"Thank you!" hearing this, Chen Yuanning crossed the river and went to the window. He took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Xie Xuan. He lowered his voice and said, "this is your Highness's autograph. Please have a look at it."

Xie Yu reached out and took it, but didn't open it. In a cool tone, he said, "the letter has been delivered. Go back."

Chen Yuanning was stunned. "Why don't you open it?"

There was no expression on Xie's face, "look or not, the results are the same."

"I should give you a word. Let me go back and tell your highness?" Chen yunning has never had a good life since he met the third son of the Xie family.

If you want to avoid suspicion outside for such a big matter, you can't let Xie Yu go to the prince.

But he had already delivered the letter to the door. This guy was not allowed to enter the house. He had to stand outside and blow the cold wind and snow. He didn't even read the letter.

That's outrageous!

Xie Xuan pondered for a moment, then said faintly, "shut up."

Chen Yuanning was surprised: "what?"

This means that his Highness the prince is not here. Xie Zhen really said that he didn't know his identity because he was promoted too fast.

Xie Xuan turned and threw the prince's handwritten letter into the stove.

The flame swallowed up the paper in an instant, reflecting the youth's long-standing handsome face, which was a little more dark and unpredictable.

"Zhao Qingfeng is in the Ministry of punishment. It is not the prince who should worry, but others." he closes his sleeves and turns his back to Chen Yuanning outside the window. "The wind and cloud changes suddenly. Is it not a good opportunity for your highness to meet Jackie Chan?"

Chen Yuanning's face was stiff, "but..."

The old emperor's body is getting worse and worse. Since Xie Heng was demoted, all the factions in the court have come out to make a pretence. Everyone is busy competing for power and profit and has no time to attend to him.

The snow disaster in beizhou became more and more serious, and there were rumors in the imperial capital. Seeing the dark tide surging and swallowing the sky and the earth, the man said it was a good opportunity.

"But what?" Xie Xuan turned sideways, looked back at him, and said in a very light tone, "if you're not going, I don't care if you're cut down."

Chen Yuanning gave a sudden inspiration. It's not easy to say anything. He said goodbye and left in a hurry.

Jiang wucai has been standing in the corridor not far away, watching them speak through a window, watching the man hurry away, his eyes are a little complicated.

The courtyard is quiet.

Only the wind and snow roared in my ears.

The man in the room suddenly said, "make a cup of tea."

"Yes." Jiang wuleisure hurried back to his mind and walked quickly to the house to make tea.

The third childe was originally unpredictable. After he became a waiter of the Ministry of punishment, he became more and more invisible.

At the moment, Xie Xuan stood in front of the stove and saw that the letter paper turned into flying ash in the fire. Suddenly she asked her, "where do you want to go in the future?"

When Jiang had no time to make tea, the hot water splashed on his fingertips and turned red in an instant.

But she didn't have time to take care of it. She looked up at him and asked, "what does your excellency mean?"

"Within ten days, you will be able to get revenge." Xie Yu's eyes reflected the fire, but his expression was very light. "When things go wrong, there should always be a place to go."

At first glance, Jiang wucai couldn't react.

After a long time, I understood what he meant, and my lips trembled. "Adults say..."

"Think about it and tell me."

Xie Yu finished, took the letter and went to the table and sat down. He stopped talking.

Jiang has no time to look up and endure the tears in his eyes.

Within ten days, can it really be so fast?


Prince Rui's house.

Zhao Zhi said he was ill and didn't go to the court today. A group of King Rui's party went down the court and hurried to the hall of the palace. They heard King Rui swear in it.

"After sending so many people, Zhao Qingfeng didn't die? How do you bastards do things? You let him sneak into the imperial capital! To the Ministry of punishment!"

"Now that the Ministry of punishment is surnamed Xie, you let Wang Jing watch its change?"

"Serious injury and coma? You still have the face to say that Zhao Qingfeng can't speak now! Coma is not dead. No one knows when he will jump up and bite Ben Wang!"

A group of ruiwang followers looked at each other outside the door. After the boy went to report, they went inside to salute and say hello.

Zhao Zhi's face was very ugly. He waved his hand and let everyone be free.

The maids cleared out the broken cups and broken porcelain pieces on the ground and took them to the door of the hall.

One of them came forward and said, "Lord, take it easy. Although Zhao Qingfeng is in the Ministry of punishment, he has been seriously injured and unconscious. It's not difficult to keep him awake."

Zhao Zhi glanced at him and said angrily, "it's not difficult? It's done. I'll come and talk to the king!"

The man shut up and stepped aside.

The rest of them gently advised a few words. In fact, they had no bottom in their hearts.

When things came to this point, he met Xie Yu who didn't enter the oil and salt. It was life-threatening.

Zhao Zhi was furious for this, but he had no power to return to heaven.

A group of people sat in the hall to discuss. In the cold winter, the earth dragon was burning vigorously. They had a cold sweat behind them. In the end, most of them had a face of lovelessness.

Someone even suggested: "few people can hide their words under Xie Yu. It's going to be exposed. Lord, you have to make countermeasures as soon as possible!"

"Countermeasures?" Zhao Zhi's eyebrows wrinkled into Sichuan characters. "Up to now, what other countermeasures are there?"

The staff on his side said: "the emperor's dragon body has been in trouble for a long time, and it's time..."

There was no need to say the second half of the sentence. Everyone looked stunned.

The huge hall was suddenly silent.

Zhao Zhi's face was heavy. Just about to speak, the boy outside the door said, "Lord, Grandpa Li is coming."

Zhao Zhi raised his hand, and they got up to avoid behind the curtain.

When they all left, Zhao Zhicai said to the outside, "please come in."

The door creaked open.

Li Hong came to the door with wind, snow and cold air and said with a smile: "the emperor has a purpose. In three days, he will go to Lingyun mountain with all civil and military officials to pray for the people of beizhou who have suffered from snow disaster. Let's ask the prince. Is it better? Maybe he will go with us?"

Zhao Zhi looked at the heavy snow outside the door. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, but he coughed twice under his throat. Then he said, "I'm all right. It's natural to serve my father and emperor when I go to Lingyun mountain to pray for heaven."

Li Hong exchanged greetings with him again. Then he went back to the palace to recover his life. Zhao Zhi called the housekeeper to send the people out. Then he sat back in the master's chair.

Behind the curtain, all the king Rui parties came out one after another, saluted together and said, "congratulations to the king, but this is a good opportunity!"

Zhao Zhi took a cup of tea and looked much better. He pretended to be puzzled and said, "where does joy come from?"

The staff standing in the front showed a strange smile and said, "Lingyun mountain has been the holy land of the royal family since the founding of the country. All kings of all dynasties should open an altar to worship the heaven and pray to God."

The man on his side said, "Lingyun mountain is dangerous. If something happens, it's impossible."

They made eye contact and nodded one after another.

From the headless Mo Yuqi to the deployment of troops in the imperial capital, now before the east window, these powerful people in the hands of King Rui still have a fighting power, which is better than sitting and waiting for death.

Just a moment later, he changed from a dead heart to a fighting spirit.

"Since you all think this is a good opportunity, the king can't live up to God's good intentions." Zhao Zhi slowly stood up, "go and call the commander of huangyuwei to the king."

A moment ago, there was still great disaster and panic.

How do you know that the next moment is not a good opportunity?

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