A guard full of blood rushed to the ground, stumbled and said in a surprised voice: "tell the emperor! King Rui led his troops to surround Lingyun mountain. Now he is approaching the sacrificial roof!"

Everyone was surprised when the voice fell.

Wen Jiu could not help frowning. She felt uneasy before she came to Lingyun mountain.

Sure enough, something big has happened now.

"King Rui rebelled?" the old emperor came back from the shock. He was so angry that he coughed more and more and scolded angrily, "Zhao Zhi, this evil barrier!" then he fell back.

Zhao Jingyi hurried forward and held the old emperor, "father, be careful."

"Emperor, go!" Wang Liang was also a fortune teller. The arrow only hit the shoulder. He lost too much blood and his face was white and frightening.

He was the oldest internal servant around the old emperor. For this reason, he didn't forget to cover the wound on his shoulder and said in a hurry: "before King Rui's rebels are killed, the emperor, go!"

Zhao Feng also went to the old emperor, held his hand, frowned and said, "go? The heaven worship platform is at the top of Lingyun mountain. There are people from King Rui at the bottom. Where are you going?"

Lingyun mountain is located in a remote place and is also a place for Royal Sacrifice. I don't dare to approach here on weekdays.

A group of people whispered in panic, "didn't King Rui say that he didn't come to pray because of his sudden illness?"

Yesterday, King Rui went to Lingyun mountain with them, but this morning, when the people came to sacrifice to the roof, King Rui's attendants suddenly said that Zhao Zhi suddenly caught a bad disease and couldn't stay.

It was only half a day. The king Rui, who was unable to stay because of a sudden illness, led his soldiers to kill him.

What's all this?

Empress Yang came over and held "where did he catch any evil disease? It's clear that he had a rebellious heart long ago!"

"People have been killed. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Zhao Jingyi said coldly: "the top priority should be to summon Huangyu guard to resist the enemy as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" the old emperor forced himself to calm down. "Where's Qiao Yuanfei, the commander of the imperial feather guard?"

"The end is coming!" Qiao Yuanfei, who was over 40, walked through the crowd and immediately saluted with fists. He was very worried: "at the moment, Lingyun mountain has only five thousand Huangyu guards for heaven worship, but the rebels... Far more than that."

The old emperor and all the people looked not far away. Countless soldiers emerged from the mountains and forests. They were rushing through the vast snow. Roughly speaking, there were at least thirty or forty thousand people.

The old emperor came to Lingyun mountain with only 5000 guards.

With such a large force gap, it is obvious that there is no force to fight back.

As soon as Wang Liang was worried, he pulled the wound. His face suddenly changed. He couldn't speak anymore because of the pain.

From time to time, there were random arrows shooting around, and from time to time, people fell to the ground and died. Just now, people who had closed their eyes and prayed went to the sacrificial rooftop to hide, pushing, tumbling and scrambling. There were startling voices and screams one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

On weekdays, they are well-dressed, gold and jade, but in front of life and death, no one is more noble than anyone.

No one cares about Wang Liang, the wounded old eunuch.

Wen Jiu looked at it. He couldn't bear it. He took out a bottle of wound medicine from his sleeve and squatted down in front of Wang Liang. "Grandpa Wang, I'm afraid the imperial doctors are too busy. I'll help you pull out the arrow first and put some medicine to stop bleeding."

"There is shopkeeper Lao Wen." Wang Liangchao smiled gratefully at her.

Arrows are flying everywhere. These nobles have no time to save their lives. Who will take care of him.

Wen Caishen is the only one who has such leisure.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, pulled out the arrow stained with blood in his right hand and fell down with the medicine bottle in his left hand.

Both hands are carried out almost at the same time, giving no reaction time at all.

Wang Liang almost fainted in pain and said in a sad voice, "I said shopkeeper Wen, you want the life of the old slave!"

Warm wine with an expression of "that's how I do it." it's time for you to make do with it. "

The courtiers not far away turned whiter and whiter, noisy and noisy.

Xie Xuan passed by her side with wind and snow and whispered, "go to the center of the sacrificial roof and don't walk around."

Wen jiuleng for a moment and whispered "OK."

Jin'er Yulu, who was originally at the back, didn't know when she ran over. While helping Wang Liang get her up, she asked, "young lady, are you okay?"

Many people have fallen behind. Ying Wuqiu, who is in front of the sacrificial roof, is still meditating in the same place. He stands still. Other masters can't get up without authorization, so they have to follow him to continue chanting scriptures and praying.

So, it was a sacrificial rooftop. On the one hand, it was crying and panic, on the other hand, it was murmuring and chanting. Disturbance and harmony overlapped, but the sky gradually darkened and the twilight was heavy.

"It's all right." Wenjiu turned back and looked for ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts in the troubled crowd, but in the vast snow, everyone was so frightened and noisy that he couldn't find his shadow at all.

She couldn't help asking, "is Xiaoye not with you?"

Jin'er said, "she went up Lingyun mountain yesterday and disappeared."

Wenjiu didn't have time to think about it. He just said, "go to the front first."

Looking at the appearance of the third childe, I should have expected this disaster long ago.

I don't know how everyone in the house is now, and Xie Heng

Zhao Zhitong had a deep grudge with the two teenagers in his family. He was afraid that the first thing to kill was to take Xie Yu for an operation.

Wenjiu took several people to the center of Taiwan for refuge, but a crowd in front of the old emperor quarreled over which side to withdraw.

People from the Ministry of work said: "there is a path in front of the sacrificial roof, but only one person is allowed to pass at a time, and no one has walked for many years. The snow is so thick, if you accidentally fall down..."

Uncle Yang said, "you can't fight hard. There are only 5000 Huangyu guards, not even the change on King Rui's side."

As soon as he said this, he was stared at for several times.

Empress Yang and the prince were so worried that they didn't speak.

Princess Li yingyue said, "you can go if you have a way. Only someone can block the rebels in front. Even if you can only pass one person at a time, it's better than everyone trapped here. It's difficult to get through the snow. Just let people clear the road in front. Everything should focus on the safety of your father, emperor and mother."

Everyone answered, but you look at me, I look at you, and my eyes are full of: but who is going to block in front and be the one who died?

No one wants to die. I haven't enjoyed enough wealth and glory in my life. No one wants to die.

Suddenly a voice came out of the crowd, "if only Xie Xiaoyan were there."

Everyone looked at each other.

Yes, if only Xie Xiaoyan were here.

But he has long been demoted into a common man. Now he doesn't know where to drink and listen to music.

The scene was very deadlocked for a moment, and random arrows kept attacking here.

Wen Jiu pondered in his heart how to solve the situation in front of him, and watched the flying arrow shoot at Ying Wuqiu.

The man closed his eyes and didn't notice it at all.

She could not help but get up and exclaimed, "master Wuqiu, be careful!"

The sound did not fall.

Zhao Jingyi has pulled out the bodyguard's long sword and flew up. With one sword, she cut off the flying arrow aimed at Ying Wuqiu.

The golden branches and jade leaves, who are no more extravagant and licentious on weekdays, seem to have changed a person at the moment when he pulls out his sword. His charming romantic posture quietly dissipates and stands calmly and coldly in front of the people, "what's panic! The manners and etiquette on weekdays have been learned from the dog's stomach?"

She turned her back to Ying Wuqiu. She didn't know that the young master without sorrow and joy looked at her back and was distracted for a moment.

When the cold wind hunted, the eldest princess's royal clothes fluttered. She nodded slightly to Zhao Yi, "my son's minister, please take the imperial feather guard forward to resist the enemy. I hope my father and Emperor will grant me permission."

"Jingyi..." the old emperor sighed, but at present, no one can go to the front to support it, so he had to say, "be careful, go."

Empress Yang, the crown prince and princess also hurriedly asked Zhao Jingyi to take care of herself. She didn't want to talk to her.

Xie Yu arched his hand at her. "Be careful, princess."

The eldest princess just smiled faintly, "it's rare that Xie Shilang also cares about people."

Xie Yu said expressionless, "if you can't hold it, withdraw to the sacrificial rooftop. Don't love war."

"Joke? The palace can't hold it?" Zhao Jingyi raised her lips and flew bright. She held a sword in one hand and took off her cloak in the other hand and threw it on the ground. "Qiao Yuanfei! Summon Huang Yuwei to kill the rebels with the palace!"

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