Wen Jiu reached out to touch the tip of his nose and said to Qing Qi behind them, "he was angry and spit blood by me just now. Go and have a look."

Xie Heng and Xie Wanjin were stunned when they heard the speech, "..."

A moment later.

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. When he looked up at her, the stars in his amber eyes were shining.

He stretched out his hand, clasped his fingers with her, took the man and went out without praising: "shopkeeper Wen of my family is really powerful."

Wenjiu subconsciously replied, "I'm flattered."

They just crossed the threshold, and the wind and snow came face to face. It was very lucky to be cold in an instant.

"Young lady is so modest. I don't know how to praise you now."

Xie Heng smiled and turned back to block the wind and snow for her.

The young man's flying red hair band crossed Wen wine's eyelashes. She blinked, looked back at the man on the couch, and said with some regret: "I thought he was a man with great city government. I didn't think about it. How can I faint quickly? It's a pity that I haven't finished my words."

Xie Heng asked her, "what did you want to say to him?"

Wen Jiu thought for a while. Just about to speak to him, he suddenly thought of something and slowly spit out two words, "keep secret."

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and bent over. His warm thin lips almost stuck to the center of her eyebrows

"Tut tut." Xie Wanjin just came out at this time. Seeing this, he quickly stopped.

He leaned against the door frame, looked at them, and sighed: "big childe and young lady, although it's their own house and it's dark... It sounds like it's quite suitable to do that, but you still have to take care of others."

The fourth childe pointed to himself, "like your brother and me."

Warm wine cheeks crimson, this cold day, the snow all over the sky can't hold back the blood.

Xie Heng's thin lips were lightly hooked and gave him a word.

"Get out."

"OK, OK, I'll go now." Xie Wanjin had no temper in front of his eldest brother. He turned and left without hesitation.

He took four or five steps before he remembered. He turned back and said, "I have another question. I promise to leave after asking."

Xie Heng pulled the hair belt that was blown by the night wind behind him, "ask."

Xie Wanjin said, "thank Lord longen" on his face and said, "whether the man inside is really dying or pretending, it's a trouble to stay in our house. How are you two going to solve this trouble?"

Wen Jiu smelled his words and unconsciously raised his eyes to Xie Heng.

Just at this time, the boy was looking at her.

At one time, the four eyes are opposite.

Warm wine said: "send it to the Ministry of punishment."

Xie Heng said, "send the third childe there."

They spoke almost at the same time, and the two voices overlapped.

It can be said that the heart has a little connection.

"Yes." the fourth childe rubbed his eyes and said with a smile, "then there's nothing for me. Let's go first. You two are free."

When the voice fell, Xie Wanjin disappeared into the boundless snow.

In front of the door, only Wenjiu and Xie Heng were left.

Warm wine slightly picked out the corners of his eyes and casually said, "it's getting late..."

"It's late." Xie Heng answered, but he wouldn't let go. "Just now you said, send the man inside to the third childe and go out with me."

Warm wine and move your mind,

The little Yama had nothing to say.

That's strange enough.

The two stood together under the eaves of the snowy house. The lights under the eaves shook slightly, and the young girl's face was warm and dark.

Wen Jiu said: "just now, I have explained the interests with Zhao Qingfeng. He is a smart man. After going to the Ministry of punishment, he will certainly choose to stand in his favor. The old emperor took you..."

She looked at Xie Heng, paused slightly, and then continued: "to put you in prison is nothing more than to make use of Zhao Li's story. If Zhao Li's sons stand up and say you killed right, what about the previous charges?"

Xie Heng raised his lips slightly, "Madam Shao really cares for me."

Wenjiu was stunned.

I didn't expect that he could insert such a sentence at such a serious time.


That's enough.

She turned her head and looked at the snow flying in the courtyard. Her tone was not urgent or slow. She had a calm demeanor, "No matter what Zhao Qingfeng thinks, he is now in a coma and sent to the Ministry of punishment. Those people can't ask anything. But the more people can't open their mouth, the more people involved in the affairs of tongyunzhou will be extremely afraid. The dog will jump off the wall in a hurry. Once people are flustered, they will roll their feet. At that time, our situation will not be so passive."

Wen Jiu thought that he had had enough of being assassinated from time to time.

The old emperor was afraid of Xie Heng, and the brother's opposition could not stop.

It's really exciting.

Xie Heng looked at her for a long time. There was a little more experience in amber eyes than in the past. He whispered, "I never thought that our wine is also a female Zhuge."

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

Is this the time to say this?

Why didn't you find Xie Heng before? Once he speaks sweet words, it's so overwhelming.

She coughed and lowered her voice, "don't let the third brother hear you."

"Hmm?" Xie Heng asked in a puzzled way, "why?"

Wen Jiu looked at him with the eyes of "what have you done yourself? Don't you count in your heart?" he said, "last time you boasted that the third childe was a reincarnated Zhuge. If he knew, he was about the same as me in your eyes. I'm afraid you didn't even have to turn over the wall."

Xie Heng nodded, "that's reasonable."

The boy paused for a moment, then turned and left, "then I'll go and talk to him myself, so as not to be sued by others first."

Wenjiu hurriedly pulled him, "you can stop. The third childe is still busy with official business in the Ministry of punishment. He hasn't come back yet."

"That's just right."

Xie Heng shouted "perfect" outside the far door

In the twinkling of an eye, the two boys came running in the snow, "eldest childe, what can I do for you?"

Xie Heng said, "send the man inside to the Ministry of punishment. Remember, name the third childe to handle the case. You can't fake it."

Perfect and perfect, he answered "yes", turned into the house, rolled Zhao Qingfeng's quilt together, carried it and went out.

The man came and went dizzy.

In the vast snow night, quietly.

Qing Qi came out of the room and said, "he is seriously injured and angry. He can't wake up for a while."

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrow, "will it be a while and a half?"

Qing Qi added: "at least two or three days."

Wen Jiu looked at everyone's back and said reluctantly, "I'm afraid the third childe can't come back tonight."

Xie Heng stood side by side with her and whispered, "I'm suddenly curious. What did you say to him just now?"

Warm wine just smiled, "it's just a deal."

The wind and snow in front of the court were shaking, and only two people had warm eyebrows and eyes.

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