Wen Jiu said with a smile, "so what?"

She seldom takes it for granted that her apricot eyes are slightly raised, and her ink like eyes are full of brilliance.

Zhao Qingfeng was silent for a moment. Then he looked up at her and said in a hoarse voice, "Xie Heng is holding a heavy army and acting arrogantly. How many people can not be afraid? The holy master has put him into prison because of my father's affairs. It's just an excuse to play. Do you think Xie Heng can escape this time and be so lucky next time?"

"Yes." Wenjiu stood with his hands down and his tone was slightly raised. "With me in one day, I can give everything to protect him for one day."

Zhao Qingfeng was stunned, as if he had seen warm wine for the first time in his life.

At first, in Yunzhou, Wen's name as the God of wealth spread far and wide. He was just a businessman who made more money than others.

When I saw this man, I just felt that she was so young and beautiful. Relying on her money, I rushed the young man to lawlessness.

Until Zhao Qingfeng knew that the teenager around her was the rumored Xie Xiaoyan.

I learned that their relationship was somewhat delicate, but I never thought that under such a stalemate, they could work together to turn Yunzhou upside down.

What's more, a businessman who cares about gain and loss like Wenjiu will one day put all his wealth on for Xie Heng.

Surprise, shock, but more unspeakable envy.

He thought in a daze.

Wen Jiu said, "you don't have to worry about this, young master Zhao. You'd better worry about yourself when you have time. If you lose the protection of Nanning palace, how can you hold your life?"

The snow roared down, the night wind hit the window, and the lights on the table shook.

Some light flashed from Zhao Qingfeng's face, and the young man smiled imperceptibly, "Nanning palace, why have you protected me?"

Wenjiu was slightly picky at the corners of his eyes and declined to comment.

There is no shortage of sons and daughters in the prince's house. The status of those born in the main room is there. Even if they are not favored, they won't be too sad.

If Ji Qie came out of the house, it would be very different.

Zhao Qingfeng was born in Tongfang. At the beginning, he had no position in the Royal Palace in Nanning. It all depends on Zhao qingluan's personal life. He did the most and couldn't get any benefits. Life is really difficult.

However, the whole family was not sad when he died. He was also in the mood to plan for his future. He was really an able man.

Zhao Qingfeng looked at her and asked, "shopkeeper Wen... Why don't you talk?"

Warm wine said faintly, "you continue."

If he starts with such a sentence, there must be a lot to say later.

Zhao Qingfeng flashed a strange look in his eyes. In the twinkling of an eye, he returned to the harmless appearance of six livestock and whispered, "I came to shopkeeper Wen because... You are a good man."

"Oh?" Wen Jiu smiled, gently rubbed his hand under his sleeve, and said slowly, "your eyes don't seem very good."

This sounds a little ridiculous.

She looks like a good person. Is it easy to pit?

"You just shouted Xie Heng a few times, and you didn't hesitate to protect him. Isn't it good enough?

”Zhao Qingfeng continued: "you should know that Xie Hengfeng is exposed and has a lot of grievances. Now he has tasted the bad consequences. Now some people are still afraid of the name of little Yama. If the wall falls down and people push it for a long time, it will inevitably affect you. Then... How should you deal with yourself?"

Warm wine is funny.

So soon, you care about her?

This man wants too much.

But before she could speak, Zhao Qingfeng said to her, "if I said that I fell in love with shopkeeper Wen at first sight, shopkeeper Wen must not believe it. But I can guarantee that if I escape this robbery, I will report to shopkeeper Wen Yongquan in the future."

Zhao Qingfeng confided in him.

Wen Jiu was dismissive and said leisurely, "Zhao Qingfeng, you just want to save your life by talking to me so much today. I can show you a clear way. You can take those words behind you."

Zhao Qingfeng's face stiffened, and then asked, "what bright road does shopkeeper Wen point out to me?"

"That's an old saying. Go to the punishment department by yourself." it's been a long time to warm the wine. No one with such a beautiful tongue has been eloquent. At first, it's still fresh.

She cleared her throat and said slowly, "as far as I can see, childe Zhao doesn't necessarily have some friendship with your brothers and sisters and even the king of Nanning. You must not have been involved in the nitrate mine voluntarily. Now you go to Beijing to risk your life and report to the Ministry of punishment spontaneously. You can save your life and maybe find a good place to sit. Why not?"

Zhao Qingfeng was silent and looked at the girl in front of him.

Obviously, she is gentle with a smile, but it makes people feel cold behind her.

It's really unusual to live well in the imperial capital.

Wen Jiu watched him for a long time.

Half a sound disappeared Zhao Qingfeng replied.

The smile on her lips deepened a little, "you have no choice."

Zhao Qingfeng suddenly woke up, "what does shopkeeper Wen mean?"

"It may be difficult to save a person, but it's easy to die." Wen Jiu smiled and said, "young master Zhao, I'm a businessman. I never do business at a loss, and I never save people who may repay virtue with resentment."

Zhao Qingfeng was shocked and pale. "If I don't do what you say... Can you kill me?"

Warm wine brushed the folds on his sleeve and nodded.


Zhao Qingfeng suddenly took a mouthful of blood, and the warm wine retreated for several steps to avoid the flying blood star.

When she looked up, the man had fainted on the couch.

Wen Jiu reached out his hand to help his forehead and said to himself, "usually it seems that he can calculate people? How can he spit blood after saying two words? He was dizzy..."

She pressed down her surprise, turned and shouted outside the door, "doctor, come in."

As soon as the sound fell, a touch of red clothes came in an instant.

Xie Heng glanced at her, "what happened? Ah Jiu... What happened to you?"

Xie Wanjin came in after him. "He's really tired of living! This is in our house, this..."

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