Punishment department, windy and snowy night.

The snow outside the door was deep, and the wind roared past, making the hall more silent.

Xie Xuan sat behind the case and reviewed the case. There was no expression on his handsome face.

The Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment is not in good health. He was not the one who came to point Mao on time every day. On this cold day, he took leave to cultivate himself in the house. Only this desperate Saburo sat here.

It was midnight, and everyone wanted to go but didn't dare to go, so they had to do something on their head and complained in a low voice: "I don't know who spread these rumors in Beijing. The emperor was the prince selected by the first emperor from so many clan children. The succession to the throne can't be more honest. How can there be villains who are full of food and support to spread rumors of improper origins behind!"

"The reason why villains are villains is that they make trouble all day, adding trouble and bad luck to people!"

Since the snow disaster in beizhou became more and more severe, there were many rumors in Dijing.

For example, in order to usurp the throne, Zhao Yi did not hesitate to kill the former Emperor and the two amazing princesses.

Had it not been for Zhao Yi's bloody washing of the able officials in the court at that time in order to cover up the fact of seizing the throne, Dayan would not have become what he is now.

In previous years, there was no such major natural disaster. It must be God's punishment to correct the power of heaven.

There are also children singing all kinds of nursery rhymes pointing at mulberry and locust trees.

Gossip is like snowflakes, sweeping every corner of the imperial capital.

In all dynasties, with the change of imperial power, there was a secret matter that was not enough for external humanity for a long time. Those superiors who were dressed in brocade and glory were extremely tacit.

This time, obviously, someone took the opportunity to plan something behind his back.

Xie Yu frowned slightly, closed the text and looked up at the people.

For a moment, all the discussion was quiet.

The crowd can give a look to Langzhong Zhengzhou Ping, who can still say a word or two with him.

Zhou Ping came forward with a stiff head, "my Lord, you have to take care of your body to share your worries for you? It's two nights, and it's cold..."

He said, and they nodded in agreement.

This morning, the old emperor, who had been ill with the dragon, was furious. The ministers at the bottom were as quiet as cicadas. Naturally, the trouble fell on the young and promising Minister Xie.

Together with the Ministry of punishment, they were too busy to touch the ground. In the middle of the night, they didn't have to go back to the house to drink hot soup.

Since Xie Sanlang came to the Ministry of punishment, they haven't had a comfortable day.

Bitter, it's really bitter.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked out of the window.

His face was always expressionless. When he was silent, it was frightening to look at him.

People are worried.

Xie Yu suddenly said, "go back."

If they were granted amnesty, they hurriedly said, "Lord Xie also returned earlier and retired."

An older man advised him, "waiter, please take care of your body. This case can't be finished..."

Xie Heng nodded expressionless. Then he took one step first and got up and left.

People look at me and I look at you. They all look shocked: "

I always wanted to take root in the Ministry of punishment. Today, I even said I would go back.

Xie Yu stepped out of the door. Fengyi hurriedly came to take an umbrella and reminded him, "Sir, be careful under your feet."

Sufficient food handed him his cloak. When his adult was dressed, he handed him the oil paper bag in his sleeve and whispered, "it's still sweet scented osmanthus candy today, which was sent by the man in Liji pastry shop."

Xie Yu frowned slightly. "This is the fifth day. Can you ask who sent it?"

Foot esophagus: "the man won't say."

Xie Yuye didn't look at him. He went straight out and said in a very light tone, "then throw it away."

Fengyi raised her umbrella and walked quickly to Xie Xuan's side. "That man is really strange. If you want to entrust adults with affairs, how can you not show your face? If you are a friend..."

Halfway through, he suddenly paused.

Xie Yu has no friends. Although he is a new upstart in the court, everyone wants to say that he is young and promising.

But who will remember that he likes sweetness and sends him a packet of sugar when he is busy?

Xie Yu was silent.

Fengyi knew he had made a mistake and quickly changed his mind: "that man is really strange. A packet of Osmanthus sweets worth a few Wen a day was secretly sent to the criminal department. He didn't know that the adult received great benefits from others. There are more than twice as many people staring at me these days."

Xie Yu smelled the speech, with an invisible smile on his lips, "let them go."

The foot food on one side was embarrassed for a long time before he said, "little talkative, asked something else..."

Without looking back, Xie Yu asked casually, "what did you ask?"

Foot food hesitated and said, "the man said that the person who asked him to send sweet scented osmanthus candy paid him 300 liang of silver. He had to send a bag of such sweet scented osmanthus candy a day for at least ten years."

"Ten years?"

Xie Xuan's footsteps were slightly paused, and the snow brushed his cheek, freezing the young man's jade like side face for three points.

Foot esophagus: "that's what the guy said. The little one asked him who asked him to do this. He wouldn't say anything."

Xie Xuan returned to his mind and said expressionless, "he'll throw it away when he sends it later. Don't pay more attention."

Plenty of food and clothing should be.

After death, the people of the criminal department also followed up and walked out together. They didn't even have time to say goodbye, but saw several people coming here in a hurry not far away.

The wind and snow roared, the lanterns in front of the door shook, and the fire lit up people.

"My Lord!"

It's perfect. He took the man up the steps and said, "there are thieves in the house. You have to take care of them!"

The cold night was silent, and their voices were not small. When they overlapped, they were very loud.

Xie Yu had a headache as soon as he saw the two people. Hearing this, he was even deafening.

As soon as he stopped, the people behind him had to stop.

Perfect, put the unconscious Zhao Qingfeng in front of the door, turned and howled at Xie.

Shiquan said, "this man doesn't know what's going on. He's hurt all over. He still has to defend at the corner and give a hard hand to Mrs. Shao. Before the knife came out, he fainted first."

Before the sound fell, Shimei answered, "Madam Shao said that you can only ask adults to make a decision on this matter, so let the children send people to you overnight."

Xie Yu closed his eyes.

Those two at home are not quiet people.

This late night's delivery of people will certainly stir up the wind and rain in the imperial capital.

He turned sideways and looked at the man. His tone was slightly cold and said, "Zhao Qingfeng?"

As soon as the people behind them heard the name, they were shocked and woke up.

These days, they almost turn the names of those individuals in Nanning Palace back and forth.

Zhou Ping asked in surprise, "is this Zhao Qingfeng, the concubine of the king of Nanning?"

Xie Yu didn't answer, but said in a deep voice, "carry people in."

The guards quickly picked up the people on the ground and walked in.

Xie Xuan walked in, took off his cloak and handed it to foot food.

The rest of them looked at each other and said, "what else will you go back to?"

"Go in and cook!"

The people in Nanning Palace said that they were stabbed to death by people. What happened when Zhao Qingfeng was suddenly sent to the Ministry of punishment?

Half dead, but anyone still has a breath.

Then you have to keep it.

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