wiped his lips, "the world is so big and there are so many people. God knows what variables there will be. For example, Zhao qingluan and Zhao Qingfeng, when they were in Yunzhou, how could they think that they would become mole ants on the ground when they left the boundary of Yunzhou?"

Wen Jiu listened and nodded unconsciously.

Xie Yu glanced at her.

In the daytime, the upstarts in the imperial court in purple robes and jade belts are wearing light clothes slowly. They are born with a jade appearance and immortal appearance. They are more and more ethereal in the dim light.

Somehow, Wenjiu suddenly felt the chill behind him.

She moved to the side involuntarily and said in a low voice, "are all the people in Nanning palace really dead? There is no better way?"

Zhao Li's children are not very good. For example, Zhao qingluan's life is like dust without his superior status.

However, Zhao Qingfeng didn't seem to be the one who would die so easily.

Warm wine thought, unconsciously brought a bowl of wine and drank it slowly.

As soon as the wine entered my throat, I suddenly felt something wrong.

As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw the eyes of Xie Heng and the third childe looking at her hand.

"What... It's all poured out. What a pity not to drink..."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, the voice gradually decreased and could not be heard.

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "it's not easy to know? Whether it's dead or alive, he will come to the third childe in two days."

"That's true," Wen said. "Those who want them to die must be sitting uneasy by now."

The two men talked with light wind and light clouds.

It seems that they are just talking about whose new wine is more fragrant.

Xie Xuan frowned and said, "they're not easy, and they won't let you live. Can you laugh?"

Although this was said to Xie Heng, he had a headache when he listened to warm wine.

She couldn't help rubbing the center of her eyebrows.

Xie Heng's tone of voice on his side said casually, "isn't there our three CHILDES here? I can laugh as my brother should. There's nothing to panic about."

Xie Yu closed his eyes, simply ignored him and quietly dried a bowl of wine.

Warm wine surprised.

The third childe is very angry.

It happened that Xie Heng was still smiling lazily and wantonly, "three CHILDES, I haven't seen you for a few days. I'm good at drinking."

Warm wine more headache, heart way: you can shut up!

Xie Xuan stopped talking and pushed the wine bowl directly in front of Xie Heng. The wine color was growing in the light of the fire. In the eyes of outsiders, the two brothers were killing each other.

He closed the door and sat at the same table drinking.

Xie Heng's drinking capacity is needless to say. When he was young, he was famous in all kinds of taverns. The third childe is also a kind of God man who doesn't drink at all, drinks several bowls and doesn't show intoxication on his face.

Wen Jiu watched, but it was not easy to rob them. He was worried that someone would come and see this scene, so he looked back from time to time.

These two people have been silent, just drinking, the bottom of the wine jar has been seen for several times.

The atmosphere also inexplicably became a little subtle.


Warm wine really couldn't sit still, so he got up and said, "I'll go to the door and watch. You drink slowly."

Then she got up and went to the door of the wine cellar.

The night wind is slightly cold, the warm wine dissipates, and the spirit gradually returns

She raised her sleeve and wiped the sweat on her forehead. She couldn't help looking back.

The lights flickered slightly, and the two jade like teenagers carried the wine bowl and lifted their hands slightly. The next moment, they drank it all at the same time.

Many times, people with the same heart seem to know what they are thinking without opening their mouth.

They are young and romantic. They can stand the praise of thousands of people and the scolding of thousands of people.

Look up at the world at the gathering place of the wind and cloud, and have a drink in the small wine cellar.

Warm wine leans by the door and sincerely feels that it is a blessing in life to have such a home and someone who can be absolutely trusted in any situation.

"Third childe." Xie Heng drank five or six bowls, looked at Xie Jun's face, drank more and more white, and couldn't help asking, "what are you doing tonight?"

Those people in Nanning palace were assassinated. Why don't you send a message?

In such an eventful autumn, he has to climb through the tunnel and stay awake at night?

That's what he was thinking.

Xie Xuan put down his wine bowl, opened his eyes and looked at him, "I can't sleep."

Xie Heng was puzzled, "what?"

He thought he might have heard wrong.

The third childe looked at him and said again without expression, "I can't sleep."

"For example, there is one more word. ” Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips, bent his fingers, knocked quietly on the table and smiled carelessly, "it must be a big thing if we can't sleep."

Xie Xuan helped his forehead, didn't go to see him, and whispered, "let ah Jiu take those people away."

Xie Heng looked like he didn't know why and asked, "who are you?"

The third childe's tone was slightly heavy, "superfluous, everyone."

The night became deeper and deeper, and the cold was quiet. At the moment of Xie's voice falling, the lights jumped and nearly went out.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to protect the wick for a moment.

Then he curled his lips and said with a smile, "you sit away and scare the candle."

Xie Xuan's face was slightly black, "..."

Just now it was the wind, but he just finished a sentence.

After a while.

Xie hengcai asked him, "why don't you talk to ah Jiu yourself?"

People are here, just a few steps away.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Wen Jiu. Then he didn't turn his head and didn't speak.

He has always been such an awkward person.

Now after drinking wine, it's more and more unpredictable.

"It seems that I haven't had enough." Xie Heng stretched out his hand and put it on the third childe's shoulder. "Come on, drink two more bowls."

He said, holding the wine jar in one hand and filling an empty wine bowl, he took a bowl and touched it with the third childe, and suddenly remembered something.

He leaned close to Xie Yu's ear and whispered, "I'm afraid I'll let ah Jiu watch the wind outside in the future. We'll have a chance to sit together and drink."

Thank you for drinking in a muffled voice.

After a while, he said in a slightly heavy tone, "elder brother, I don't like drinking."

Xie Heng unconsciously sat upright for a long time, slightly raised his eyebrow, "huh?"

Xie Xuan looked at the door of the wine cellar, his eyes as dark as ink, "I just don't like..."

The boy paused and whispered, "I just don't like drinking with others."

The voice was as light as the wind blew away, and the pause just now seemed as if it had never existed again.

Xie Heng smiled. In his amber eyes, he had a keen insight into everything, but just said, "I know for my brother."

Xie Yu frowned and said in a dumb voice, "elder brother, you should treat her well."

Xie Heng looked up, his eyes just on the warm wine he looked back at, so everything in his eyes quietly dispersed, leaving only tenderness and weariness.

"OK," he said

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