Just at that moment, Zhao Zhi thought that Xie Yu, who was deep in his heart, was playing tricks, and was wary that Zhao Jingyi, who was highly skilled in martial arts, might fight to death.

I never thought it would be warm wine first!

Zhao Zhiqi wanted to vomit blood, but he had no choice but to order the people, "retreat! Put down the sword and retreat!"

The rebels looked at each other and had to abandon their knives and retreat.

Swords piled on the ground, and one of them quietly walked to the Changming lamp. The blade flickered with fire, and the strong light flashed through the eyes of warm wine.

The archer in the dark was on the string, and in an instant, he shot straight at her.

Xie Xuan's eyes sank, quickly walked through the crowd to Wenjiu, took the dagger in her hand, coerced Zhao Zhi, and took the Royal Highness Rui to block an arrow.

Change is only in an instant.

Xie Yu said to Wen Jiu in a deep voice, "go behind me."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at the third childe in amazement.

Beads of sweat fell down the young man's white jade like face. Xu ran too fast. Xie's breath was a little unstable, but Jun's face was always expressionless. He could live in such a critical time.

The young waiter stabbed Zhao Zhi in the abdomen, glanced lightly at the rebels, "come again?"

Warm wine retreated behind him silently.

Come on.

Everyone knows that Xie Shilang is different from her who is so soft that she barely supports the field. As soon as he comes over, the rebels dare not linger for a few steps,

This is really cruel. They dare to stab the emperor's own son with a knife. They have no doubt that if they slow down a step or two more hidden arrows, Xie Xuan can directly kill Zhao Zhi on the spot.

"Xie Yu!" Zhao Zhi was hurt twice in a row. His face was pale with pain. He was furious: "one of the things that Wang ascended the throne is to kill you, the nine families of Xie family!"

Xie Yu's expressionless foot, Zhao Zhi, forced people to kneel down on his knee.

The young man said in a cold voice, "you dream."

Zhao Zhi drank loudly and became angry. He saw the warm wine on his side. For fear that the third childe could not hold him down, he copied a stick from the ground and knocked it on Zhao Zhi's head.

The red king turned to look at her, his eyes full of disbelief, "it's... You again!"

Warm wine and think about "why is this man's head so hard" whether to knock again and focus on it.

A deputy general brought by Zhao Zhi suddenly took a knife and cut at the old emperor, "Your Highness! I will avenge you at the end!"

As he said this, he actually killed the old emperor regardless of Zhao Zhi's safety. The scene was chaotic. It might be ok if Da Yan Jiangshan didn't surname Zhao in the future.


"Emperor, be careful!"

The prince and the crowd exclaimed, and Zhao Jingyi pulled out her sword and ran away, but it was a step too late.

The blade has fallen on Zhao Yi's forehead.

At this time, a silver gun came out and provoked the deadly blade. The boy in black blocked the emperor Zhao, "don't panic, emperor, and step back."

"Good, good..." emperor Zhao Yi's crown slipped, his gray hair was scattered, and his face was bloodless. He said in a trembling voice: "the little hero came at the right time. Take this traitor. I promise you high officials and high salaries! No matter what you want, I promise!"

"If you don't joke, I'll take it seriously." the young man in black jumped up and challenged the deputy general.

The old emperor stepped back in a hurry. Empress Yang hurried forward to hold him and asked nervously, "emperor, are you hurt?"

Zhao Yi shook his head and looked nervously at the young man in black fighting with the crowd.

The deputy general took a group of rebels, many to few. The young man was dressed in black and had amazing strength. In a flash, they even made several moves. In the light of the fire, they picked up a group of soldiers and shot through the deputy general's chest.

The snow fell down one after another, coagulating the bright red blood on the ground and covering it slowly.

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, "Ye's gun!"

"This man uses the unique skill Ye family gun of the Duke of Heng!"

"Ye family gun! You, you are..." the old emperor's face changed greatly, and he couldn't say a complete word for a moment.

"My surname is ye." the young man in black, with a silver gun, stood among the corpses on the ground, turned back, and said faintly, "ye wutrace, the first 18th generation master of the Heng family."

Until this moment.

Wen Jiu realized why Xiaoye disappeared after he went to Lingyun mountain and didn't appear until now.

It's neither too early nor too late. It came at the right time.

A group of confidants of the old emperor's old ministers changed their faces when they heard the speech, "you, you are the remnant of the Heng government!"

People couldn't help talking.

Zhao Yi couldn't stand steadily and suddenly fell back.

Day and night, I didn't expect the remaining evils of Heng country to appear at this time.

The young man in black is the remnant of Heng's mansion. Who is Xie Heng?

It's a mess.

It's all messed up!

"What are you talking about?" Ye Zhiqiu heard the speech, and his face was already dark, with a slightly heavy complexion. "Who do you say is the remaining evil?"

The people who just talked about it immediately shut up.

Now the eldest princess is injured, and Qiao Yuanfei is half dead. The Zhou Shizi who just stood in front is also out of tune. It's not easy to come up with someone who can help, whether he is the remnant of the Heng family or something nearby. It's the uncle who can support the market.

There was a moment of silence on the altar roof.

Several rebel generals were stabbed to death by Ye Zhiqiu, who was suddenly killed. At the moment, although there were a large number of people, Zhao Zhi did not advocate at all. Under the coercion of Xie Yu, the scene froze for a moment.

The crown prince and several ministers whispered at Zhao Yi's side that before the reinforcements arrived, Lingyun mountain was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Zhao Zhi must not be killed now, but everyone knows that if the stalemate continues, it will be of no benefit to the party with few people.

While he was talking, suddenly four or five rebels rushed at Xie Yu.

Ye Zhiqiu turned around, flew in front of the third childe, and violently beat Zhao zhitiao, who was struggling to get up, to the ground.

The young man killed six people with a silver gun. He was upright and arrogant. "Do you dare to dream of taking a seat? My Ye Wuji is standing on the roof today. Who dares to fight me?"

Even though Dayan has emphasized literature over martial arts for the past 20 years, he has to admit that he still has to have martial arts at a time when life and death are at stake.

Wen Jiu stood on Xie Xuan's side and saw his third brother frowning slightly. His eyes fell on Xiaoye. He didn't know what he was thinking.

She whispered with Xie: "I suddenly found that... The leaflets grow very well."

Once the leader of Feiyun stronghold made a move, many princes' children lost their style.

Xie Xuan glanced at her.

He didn't know whether to say that Mrs. Shao's heart was big or afraid. At such a time, he still had the mind to say that ye Zhiqiu looked good.

It was about dawn. They were frozen all day and night, and their faces turned blue, but no one dared to relax, for fear that they would be killed by a hidden arrow.

Warm wine has been looking at the distance. The night is heavy and the mountain fog is diffuse. In fact, I can't see anything clearly.

However, she wanted to see Xie Heng earlier.

I don't know who shouted first, "the reinforcements are here!"

There was fire everywhere at the foot of the mountain, and the Xuanjia army rushed like a tide. The snow color in the mountain reflected the flame more and more dazzling, and the sound of countless iron armor intersected, and the momentum became more and more frightening.

This is the Moyu camp trained by Xie Xiaoyan after taking over. Three thousand light riders broke through the city pass and rode into the mountains overnight.

King Rui's rebels had long lost their backbone. In the twinkling of an eye, they were hanged and captured and defeated like a mountain.

Zhao Zhiyan looked at the situation, bit his teeth and said angrily, "this is it. Kill the king! Kill one enough and earn a pair!"

Before everyone could cheer for or see the reinforcements, the sacrificial rooftop was suddenly in chaos. The rebels had no way out. They cut people when they saw them. No matter what princes, ministers, favorite concubines and women you are, they all solved it with one knife.

No one expected the scene to become so chaotic.

Wen Jiu took jin'er and Yu Lu to hide from each other and tried to protect himself. Seeing that the big princess was not good, he quickly picked up a long sword from the ground, shouted "Princess takes the sword!" and threw it over.

"Thanks!" Zhao Jingyi took the sword and cut down two rebels who attacked her. She didn't forget Xie Wenjiu.

There was constant disturbance around, and blood flowed on the sacrificial roof.

Wen Jiu took the two little maids to hide behind the pan Yunzhu. Suddenly, he saw Zhao Zhi rush to the prince with a knife. Li yingyue quickly pulled Zhao Feng away, and the couple fell to the ground.

Zhao Feng looked pale and said, "King Rui, you can't tell your father what you want? Why do you take such a risk?"

Zhao Zhi condescended and said with a sneer, "what I hate most is your hypocritical face! Prince, the prince of Dayan! Obviously, no one can look at you, but you have to pretend to be a calm and close person. Who else do you pretend to see when you are dying?"

Zhao Feng trembled and said, "no, not..."

Zhao Zhi clenched his teeth and said, "they are also the sons of the father and the emperor. Why can you be a crown prince if you are so timid and incompetent? I just don't have a queen's mother, so I deserve to be a head shorter than you all? No! I don't believe in my life. If I want anything, I will fight for it. That's the king's! If I can't fight, I'll destroy it. No one wants it!"

He took his knife and cut at Zhao Feng.

The old emperor shouted angrily not far away: "rebel, stop!"

Zhao Zhi seemed unheard of it and continued to chop. A few steps away, ye Zhiqiu suddenly turned around and kicked him away. He was facing the key of ruiwang with a silver gun in his hand.

Just a little... A step slower.

Someone shot faster than her, and a Sword Pierced Zhao Zhi's chest.

Zhao Zhi looked down at the sword blade penetrating his heart. Blood gushed out. He turned stiffly and squeezed two words out of his throat in anger, "thank you!"

The young man in purple robe and jade belt let go of the sword handle, closed his hand and returned to his sleeve. His face was light and said, "it's easy to go, Lord. Don't send it."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure out why Xie Yu came to kill Zhao Zhi.

Only a moment later, Zhao Feng and Li yingyue escaped. For a moment, they were almost grateful.

The old emperor not far away suddenly burst into tears and murmured "emperor's son..." as if he was ten years old in an instant.

Warm wine is not safe to hide behind pan Yunzhu. From time to time, women's family members squeeze here, which leads to the killing of the rebels.

She had to go out with two little maids. Unexpectedly, she just met Zhao Zhi who died under the sword of the third childe. The rebels saw her with red eyes as if they had seen the enemy who killed their father.

More than a dozen people approached the warm wine, and she stepped back step by step. For a moment, she accidentally stepped on the steps and instantly rolled down dozens of steps on the high platform, covered with blood.

The rebels kicked over the bronze lanterns on the roof, the fire splashed down the steps, and more than a dozen one person tall bronze lanterns fell straight at the warm wine.

She couldn't hide at all, so she had to turn over and curl up in the cold snow.

Heart kept silent: Xie Heng!

Xie Heng

Suddenly, a horse's hoof came flying.

Wen Jiu heard several heavy blows in his ear and suddenly looked up. He looked at the young black armour in red standing in front of her. Holding a long sword, he flew more than a dozen bronze lamps. Sparks splashed all over his body. A crowd of ink feather troops poured in. In a twinkling of an eye, he controlled the situation on the sacrificial platform.

Xie Heng turned around, put his sword three feet into the snow, bent down and picked her up from the mess. In a low voice, he said, "young lady, I'll take you home."

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