Wen Jiu and Xie Heng waited for perfection to come back and answer. After asking for three or two sentences, it was already midnight.

When he returned to his yard, Wenjiu suddenly saw a dark shadow on the eaves.

She was shocked and turned to go out.

"Young lady! What are you running for?" the dark shadow suddenly swept down from the eaves, clasped her shoulder, and said anxiously, "it's me, Xiaoye!"

Wen Jiu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at her and asked, "what are you doing squatting on my roof in the middle of the night?"

It's enough to live in the imperial capital. People fly around from time to time on the eaves.

In the middle of the night, the soul can scare away.

"I originally wanted to stand on the roof and see when the third childe and the third childe would come back." Ye Zhiqiu was embarrassed when he heard the speech, and said with a cheeky smile: "my subordinates scared the young lady. It's all right to die! It's all right to die."

This man has been with those green guards for a long time, and like those people, he likes to tease her as soon as he opens his mouth.

Wen Jiu smiled and shook his head. As he walked into the room, he said, "it's not a coincidence that you're here. He's afraid he won't have time to come back tonight."

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhiqiu followed her into the house and went to his side in three or two steps. "He has always been very busy, but since you and the little Lord returned to Xie's house, he will come back no matter how late. Is it that something big is going to happen in Dijing?"

Warm wine sat down at the table and scalded the wine in the small stove.

The flame flickered slightly, and the wine fragrance overflowed in the whole room.

"Probably." Wen Jiu raised his hand and poured out two cups. He didn't say much else.

At the foot of the world, the wind and cloud surged wildly. A little thing can turn into a terrible disaster, not to mention a Zhao Qingfeng suddenly appeared.

Now, they are just taking the lead.

She handed Ye Zhiqiu a glass of wine, smiled and said, "have you been squatting on the eaves for so long?"

Ye Zhiqiu drank the wine in the cup and smiled at her, "it's not cold. I've been hot since I was a child and I'm not afraid of cold."

Warm wine nodded, "I can see."

Ordinary people and men can't be compared with each other at all.

Ye Zhiqiu always dresses up as a man. Most of the time, even she forgets that she was originally a girl.

Except when she liked the third childe.

Wen Jiu asked, "how's the wind lotus garden?"

"Did you ask the bald donkey?" Ye Zhiqiu was not a bad person under Xie Heng. Even if he found the little master, he complained about the monk's chanting scriptures, but he was very depressed and said: "the bald donkey is really a figure. The owner of the wind lotus garden is not here. He was stunned that he can lead the little bald donkeys to spread the Buddha Hall and chant scriptures every day. Now the Chaohua Pavilion is full of sandalwood flavor."

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing. "Master is really a master."

"Don't tell me." Ye Zhiqiu drank three or two glasses of wine and suddenly sighed: "that day, after you went back to the house with the little Lord, the eldest princess went to see the bald donkey. They said whether they had some or not, which made people dizzy. Then, the eldest Princess drank wine alone in LiNbO platform for two or three hours... It's hard to describe how good she was, Lonely? Lonely? How can you say wrong... "

The head of the family just felt that there was no ink in his stomach. It was really uncomfortable.

Warm wine thought for a while and said slowly, "hate because of love and worry because of love."

Ye Zhiqiu said, "yes, that's what the bald donkey said that day!"

Warm wine: "

Ye Zhiqiu sat on her side, stared at the wine glass for a long time, and suddenly turned to look at her, "is the big Princess and the bald donkey?"

Wen Jiu shook his head, "I don't know."

Ye Zhiqiu drank all the wine in the cup, and they were relatively silent for a while.

Warm wine is wondering what happens every day.

Now, although Xie Heng is a civilian, he was Xie Xiaoyan, who made the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty fear with a smile and anger.

No matter what happens, you can't stay out of it.

What's more, there is a new upstart Xie Shilang.

There is always not enough silver.

Wen Xiaocai is also worried.

Ye Zhiqiu held the wine cup and held it for a long time. Finally, he asked, "young lady, what if he always doesn't accept a person's things?"

After she asked, her bright eyes stared at the warm wine.

It seems that I have been troubled by this for a long time. It's not easy to ask.

Wenjiu looked at Ye Zhiqiu in surprise. "Give people something? Or always?"

She remembers that the big boss slammed the door very well.

I used to be poor when I was in Feiyun stronghold. When I came to Dijing, I could spend no money. I bet with those green guards, but I can't get in or out.

Such a doorknob, always giving gifts?

"Also, not always..." Ye Zhiqiu originally wanted to explain, but she couldn't lie and began to stammer inexplicably.

Warm wine responded, "send the third childe?"

She remembered that ye Zhiqiu said she would prepare the Birthday Ceremony for the third childe. Later, she was busy and didn't ask again.

I don't know what the man did.

"Well." Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "I gave him his favorite things, but he always refused to accept them." she looked at the warm wine very distressed, "young lady, I didn't say that if you accept my things, you have to be my person. Why don't you say he won't accept them?"

Warm wine and think about it. That day... I gave the third childe a jade pendant with poor carving. He collected it very simply.

Thank you, although it looks a little cold.

What, it's really freezing.

But whether it's a red envelope or a silver note, or something next to it, every time she gives it, the third childe will accept it.

Ye Zhiqiu also said: "you say, is he afraid of me pestering him? Then he really wants to do more. I won't do it at all. I haven't appeared in front of him since then. All the people I wanted to meet deliberately took a detour..."

Wen Jiu couldn't help asking, "what did you send? How?"

"Sweet scented osmanthus candy, doesn't he like to eat sweet? I asked people to send a bag at the door of the criminal department every day, but I didn't say it was from me. ” Ye Zhiqiu said, frowning and whispering, "I've saved the 300 Li silver for a long time. If it's enough to buy a daughter-in-law in Yunzhou."

Wen Jiuwen smiled when he heard the speech. "Three hundred Liang, how much sweet scented osmanthus candy do you have to buy? Which shop has ruined you? I'll take you to get the money back!"

"No, the shop didn't pit me. ” Ye Zhiqiu, who has always been cheerful and neat, paused, "I paid ten years of silver."


At first glance, Wen Jiu thought he had heard wrong.

Ye Zhiqiu repeated it again, clearly and plainly.

Warm wine wanted to laugh and had some helplessness, "do you know where the Ministry of punishment is? You let people send sweet scented osmanthus candy every day. People who don't know think someone dares to bribe him at the gate of the Ministry of punishment."

"Ah?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. "No, I've been sent away for several days."

She said and ran out, "young lady, I have something urgent. Let's go first."

Warm wine got up and said to her back, "if you really want to send it, let it be sent to the house!"

The second half of the sentence "don't send it to the door of the Ministry of punishment." before he could say it, ye Zhiqiu's figure disappeared into the night.

Warm wine helpless smile.

I'm afraid I haven't seen gifts delivered to my colleagues.

Live again until you know that those rumors were untrustworthy.

Xie San, a cruel official, is an awkward ghost who likes to eat sweet.

Recently, a famous general usually had no friends, but he bought osmanthus candy for someone for ten years and even spent all his wife.

Xiao Yan Wang Xie Heng

Good, good.

The world's dressed animals, demons and monsters can't hide my young man in fresh clothes and angry horses.

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