The people protected the old emperor, the queen and the crown prince.

Zhao Jingyi rushed forward with a group of Huangyu guards and confronted the rebels in front. At one time, two waves of people separated, blood and flying snow splashed together, and the fire was particularly dazzling in the twilight.

Wen Jiu stood in the middle of the sacrificial roof, watching the eldest princess's Rouge skirt stained with blood, and wielding her sword to cut the rebels.

There are millions of Dayan men, all of whom want to win a place in the political palace, but at the moment, there is no such woman who is pointed to the nose and scolded for insulting the royal family.

All the princes' children were still running around. Suddenly someone pulled warm wine and squatted down, "what are you looking at? What's good about killing people? Hide a little so that you won't be hurt by mistake."

"Zhou Shizi?" she looked back in surprise. "Why don't you hide?"

Zhou Minghao smiled innocently. "Didn't you hear that? There can only be one person at a time in the lower road. Should the emperor go ahead? There are the queen and the son of heaven, the Crown Princess and princesses behind. When these people are finished, there are more dignified ministers. When it's my turn, Zhao Zhi will kill them long ago."

This man is too self-conscious.

Wen Jiu was surprised and said, "then why don't you go and help the big Princess kill the enemy."

Although he looks like a dandy, he was very skillful when he was in Yunzhou.

Zhou Minghao picked his eyebrows, "not yet."

Wen Jiu said, "it's time to wait for someone to put a knife around your neck?"

During their conversation, a broken sword flew across. Zhou Minghao brushed the broken sword away with a flick of his sleeve and continued to say to her, "it's not true. But brother Dongfeng didn't come. I always think it's not so bad. At this time, I just need to stay next to you. I should be safe."

Warm wine heart way: you are smart.

"Shopkeeper Wen, tell me quietly what you two... Want to do?" Zhou Minghao leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I promise not to tell others, just tell me a little, so that I can be at ease."

Now this situation is a mess.

Wen Jiu shook his head, "I don't know."

Zhou Minghao was surprised. "What? You don't know?" he couldn't understand. "Why don't you know?"

Wen Jiu ignored him and calmed down to think about it.

The eldest princess is very smart and her martial arts are not weak, but these five thousand people can't resist tens of thousands of people for long.

On the path in front of the sacrificial rooftop, someone has gone down to explore the way. Up to now, there is no echo. Even if it is feasible, it has gone a few times, and all the remaining people will die here.

Zhao Zhi is not a clever master.

I don't know who bewitched me this time. I took the risk and led the troops to surround Lingyun mountain. It seems that ruiwang has a big winning face. In fact, it is a dead end.

Zhou Minghao whispered at her side, "your third childe can still keep his face at this time, but he is really a divine man."

Warm wine smell speech, suddenly lift eyes to look at Xie.

The man was always in front of the emperor and pressed the noisy Royal relatives and families so that they didn't dare to howl any more, which raised Zhao Zhi's bottom.

King Rui took the risk because of the destruction of Yunzhou.

There should be 50000 rebels at the bottom, coming from Youfeng city nearest to Dijing. The leader should be the people of King Rui's mother family.

The meaning is very clear. Those who stand on the same boat with Zhao Zhi come to earn the merit of the dragon. There is no possibility of appeasement and solicitation.

The ministers were trembling and dared not speak much.

Just at this time, only one person sent to explore the way came back, shivering and lying on the ground, "the road is slippery and the mountain is steep, and there is a thousand feet cold pool below. If you accidentally fall into the water, your life will be hard to protect!"

Zhao Feng took a cold breath and asked in a deep voice, "where is the man who went to explore the road with you just now?"

The man who came back from exploring the way said, "I fell, I fell!"

The crowd frowned and said, "I can't go on such a road! What should I do?"

When she was anxious, Zhao Yu tiptoed to look at Zheng lie's side and said in a surprised voice, "elder sister Dahuang can't hold it! What should I do? Empress mother!"

"Shut up!" empress Yang began to scold her.

But the situation is more and more difficult to control. Even if Zhao Jingyi has the courage of one enemy, Huang Yuwei, who is careless in training, can't stop so many rebels from attacking.

After a wave of killing, a steady stream of soldiers rushed up.

The night is sinking.

Zhao Jingyi and others were also beaten by wheel fights, and more and more people fell.

Zhao Zhi, who had never appeared, finally appeared in front of the crowd with Huang Yuwei's body. He cut at Zhao Jingyi with a knife and gnashed his teeth. "Why are you again? Zhao Jingyi!"

The eldest princess opened his sword with a sword, flew up, kicked him in the heart and said with a smile: "the palace hasn't asked you, how can this man live more and more stupid? Instead, you asked about the palace."

There was a blaze all around and swords flying.

If it comes to fighting alone, Zhao Jingyi is naturally not afraid of Zhao Zhi.

But now, the number of rebels is much higher than that of Huang Yuwei. In a moment, she fell into the trap of the enemy on all sides.

Zhao Zhi took a knife and said angrily, "I see you are looking for death!"

"What a coincidence." Zhao Jingyi tried her best to resist the siege of the people, and the corners of her lips smiled sarcastically, "I see you too."

Wen Jiu was terrified when he saw it on the roof.

The rebels rushed up here. In an instant, they were killed with horizontal knives. The blood was soaked in the snow and red.

There were howls.

When she looked back, she suddenly saw Xie Xuan striding towards this side, throwing knives and arrows around the young man, but he had always been expressionless, and there was no change at this time.

Just a moment later, he came to warm wine, put his hand on her head, and pressed her down, "what are you doing standing up? Squatting!"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

After Xie Xuan pressed her down, he looked around for something. He couldn't find it for a long time. He couldn't help frowning.

"Third brother." warm wine and look at him. "What are you looking for?"

Xie Xuan looked back at her and raised his hand to press her down.

Wen Jiu squatted down very consciously and looked up at him, "isn't there a secret way on the sacrificial roof?"

Xie Yu pursed her lips, didn't speak, but her eyes were full of surprise.

It was almost written on his forehead: how do you know a few big words.

Wen Jiu had heard the secret of sacrificing the roof in his previous life, but he didn't think he really met him now.

She took Xie Xuan's sleeve and took advantage of it to get up. "Where is the mechanism and what does it look like? I'll look for it with you, and the two will look for it faster. The rebels are coming!"

Wen Jiu trembled when he saw the eldest princess cut by someone.

Ye Da was in charge of the imperial feather guards and fought hard to kill the enemy. He was covered with blood

Xie Yu thought for a moment and said, "ten steps away, lotus pattern."

"OK." after warming the wine, he immediately picked up the masters who had made great achievements on the ground and pushed away the fleeing princes' children.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao hurriedly followed her and asked, "what's the matter? What did Xie san say to you just now?"

"Zhou Shizi, please go and invite the princess back." Wen Jiu said and directly pushed Zhou Minghao, "come on!"

Zhou Shizi stepped back inexplicably and murmured, "who are these people in the Xie family?"

Then he flew past the people, ran into a shadow in the chaos, and rushed to the front. Unfortunately, more and more rebels rushed up. He knocked down the next batch, and the latter rushed up immediately.

He couldn't get to Zhao Jingyi's side at all, so he had to say in a high voice: "Princess! Withdraw quickly! Go back to the roof!"

Zhao Jingyi said without looking back: "you go first. I'll come after cutting Zhao Zhi!"

Zhou Minghao: "

His heart was full of helplessness: I said, big princess, can you count how many wounds you have on yourself?

I haven't hung the lottery yet.

On the other side, Wen Jiu and Xie Xuan are looking for the legendary mechanism.

I don't know where the confidential information of the third childe comes from. If it is taken advantage of by others, I really want to explain my life here this time.

They each looked for one side, and the people around them came and went, with heavy shadows on their sleeves.

Not far away, the sound of fighting and killing rang through the top of the mountain. Wen Jiu almost lay on the ground looking for the lotus pattern, but he couldn't find it. He didn't stop until he asked for nothing.

Everyone stopped to pray.

Only this man sat motionless, and all sentient beings were terrified, but he was calm.

Wenjiu wants to praise. A master is a master.

But when it was really not nonsense, she said in a simple and frightening way, "master, let me."

He ignored her without asking.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and planned to take the man away. Next to him, a prince who was afraid and howled and ran around suddenly bumped her, knocked her several steps and fell directly on the altar where the tribute was placed.

Suddenly, more than a dozen fruit plates fell to the ground. She couldn't stand stably in pain and could only lie half prone. As a result, she saw a stone carving with lotus pattern on her right hand.

"Can't that be it?"

She stretched out her hand and pressed it. She couldn't help looking back at the third childe.

Xie Xuan, who happened to be on the other side, stood by the pan Yun column, raised his hand and pressed it somewhere, looking back at her as if he felt something.

The moment when their eyes intersected.

Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook, and a stone wall suddenly appeared at the edge of the whole sacrificial roof, almost out of thin air, directly blocking the sacrificial roof and the outside world.

A natural stone wall suddenly appeared at this height. Nothing else, it can at least block the rebel attack and save life temporarily. Anything else can be found again.

Zhou Minghao, who was almost arched into the sky by the stone wall, was surprised. He stepped back several steps and threw a wisp of gold silk from his sleeve to Zhao Jingyi. He hurriedly said, "princess, come on!"

Seeing this, Zhao Jingyi stepped on Zhao Zhi's shoulder and flew up, but the stone wall was still arched up, as high as several feet. She didn't catch the gold wire for a moment, and her hand crossed the stone wall, and the whole person fell down.

"Princess!" Wen Jiu's complexion changed greatly, and he ran towards the stone wall regardless of his injury.

However, Ying Wuqiu was faster than her, flew away and jumped on the stone wall in an instant.

Behind the stone wall, Zhao Jingyi stabbed the long sword into the stone wall, and the whole person hung in the air.

It was close. I almost fell.

She looked back, and a group of archers were ready, pulling their strings like a full moon towards her.

Zhao Zhi raised his hand, gnashing his teeth and said, "shoot an arrow!"

Zhao Jingyi thought: this brother really wants her life.

The battle is quite full. There are thousands of arrows without ten thousand arrows. It gives her face. I know she doesn't like to die too lightly than a feather.

Zhao Jingyi thought casually, and the flying arrows flying all over the sky came to her eyes.

Zhao Jingyi made a leap with all her strength and climbed tightly to the stone crack. There were still two steps, just two steps up.

You have to ask him to have a good look. What is death.

He has to remember her all his life.

But it was these two steps that Zhao Jingyi didn't have the strength to cross the stone wall again.

She wanted to see the man again.

A glance is good.

The rubble at her fingertips collapsed and Zhao Jingyi fell down.

Suddenly, a golden Zen stick was across her waist. The man gently picked it and pulled her back from the gate of hell to the world.

The wind is still so cold, and the flying snow is faint.

Zhao Jingyi raised her eyes and saw the master who had been sad and happy for more than 20 years.

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