Warm wine and sleep well all night. When you wake up, it's already the morning of the next day.

It had been snowing outside, and the wind rustled the dead leaves.

She kicked open the quilt and stretched herself. Without opening her eyes, she shouted "jin'er."

The five fingers seem to be entangled by some heavy object and can't be lifted.

Warm wine frowned slightly, opened his eyes and looked, but found that the boy with gorgeous eyebrows and eyes was sitting on the low chair, looking at her, smiling in his eyes, "wake up?"

"Wake up, wake up."

She felt dizzy and couldn't remember why Xie Heng was in her room.

Look at his casual sitting posture and his hands clasped with ten fingers

He doesn't seem to be new.

The snow sky light came in through the small porch window and shrouded the boy. His face became more and more like jade.

"Then what..." Wenjiu suddenly stammered, "Why are you here?"

She only drank a little wine last night and didn't do anything special.

I haven't been drunk for several times in my two lives. But I've been drunk every time. I can't remember clearly.

Now she thinks nothing has happened. Is it still time to lie back and go to sleep?

"You ask me why I'm here?" Xie Heng also smiled in his voice. "Shopkeeper Wen, you said last night that you like what I like. You want to marry me immediately. You won't let me go. Have you forgotten?"


Warm wine almost jumped up from the couch and was full of panic.

She used to drink, that is, flirt with beautiful men, say some big words and scold "all men in the world are useless. It's better for me to have gold and silver".

Last night... Was it crazy?

Warm wine got up in a hurry, and his forehead almost hit the bed column. Xie Heng quickly stretched out his hand to block her. With a smile in his eyebrows, he pressed the person back to the couch, "you slow down, I'm not in such a hurry."


Warm wine can't speak for a moment.

Every time she panicked, her thoughts became confused. The more she recalled what she had done last night, the more she couldn't remember anything.

It happened that the enemy was still so confused with his smile, and his mind was empty.

There's no way.

She lay on the couch and couldn't help but pull over the brocade. She was blocked by half her face, leaving only a pair of apricot eyes. She looked at the boy in front of her.

Some suspicious asked, "I really... Said so?"

Why can't she believe it.

"No." Xie Heng smiled helplessly and said with some regret.

Wen Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, "I knew..." even if he was drunk, he couldn't say such outrageous words.

But she was relieved.

He heard Xie Heng continue: "you didn't say you wanted to marry me, you just dragged me into the house, then pushed me on the couch and said: come on, I'm happy to serve. It's easy to say how much money you want."

Wen Jiu was shocked: "this... I this..."

Is Xie Heng cheating her?

But why is it so like she can say it?

Xie Heng bowed his head and whispered in her ear, "why don't you admit it when you wake up?"

The boy's warm thin lips cling to her earlobes, and the warm breath lingers around her neck, disturbing her panic and becoming more and more messy.

Warm wine simply retracted the whole person into the brocade quilt.

The sky can see.

This was the first time she had been forced to do so in her two lives.

"You, you go out first!"

Even the voice trembles.

"OK, OK." Xie Heng smiled and opened her brocade quilt. "Just now those are my dreams. You didn't tell me anything. You're just spoiled when you're drunk. Let me take you back to the house to sleep."


Wen Jiu doesn't know whether to believe him or not.

Every word this guy said seemed to be false and true, which was hard to figure out.

Xie Heng nodded, "which one you want to believe is true."

Look, it scared the little god of wealth.

If you say two more words, you'll probably hide under the bed.

Wen Jiu rubbed his hot cheek, looked at Xie Heng, tried his best to suppress the surge of heart, pretending that nothing had happened, "you go out."

"OK." Xie Heng touched her head and said in a warm voice, "touch her head. I can't be scared, my little lady."

Wen Jiu looked at the boy close at hand and his heart beat a little fast.

I don't know what he was doing early in the morning.


She didn't seem in the mood to think about anything else.

There is no time to be afraid of the old emperor or prince Rui.

Xie Heng turned around with a smile and went out. His voice shouted "jin'er, go in and serve."

Warm wine leaned on the couch and looked at the snow sky far and near.

The snow is flying all over the sky, and only the youth is amazing and bright.

After a while, several people came in and waited on her to wash and change.

One by one, they tried to stop talking, which made the warm wine a little awkward.

She couldn't help saying, "I didn't do anything last night."

After warming the wine, I felt that there were 300 taels of silver here.

The ten maids who were full of gold and jade were surprisingly clever today. They nodded and said, "we all know that Mrs. young must have done nothing."

"The eldest childe must be a night tour again."

"It's probably a day's thought and a night's dream. Otherwise, the eldest childe doesn't go elsewhere at night. Why did he come to Mrs. Shao?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless.

Xindao: you can shut up.

One by one, they pretended to lose their memory and forgot to serve her in front of the court yesterday. Now they pretend they don't know anything.

After washing, she changed her clothes and left.

Several waitresses behind her trotted to keep up with her, making her slow, turning away the topic, and trying to pretend that they didn't know anything.

Qi Qi sighed in his heart: it's not easy to be a close maid these days.

For three days in a row, warm wine kept these little maids busy and didn't have time to talk nonsense.

And she didn't have time to think about what she had.

Lingyun mountain is bound to go to pray for heaven.

How many storms in life, why did nothing happen because people were afraid?

It's useless to be afraid. It seems that Xie Heng is not so afraid.

If you are free, you might as well earn more money.

After all

Little Yama is not easy to raise.

The night before going to Lingyun mountain.

Xie Heng went to the wine cellar in the house at the tenth hour of the third watch. After a few steps, he saw the third childe sitting at the table.

Flickering candles shrouded the young man's side face, some lonely, some cold.

"Wait here for your brother?" Xie Heng walked over, picked up a jar of wine, opened the seal and poured it into the wine bowl.

The wine reflected the candlelight. He asked with a smile, "why, do you want to coax your brother?"

Xie Yu was a little annoyed, "Xie Heng!"

"OK, OK, no kidding." Xie Heng sent the wine bowl to him, and most of the smile on his face was collected. "Say business, what do you want to say when you wait here in the middle of the night?"

Xie Xuan frowned and said, "are you really going to let ah Jiu go? You know that Zhao Zhi will jump over the wall during his trip to Lingyun mountain..."

Xie Heng raised his eyes and asked, "do you think the emperor capital can be much safer than Lingyun mountain?"

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