Wen Jiu looked at him. Somehow, his eyes suddenly turned red.

She whispered, "Xie Heng..."

"I'm here."

The young man bent his head and gently brushed his warm lips across her forehead. "Sorry, I'm late."

Warm wine raised his hand and wiped the blood on the boy's face. "I just fell. It's okay."

Xie Heng said in a low voice, "I shouldn't have let you come to Lingyun mountain."

"Aren't you going to cry?" warm wine gently brushed the young man's reddish eyes and tail, smiled in his voice and teased him in a low voice. "I don't have a clean veil on my body. Even my sleeves are full of soil. If you want to cry, you'd better bear to go home and cry."

Xie Heng held her tighter and suddenly asked her, "are you afraid?"

"Ah?" Wen Jiu was stunned for a while. He reacted for a while and said, "I'm not afraid."

The young eyebrow peak picked slightly, "really?"

Wenjiu paused, put his forehead on his shoulder and whispered, "I'm still a little afraid."

She said, "but I'm afraid you'll come."

Xie Heng didn't speak for a moment.

Wenjiu had a lot to say to him and a lot of things to ask about. But now, when people were in front of her, she suddenly felt that there was nothing so clear and clear that she had to ask.

Xie Heng seemed to see through what she thought in her heart and whispered to her, "what you want to ask, I'll tell you slowly when I get home, okay?"

Snow didn't know when she suddenly became small. The sky broke suddenly and lit up thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. The young man in front of her was full of brilliance. When she came, she was wild and frivolous, and when she lowered her eyes, she was gentle.

Wenjiu nodded and said, "OK."

Xie Heng took her in his arms and left. The Moyu troops who had just killed the sacrificial roof retreated one after another to make way.

The sacrificial rooftop behind him was in a great mess. As soon as the princes and ministers saw that Xie Xiaoyan wanted to see it, they immediately panicked.

A group of people couldn't even care about their airs and manners. They rushed and said in a voice, "general Xie, please stay! General Xie, stay!"

"Just now the emperor has made an order to let Xie general return to his original post. It's really gratifying!"

Xie Heng's lips flashed a cold arc, "what do you like? Come to Lingyun mountain to pray for a blessing, which can scare my young lady like this? What can I congratulate?"

Wen dimple in the youth's arms, said in his heart: it seems that you didn't know there would be trouble.

You keep pretending!

The surviving ministers choked and died by him. After a long pause, they continued: "no one wants such a thing to happen... What, general Xie has come. How can we not go to the emperor to say hello?"

The crowd echoed.

Xie Heng said without looking back: "as soon as Xie Heng is a civilian, he won't disturb Shengjia."

He has always been no one's face, and a group of ministers are disheartened, and there is no way to stop him.

"Xie Aiqing!" suddenly came from behind

Xie Heng stopped, but he didn't look back.

Wen Jiu glanced at the corner of his eye and whispered in his ear, "the old emperor is coming."

With the help of Zhao Feng, the old emperor hurried down the steps and came here, "thanks to Xie Aiqing's timely arrival today, he solved the difficulties of Lingyun mountain and should be rewarded for his achievements..."

"No need." Xie Heng said, "I came to Lingyun mountain to pick up my young lady. As for others, it's just by the way. The emperor doesn't have to do this. Reward for merit, just give it to those brothers who fight to guard the roof."

What he said was too natural.

They unconsciously looked at the warm wine in the young man's arms. This talisman really works better than anything.

Zhao Yi coughed for a long time before calming down. He continued: "others' merit has its own reward. How can we discuss it with Xie Aiqing."

"Emperor!" just as ye Zhiqiu heard this, he walked towards this side and said, "just now the emperor said that I would give whatever I want. This still counts."

Zhao Yi looked back and had a splitting headache.

One is Xie Xiaoyan, who doesn't want anything and writes "don't bother Lao Tzu" all over his face. Now there is another ye wutrace with "I want to make things" on his head.

The old emperor held his breath and fainted. He said, "you don't have a joke. Count naturally."

"That's good!" Ye Zhiqiu knelt down and saluted on the spot, holding a silver gun in both hands over his head. "Twenty years ago, the Duke of Heng was wronged, involving the whole family. Ye Wuji dared to ask the emperor to review the unjust case of that year and redress the injustice for our Ye family, so as to comfort the loyal soul of our Heng family who has worked hard for Dayan for generations!"

When they heard the speech, they all turned blue.

Twenty years ago, we all know that the Duke of Heng was just one of the victims of Zhao Yi's seizure of the throne. It's nothing to rehabilitate the family. If the incident of twenty years ago is involved, one or two relatives of future generations will come out to seek justice, and the people on the Dragon chair should be changed.

But the boy of the Ye family just saved the emperor and the prince and got the promise of golden words.

If the old emperor doesn't agree, who will risk his life to report to the Zhao family in the future?

Xie Xiaoyan, who had been reluctant to answer, turned back here and said slowly: "when I was in the prison, someone always said I was a remnant of the Ye family. At that time, I didn't understand, but now I suddenly understand. It's fate to be imprisoned for no reason, so..."

The young man's eyes were filled with a few sporadic smiles. "Didn't the Emperor just say that he would reward you on merit? I don't want anything. Please ask for a favor for this brother and ask the emperor to rehabilitate the Duke of Heng!"

Only the old emperor and his confidants could understand these words.

Since the incident of Nanning Wang came out, Zhao Yi put Xie Heng into prison and thought about how to solve the man. The crime of Yunzhou was not to die. Xie Heng was young and had a bright future. However, these individuals thought he said the remaining sins of the Duke of Heng, so they thought he must die.

Now ye Wuji comes out. Xie Heng has nothing to do with the Ye family, but he almost died. No one can think that nothing has happened.

The old emperor was silent for a moment.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and had a loud voice. "I think my voice was too light just now. The Emperor didn't hear it clearly, so I'll say it again."

"That's enough!" Zhao Yi interrupted him and said angrily, "it's just an old story of 20 years. Since there are doubts in the case, let the Ministry of punishment investigate it again!"

"I will obey your orders." Xie Xuan, who did not know when to come to him, suddenly saluted and took command.

Zhao Yi was startled. Just about to speak, he suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot.

A group of people hurriedly surrounded the old emperor and held him around. The prince called the imperial doctor to see.

Zhao Yi was ill for a long time. He tossed about for another day and night. His mood fluctuated greatly. Several imperial doctors worked together for a long time and didn't wake anyone up.

Xie Xuan replied and then retreated to one side. Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu also got up and wiped the blood from the gun head with his sleeve. They both looked at Xie Heng with one eye and moved away quietly.

With such a large sacrificial roof, everyone was busy. Only Wen Jiu saw the subtle intersection of these people.

Xie Heng looked down at her and said in a warm voice, "go home, young lady."

Warm wine was a little sleepy, nestled in his arms, and his eyes became a little hazy.

The sky became brighter and brighter. The flying snow stopped suddenly. The light golden sunshine penetrated the clouds and fell on the high platform and among the plants. The snow on the mountains melted quietly and the glittering light gathered all over the ground.

The young man in red is wearing light.

Yesterday's troubles go, and the Ming Dynasty rejoices that the Ming Dynasty comes.

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