In the evening, the Xie family was having dinner in the flower hall.

A will came down from the palace:

Three days later, the old emperor took all civil and military officials to Lingyun mountain to pray for heaven, read warm wine and donated thousands of family wealth. He made meritorious contributions, and was specially ordered to go with him.

As soon as she sent the messenger out, Mrs. Xie scolded, "why don't others have special honor? Who is willing to go? Our wine gives money and helps. If the blessing fails, the heavy snow in beizhou still doesn't stop. Do you still blame these people for their lack of sincerity?"

Xie Yucheng whispered, "madam! Madam, keep your voice down. This man hasn't gone far."

The people were also out of mind to eat. Old lady Xie looked at the warm wine and was a little sad.

"Grandma doesn't have to worry." Wen Jiu filled a bowl of fish soup and handed it to the old lady, "but it's just a trip to Lingyun mountain. As for whether the blessing is successful or not, it depends on the will of heaven, and it's not our heads."

Old lady Xie took the soup bowl and said anxiously, "I'm afraid it's more than praying."

After all, the old people who have gone through ups and downs think farther than others.

Recently, the rumors and rumors in the imperial capital have been so fierce that the old emperor's body is in bad condition every day. Every time he says it's good to see each other, he can't go to court for half of the three or five days.

Everyone with a clear eye knows that this day is going to change.

Just look at who can become the winner when the wind and cloud stir.

"Everything has a eldest brother. Grandma can rest assured." Xie Wanjin smiled and gave small six and seven cloth dishes. "This dish is almost cold. Eat it quickly."

Mrs. Xie stared at him. "Dongfeng doesn't know what to do these days. He doesn't see anyone all day. He says everything has him!"

"Ah Niang, that's why the elder brother is not here." Xie Wanjin picked his eyebrow and smiled, "when he comes back, you can say that in front of him!"

"I think you don't go to the house to uncover tiles for three days!" Mrs. Xie reached out and tried to twist his ear. The fourth childe smiled and avoided.

"The fourth brother is right." Wen Jiu couldn't help bending his eyebrows and eyes, with a gentle tone, "I'm not afraid of him."

Old lady Xie nodded, her eyebrows stretched a little, and then said a few words to charge her.

With dinner, he took two small to the Songhe hall and asked Mrs. Xie to go back to the yard.

The waitresses took down the dishes on the table, warmed the wine, got up and went to the door. The snow came all over the sky, and the cold wind blew lightly on their sleeves.

It was getting late and lights were on everywhere in the house.

She walked through the corridor, stood under the plum blossom tree, watched the twilight lights closing and the flying snow flying red, and couldn't help thinking:

I don't know when Xie Heng will be back.

The golden and jade people were busy for a long time. They couldn't help but come and advise her, "young lady, it's cold outside. You'd better go in earlier."

Warm wine reached out to pick up a few pieces of flying snow. In an instant, it turned into snow in the palm and slipped quietly, feeling slightly cool.

The plum blossom petals fall off the shoulders, and the whole body has a faint fragrance.

She looked at it. Xie Heng often turned in and out of the wall these days, and the corners of his lips rose slightly. "It's still early. Go and scald some wine."

Just as Yulu was about to say something, she was stopped by jin'er, "maidservant, go now."

Xiangman and Hongtang cleaned up the stone tables and benches on the side, paved them with cushions, lit hexagonal lanterns and prepared some cakes.

The table was filled with freshly scalded wine. Several little maids volunteered to take out their own wine and ask her to taste it. What they left earlier became good wine after a year. Each person held a jar and placed a large area.

The snow is like a cover, the red plum is like rain, and the golden cup and jade lamps complement each other.

After drinking several cups of warm wine, the little maids chattered on their sides. It was cold and cold, and they didn't feel cold one by one.

She smiled and commented on the craftsmanship of the people one by one, boasting a word or two from time to time.

Wen Jiu was suddenly in a trance.

At this time in her previous life, she always seemed to be busy. She ran around everywhere. When she returned to the house, she didn't have time to say a few words with the people under her. More than ten years wasted.

For a time, I felt a sudden feeling.

After a while, the waitresses said almost.

Yulu advised again, "young lady, go back to the house. The eldest childe doesn't know what to come back today."

Several other maids stared at her: which pot doesn't open, which pot!

Yulu's wronged shriveled mouth quickly retreated to the back.

Wen Jiu hissed softly, smiled and said, "I just want to drink. I'll drink some secretly while he's not in the house and the third brother doesn't come to court."

She has always been calm and gentle. There are few times when she is so cunning and playful.

A 16-year-old girl would look like this if everyone in her family grew up spoiled.

The maids bowed their heads and smiled, "the maidservants go back to watch the wind for you. If the eldest childe and the third childe come, they will tell you right away."

Warm wine nodded, "go."

The little girls burst out laughing.

Jin'er whispered to the others as she walked, "young lady is waiting for the eldest childe. What have you been asking her to do?"

"Ah?" jade dew didn't understand: "how do you know that young lady is waiting for the eldest childe? Didn't she say she wanted to drink?"

Jin'er said, "don't you believe you're stupid? In such a big place in the house, where can't Mrs. Shao want to drink? She has to sit in a place where everyone can see in and out?"

Xiangman whispered, "do you see the wall on the right? The eldest childe has turned in and out from there these days. If he comes back tonight, the young lady can see it at a glance under the plum blossom tree."

Yulu and Hongtang suddenly realized, "so it is."

When Wen Jiu heard most of it, he couldn't help raising his lips.

It's really the most hidden thing to like a person.

Look at him more, and it says in his eyes: that's my sweetheart.

She leaned lazily under the tree, holding a cup in one hand and was about to drink. A plum blossom petal fell into the cup leisurely.

Suddenly, the wine color and fragrance coexisted.

She drank up the cup, lifted the lid of the small stove for cooking wine, and let the flying flowers fall into the wine. She poured and drank one by one.

I didn't know the time passed outside the eaves, and it was midnight.

Xie Heng still didn't come back.

I haven't drunk so much wine for a long time. The whole person is a little floating. I don't know what night it is.

She stared at the wall for a long time and said to herself, "Xie Dongfeng... Why don't you come back?"

There is no one around.

Only flying flowers and falling snow hover on your side.

Warm wine got up and looked around. The lamps under the eaves were swayed by the cold wind. The light of the fire crossed the snow on the ground and dazzled people.

She went to the wall, looked up at the eaves, stood for a while, a little tired, leaned against the wall and continued to wait.

I don't know how long it took.

At the other end, a young man stepped on the snow and rode in the wind, climbed over the wall, and his clothes fluttered two steps away.

Before Xie Heng could see the face of the person in front of him, she grabbed her sleeve and dragged it.

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