After a big mess in Lingyun mountain, the princes and ministers immediately settled down a lot. They dare not say a word of thanks to little Yama. They also come and go to the shop under shopkeeper Wen's name from time to time to spend some money.

It's not easy to get back a life. At present, the old emperor's body is getting worse and worse. I don't know how many such troubles will come out in the future.

Hold your thighs tight to save your life. Everyone knows this reason.

Warming wine while healing, while looking through the account books of various shops.

She is used to being busy, and now the new year is approaching. It is the time when business is booming in all walks of life, but Xie Heng doesn't allow her to go out. She can only nest in the yard and live a life of clothes and food.

Wen Jiu often worries that he will be abandoned by him.

The Xie family was very happy to see her success. All the maids always looked at her with a smile.

Wen Jiu couldn't help but say, "Zhao Zhigang died and the old emperor was ill again. You laughed so happily that you didn't know that you thought you were gloating, and you weren't afraid of being caught in jail."

"No." jin'er said, "the third childe is very busy. He doesn't have time to catch us."

A group of maids echoed.

Warming wine, while dialing the abacus, said, "then why are you so idle?"

Yulu said, "the eldest childe said that Mrs. Shao is recuperating at home and needs to be looked after. Let's all stay with us in the house. There are four CHILDES to do those things outside."

Wenjiu paused for a moment and said with a low smile, "I said that the fourth brother can't even see a shadow."

The waitresses talked for a while.

Wen Jiu suddenly remembered something and looked up and said, "there are several Centennial ginseng plants over there in Liji Medical Museum. Let someone take them and send them to the eldest princess."

Xiangman said, "I sent Ganoderma lucidum the day before yesterday, heart protecting pill yesterday, and ginseng today. Madam, I don't know. I thought you were with the eldest princess..."

The little maid was just halfway through her words.

Wen Jiu glanced at her and said with a smile, "don't tell jokes. Go quickly."

The little maid saluted and said "yes" and just came out of the door.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi ran into the room and ran to warm wine, one with cakes and the other with a small soup cup.

"Sister in law, eat Hibiscus cake!"

"Sister in law, drink soup."

The two small voices almost overlap, which means that they compete for favor.

Wen Jiu removed the abacus and account book at hand and asked with a smile, "what did you gamble today?"

Xie Zishu and Xie Zian were born with seven or eight points. They wear thick clothes in winter. They often go in and out together and let her run in front of them. They look like New Year's picture dolls carved with powder and jade.

Just two clever ghosts, secretly always full of bad water, people can't resist.

Xiao Liu held up the lotus cake a little and whispered, "sister-in-law, eat the lotus cake first, and I'll tell you... It's so heavy that I can't take it."

Xiao Qi stared at her with wide eyes. "You are spoiled again! Every time! It's too much."

Xie Xiaoliu said, "who makes me a girl? You're a boy. If you don't want face, you can act like my sister-in-law like me."

Xie Xiaoqi suddenly became dumb: "... You are cruel!"

Then, the little boy turned and handed the soup cup to Wen Jiu, "the elder brother said, let his sister-in-law drink the soup first."

Warm wine can't help but pick a little at the end of your eyes.

Good boy.

I'm used to being bullied by Xie Xiaoliu. Now I know to find another way out. Take Xie Dongfeng to oppress her.

She took the soup cup in one hand, took the hibiscus cake in the other hand, put it on the table, reached out and gently scraped the tip of their nose, "there are many people in and out of the house these two days. Don't run around and stay in the hospital, otherwise the third brother will personally take you to read after the new year."

"No, no, no!" the two little ones hurriedly said, "we are good. If the third brother is so busy, don't bother him."

Warm wine, a smile in a pair of apricot eyes.

"What are you two doing when you run so fast?" the young man in red came slowly with a bunch of green calyx plum in his arms, his eyebrows and eyes flying bright and thin lips smiling. "Anyway, ah Jiu likes me best. It's no use running fast."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose.

Heart: this guy is getting thicker and thicker.

A crowd of maids bowed their heads and snickered.

The boy went to Wenjiu, handed her the green calyx plum in his hand, and said with a smile in his voice, "the snow outside the eaves is gradually disappearing, and the green calyx plum is very good for cooking wine. It should be OK to enjoy wine."

Wenjiu didn't get up. He reached for the plum blossom and put it into the vase.

She looked at people from flower to flower, and the more she found that the boy's eyebrows and eyes were gorgeous.

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrow and said to Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi, "what are you still doing here?"

The two little ones looked at Xie Heng with an unconventional face.

Little seven couldn't help making a face at him. Little six said in a small voice, "elder brother is so shameless!"

Xie Heng glanced at her. "What did you say?"

Xie Xiaoliu was so excited that he quickly changed his way: "elder brother has given birth to a beautiful face!"

Xie Heng sneered, "go back to your room and finish embroidering your sparrow. I'll let mammy check it tomorrow."

"Elder brother!" Xie Xiaoliu almost jumped up when he heard the speech. "That's what I embroidered for my third brother. It's a crane, not a sparrow!"

Xie Heng raised his hand and nodded the little girl's forehead. "Don't talk about it with me. You're the only girl in the Xie family. You can't even embroider a bird well. You won't even have a cushion in the future. It depends on who you cry with."

"Elder brother..." Xie Xiaoliu quickly took his sleeve and wanted to grind with him.

Xie Heng said, "don't let Xiao Qi embroider for you."

The sound fell.

The little girl was not happy immediately. She gave a "hum", turned around and took Xie Xiaoqi and ran away. She didn't forget to shout: "when my eldest brother is away, I'll find my sister-in-law to embroider for me!"

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. He leaned lazily against the back of the warm wine chair and sighed softly, "young lady, do you think there are too few girls in our family?"


Wen Jiuxin didn't understand. He instinctively felt that the man had something to say, so he deliberately didn't answer.

With only this word, Xie Heng could take it down, turned around and whispered in her ear, "ah Jiu..."

As soon as the young man opened his mouth, Wen Jiu couldn't help drawing a plum blossom from the vase and tapping it gently on the tip of his nose, "Xie Dongfeng, don't talk to me."

Xie Heng laughed, "well, I'll serve the young lady with soup."

As they talked, the maids in the room walked out with light hands and feet.

The door hasn't closed yet.

Suddenly, a young man came rushing, "eldest childe, young lady! The third childe asked someone to come back and send a message. The man sent to the Ministry of punishment a few days ago woke up!"

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng looked at each other.

The matter of Yunzhou has been settled. Even Zhao Zhi has died in Lingyun mountain. It doesn't matter whether Zhao Qingfeng is dead or alive. But when he wakes up now, if he is smart enough, he will excuse Xie Heng. Maybe he can profit from it and take the opportunity to clean up the identity of the son of the anti thief.

It's really time for Zhao Qingfeng to wake up.

The young man said, "someone from the Ministry of punishment invited the eldest childe to come over and said it was a question. It was very polite and polite."

"Let them wait." Xie Heng said carelessly, "I'll come later."

Wen Jiu was puzzled, "why do you want them to wait?"

It's clear that he has nothing to do in the house. Has he put on airs for a long time and raised any strange problems?

She turned around, but saw Xie Heng holding the soup cup, gently scooping up a spoon in his right hand and handing it to her lips, "when you finish drinking the soup, I'll go."

Wen Jiu: "... I didn't hurt my hand."

The young man slightly hooked his lips and coaxed with a smile, "ah Jiu is good."

Wen Jiu couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes and drank the soup he fed to his mouth.

She always wanted to pamper the young man in front of her.

Now, how did she become spoiled by Xie Heng?

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