Wen dimple slept in the boy's arms. When he woke up, he had returned to Xie's house.

When she opened her eyes, she looked up and saw Xie Heng sitting by the couch. The light yellow curtain weft hung low behind the boy. Some of the afterglow of the sunset outside the window fell on his shoulder.

The warm is exciting.

The old lady and her family sat beside the couch and whispered. The two young looked at the couch from time to time. They suddenly saw warm wine and opened their eyes. They quickly shouted in unison, "wake up! Sister-in-law, wake up!"

Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand and gave a shudder to Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi. He smiled and said, "keep your voice down. You're so noisy. Be careful to make ah Jiu a headache."

The two little girls quickly raised their hands to cover their mouths and looked like "I'm not noisy, I'm the best".

Wen Jiu looked up at the crowd and blushed slightly.

She only saw Xie Heng just now and didn't notice that all the family were here. It's inevitable that she was a little embarrassed.

"Ah Jiu, are you better?" Mrs. Xie came forward, took her hand and said painfully, "fortunately, you're all right. If you have three pieces and two short pieces, Dongfeng will have to dismantle the sacrificial roof."

Wenjiu's face was still a little pale, and he answered with a smile, "I just fell down. It was nothing."

As she was talking, Xie Heng, who was beside the bed, took a look at her and immediately took away the false and indifferent appearance and added, "it's just that her feet hurt."

Just at this time, Qingqi arrived with the medicine box, and they hurriedly got out of the way.

Xie Heng also got up and stood by the couch.

Xie Sanfu said humanely, "give ah Jiu a look. Is the injury serious?"

Qing Qi bowed his head to heal Mrs. Shao. It was scary to be stared at by the childe alone. Now the Xie family is guarding here. Who is going to scare to death?

It's not easy for him to finish watching the injury. He turned and said, "fortunately, madam Shao's injury is not serious. Although there are many wounds, it's not deep. It's probably caused by falling from a high place. There's also a sprained right foot. It's best not to go down recently..."

As soon as Mrs. Xie heard this, she was unhappy. "After so much blood, she said that the wound was not deep and the wound was not heavy?"

Qing Qi choked and knew that the third lady of the Xie family couldn't stand it. He immediately took out the medicine for treating trauma and handed it to Xie Heng. He said, "I'll fill the medicine for Mrs. Shao first." he withdrew quickly.

Mrs. Xie looked at the young doctor strangely, "now these doctors..."

Xie Wanjin interrupted her with a smile, "Aung, elder brother still needs to medicine ah Jiu. Let's go out first."

Mrs. Xie paused for a moment and immediately understood, "yes, yes, little six and seven go out first."

Old Xie looked at them and went out with the crowd.

A group of maids were waiting outside in a great hurry. As soon as they came out, they couldn't help asking, "how's the young lady?"

"It's fine." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "don't worry here. Do what you should do."

The old lady Xie on her side suddenly remembered something. She looked back at the door and whispered, "there are so many maids. They should have been asked to medicine ah Jiu..."

The sound did not fall.

Mrs. Xie came forward to help Mrs. Xie and said, "these little girls don't know the weight of the east wind."

Xie Wanjin smiled and said, "what a Niang said is that a eldest brother drugged a wine. I don't know how many times it works better than others. I'm afraid the person who is seriously injured won't feel the pain."

"You......" Xie Yucheng shook his head and smiled helplessly.

The snow stopped outside, the wind remained, the plum blossoms fell all over the ground and melted with the snow.

As I walked along, I suddenly said, "after the new year, the east wind will be twenty."

"Yes," said Mrs. Xie, "it's time to get married."

They looked at each other and nodded together.

It's better to decide earlier that the emperor's capital has no rest day by day.

Xie Wanjin said on the side: "grandma and auntie, don't worry. I will do things properly and enjoy the scenery."

Mrs. Xie looked back at him, "what about you?"

"What am I?" the fourth childe pretended to be a fool and looked puzzled.

Xie Sanfu said humanely, "you are old enough. When will you find me a daughter-in-law?"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "that's not easy. I'll marry whatever my aunt likes. Don't say it's a daughter-in-law. You can be happy with ten or eight."

"Who wants you to be such a bastard!" Xie Sanfu was so popular that he stretched out his hand to pull his ear.

The fourth childe has been beaten by his aunt for so many years. He has been on guard for a long time. He immediately avoided it and walked quickly through the corridor. "There are a lot of things waiting for me to do outside. I'll go first."

Mrs. Xie was angry and smiled, but said, "we, the CHILDES of the Xie family, are the most ridiculous and don't make progress!"

"Just let him be happy." Xie Laofu said humanely, "I think Wanjin is very good."

Little six said, "fourth brother is very good."

Xiao Qi then said, "yes, the eldest brother and the third brother are so busy. Only the fourth brother often plays with us."

Mrs. Xie sighed and didn't speak again.

Which family is not looking for a son to become a dragon, a daughter to become a Phoenix, and a husband to find a prince, but there is nothing perfect in the world. It is difficult to protect the peace of the family with high achievements. After a long time, they have no ambition.

Now, I just want to be healthy.


And the house.

For a time, only Wen Jiu and Xie Heng were left.

"That..." Wen Jiu reached out to touch the tip of his nose and whispered, "I'd better take this medicine myself."

Xie Heng's sword eyebrow was slightly picked. "Madam Shao thinks my hand is heavy and will hurt you?"

Wen Jiu felt that the man was intentional, but there was nothing on the boy's face.

She felt that she was probably thinking too much.

Wenjiu whispered, "No."

"Just take a medicine." Xie Heng sat down on her side with a slight smile. "I don't do anything."

Warm wine, slightly pick from the corners of your eyes: "..."

She couldn't help thinking: you look like this. You obviously want to cover up. Don't you count yourself?

Xie Heng rolled up his sleeves and asked casually, "are you going to untie this dress... Or am I going to do it?"

But when I swept the corner of my eyes with warm wine, I saw that the young man's ears were slightly red.

No better than her.

"I'll do it myself."

Warm wine sat up beside the couch, just taking medicine. If it was too wriggly, it seemed that there was something.

She stretched out her hand and went to remove her clothes belt. She lifted her clothes back and took off her triple clothes to her waist. She didn't take them off, only revealing her scarred back.

Xie Heng's eyes sank and didn't move for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Wenjiu half turned back and couldn't help asking him, "the doctor said the injury wasn't serious, so he should..."

She hasn't spoken yet.

Xie Heng suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the back of her neck.

The young man's long eyelashes were slightly wet and trembled gently behind her ears.

Some itchy, with three or two points of coolness, and unspeakable heartache and pity.

Wenjiu was stunned.

Then, Xie Heng silently wiped, drugged and bandaged her wound.

When he was injured, he always laughed off. If ah Jiu or the third childe was with others, he always smiled and said a few words.

At the moment, it's not boring, which makes Wenjiu a little flustered.

Just as she was about to break the silence, her words suddenly turned into a "hiss" and took a breath of air-conditioning.

Xie Heng immediately stopped his hand, frowned and asked, "I hurt you?"

"Don't be so careful." Wen Jiu said helplessly, "just do it quickly. It only hurts for a while. You're so nervous that I'm... Nervous."

It's probably that no one has ever been regarded as a treasure. Now she's a little uncomfortable.

The sound fell.

Xie Heng suddenly poured most of the bottle of powder on her wound.

Wen Jiu's face suddenly changed and said, "Xie Heng! I'm afraid you don't want to..."

"Shaking hands." the boy only said so two words.

Warm wine suddenly don't know what to say.

This young man, who often turned the tide in the face of danger, would tremble when he gave her a medicine.

She didn't bear it any more and shouted when it hurt.

When I finished taking the medicine, Wen Jiu's voice was a little hoarse.

Xie Heng was also a sweat, and he couldn't help breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

The young man leaned on the couch and looked at her. His amber eyes were dim. Suddenly he said, "last wound medicine, you shouted like this. How can you be good in the future?"

Warm wine gathered up the skirt, and suddenly heard such a sentence, his face was crimson, "what did you say? Xie Heng! You..."

"What do you think?" Xie Heng bent his fingers and flicked the glass beads on her forehead. "I said to have children in the future. They said that there was no difference between the pain of childbirth and death. You were so weak. What can you do in the future?"

Wenjiu almost couldn't help hitting him with a pillow and said in a stuffy voice: "... Who wants to have children with you?"

"My little lady." Xie Heng pulled the brocade quilt over her, hugged her every other, and whispered, "when you're ready, we'll get married."

Wen Jiu looked up at him, his eyes were glistening, and said in a painful voice, "thank you Dongfeng! You're pressing my wound!"

Xie Heng quickly backed away. "Where's it hurt? Let me see."

Most of Wenjiu's face was buried in the quilt and whispered, "if you stay away from me, I won't hurt."

Get married.

Marry Xie Heng?

Xie Heng wants to marry her!

Warm wine can't tell the mood at the moment. Some want to cry, but also have the joy of having a narrow escape from death.

"Well, well, what the young lady said is what." Xie Heng had no choice but to step back and stand by the window with the sunset.

The young man was radiant and looked at her with burning eyes.

Wen dimple on the couch, rubbed his eyes, couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

She rubbed her fingertips in the quilt and thought about hurting her muscles and bones for a hundred days.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon.

Xie Dongfeng's birthday is on the third day of March.

You can't take a wife until your son of the Xie family has reached 20.

To sum up, when her injury is all right, it happens to be the beginning of spring, and Xie Heng is over 20

It's time to get married.

Young lady.

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