Xie Yu didn't speak.

He knew his eldest brother was right, but if Lingyun mountain is in chaos, there are real swords and guns everywhere. He is so afraid of death with warm wine. At that time, he will not be cut, but people will be frightened. What do you say?

"Come on, don't think about it. Ah Jiu isn't afraid of that yet. She's brave. Just watch her and don't let her run in front of you to stop the knife." Xie Heng looked at the expressionless third childe, gently pointed his fingertips at the edge of the wine bowl and added faintly, "unexpectedly, she hasn't done such a thing."

Xie Yu drank a bowl of wine in a muffled voice, but he still didn't want to talk very much.

The light in the wine cellar was weak, and the cold young man sat beside him. The room was cold.

Xie Heng drank all the wine in the bowl and slightly raised his eyebrows. "Are you going to talk to me tonight? If you don't, I'll go. There are many things tomorrow."

He said and got up to go.

Xie Xuan raised his hand on his elder brother's right shoulder and pressed the man back. His dark eyes looked at him and remained silent.

"What are you doing?" Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. "Third childe, don't let me guess for my brother. The night is deep. After that, hurry back to sleep. You're not much better than me tomorrow."

Xie Yu endured and endured. After a while, he asked, "where's that man?"

Xie Hengman was puzzled and asked, "who?"

"Ye Zhiqiu!" the third childe was annoyed and said in a cold voice: "did you bring her from Yunzhou to Dijing just to let her..."

His words came to a sudden halt halfway through.

Xie Heng answered with a smile, "what do you want her to do?"

The third childe was originally awkward. When he met Ye Da, he became even more so.

His eldest brother is also very helpless.

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't have any serious problems. The same Qingyi guards are also brothers. They are very familiar and handle affairs neatly.

It happened that when I met the third childe in Yunzhou, it seemed that my brain was in water. I couldn't learn well. I wasn't afraid of freezing.

"If you want to ask her, why do you look for other reasons?" Xie Heng patted him on the shoulder and got up and said, "tomorrow she will go with ah Jiu and protect ah Jiu. If you don't have time to talk to you, just put a hundred hearts in it."

Xie Yu had no expression on his face and said, "I don't mean that!"

"Well, you can mean whatever you like." Xie Heng picked up the wine jar and shook it. He said with some regret, "no, go back to the house and sleep."

He took a few steps outside. Xie Xuan behind him suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "elder brother."

Xie Heng leaned against the door and looked back, slightly raised his eyebrows, "huh?"

"I will protect ah Jiu."

Xie Yu suddenly said such a sentence.

Xie Heng nodded and said with a smile, "our third childe is very powerful now. Tomorrow, the wine on Lingyun mountain depends on you."

The third childe looked at him with a faint tone and added, "don't worry too much and mess up the original plan."

Xie Heng was slightly stunned.

These three CHILDES are really

This ability to see through people's hearts is not good for who?

Even my eldest brother saw it thoroughly.

"There are three CHILDES going together, I am naturally at ease." Xie Heng smiled, amber eyes reflected a slight candle, and the smile scattered bit by bit.

Xie Xuan couldn't see him laughing like this. He got up and went to the dark road without looking back.

Xie Heng turned around, pinched a piece of falling plum, bent his fingers and bounced into the wine cellar.

In an instant, the lights went out and the light dispersed.

The boy walked alone in the courtyard. It was still snowing heavily.

Several sword shadows shuttle through the moonlight. After a while, the green guards suppress all the uninvited guests.

When one of them saw that the situation was bad, he turned and left.

Xie Heng flew up to the eaves, kicked a dark shadow from the vast flying snow off the eaves, followed by the landing, and stepped on the man's key, "my Xie family is also you who want to come and go?"

The sound did not fall.

The man in black at his feet has killed himself.

Several other people in black who were suppressed by the green guards followed suit one after another. The black poisonous blood crossed the corners of their mouths and fell to the ground one after another.

"Childe." Qingyi came forward and said, "this is the fourth wave in just three days."

These people in black have no return every time, but they come to Xie's house every time.

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly heavy, and the corners of his lips slightly aroused a cold arc. "The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. Doesn't he just like to do such useless work?"

The green guards nodded one after another, wiped the blood stains on the long sword on the people in black, and then put the sword into the scabbard.

Qing Yi said, "Zhou Shizi sent a letter and wanted to see the childe before going to Lingyun mountain."

Xie Heng thought a little and said with a smile, "I almost forgot him. I'll go to him and have a look. You're good to protect the house. Don't let these bastards startle the young lady."

The green guards said in unison, "my subordinates, yes."

No matter how many storms there are outside the house, with the childe and their protection, the people of the family can sleep as well as before.

The long street was empty and silent.

Xie Heng said casually: "wait for this matter, let Mrs. Shao find you a daughter-in-law. The winter in imperial Beijing is really too cold, and someone has to hold it to be warm."

The green guards in the dark muttered: where can you find so many beautiful little girls, madam?!

It's the childe who wants to get married. It's so nice!

The next day was a little bright, and the palace sent a carriage to pick it up.

Wen Jiu changed into a new light yellow dress and walked to the gate without hurry. He didn't forget to ask several good students to serve old lady Xie and two little girls all the way.

When she passed by Xie Heng's yard, she couldn't help taking another look.

Seeing that everything was perfect, he hurried forward and said, "young master went out last night and hasn't come back yet."

Wenjiu steps slightly, "went out last night?"

Shiquan reacted quickly. For fear that Mrs. Shao was unhappy, he hurriedly said, "it seems that something happened outside. Childe, I went out all night."

"So..." Wen Jiu couldn't figure out what happened for a moment, and was about to continue to ask.

Not far away, the maid rushed and whispered, "it's urgent outside. Madam Shao may have left?"

Wen Jiu raised his hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and said, "when he comes back, you tell him that I have nothing to do, so I'll go into the palace."

All royal relatives and civil and military officials should go to the palace and ride on Lingyun mountain.

Perfect, nodding again and again should be.

Ye Zhiqiu, dressed up as a gray entourage, followed Wen Jiu and said discontentedly, "it's not a little bright this day. It's like this outside. Those in the palace don't know whether they got up."

Wen Jiu smiled and said casually, "I'm afraid those in the palace haven't slept since last night. They bathe, change clothes and burn incense. Everything is more complicated than us. Don't see how expensive their clothes and food are. They really suffer."

Ye Zhiqiu said strangely, "it's so troublesome? How do you know so much, madam Shao, who hasn't lived in the palace?"

"That's what others said." Wen wine lowered his eyes and straightened his big sleeves that were disordered by the wind.

She really shouldn't know those things in the palace at this time. She's afraid that ye Zhiqiu will ask again, say more and make more mistakes, and she's thinking of cutting off the topic.

A cold wind blew in the face.

Ye Zhiqiu, who kept talking behind her, suddenly became mute.

Wen Jiu was a little surprised. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the third childe coming from the other end of the corridor.

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