In the lobby of the Ministry of punishment, the third division will hold a joint trial.

Xie yuduan sat in the center, the two of Dali temple and yingtianfu sat on both sides, and the officials at the bottom listened.

It's cold in the cold winter. The expressionless waiter Xie in the hall is more and more cold.

No one dare say anything.

The old emperor always had only a few sons. Zhao fan, the fourth prince, was whipped by Xie Shilang and sent to the Seventh Tower. A few days ago, the king of Rui, who dared to lead a rebellion, was also sent to the West with a sword.

Since the founding of the Dayan Dynasty, he had never seen anyone who killed the emperor's son and still stood in the court.

The people looked at their nose and heart and kept telling themselves that they were really the people who dared to confront Xie Xiaoyan and could not provoke him.

Tang knelt down to the common son of the king of Nanning.

Zhao Qingfeng was dressed in prison clothes, his face white as paper, and said that he was going to fall. That's it. He also surprised the officials all over the hall with sweat.

"What are you talking about? The nitrate mine in Yunzhou has been dug for a year?"

"King Rui and the king of Nanning have colluded for a long time? He promised the king of Nanning to grant him Jiang'an as a fief as soon as he ascended the throne?"

"Also conspiring to use gunpowder to suppress the riots of all parties as soon as it is made? It's fantastic! All the people killed are Dayan's people. If a neighboring country invades in the future, who will join the army to resist the enemy?"

The ministers were filled with righteous indignation when they heard the speech. They wanted to dig out Zhao Li's Zhao family and cut him thousands of knives.

Before, how many upper folds asked the old emperor to kill Xie Heng. Now, how many people call Xie Heng good kill!

Xie Yu in front of the hall was still expressionless. He was shocked and said, "silence!"

Everyone stopped.

Zhao Qingfeng, the only one left, continued: "the reason for Yunzhou is handled by my father, and all the servants in the house know it. My strength is weak and can't be stopped. I once wrote a book to the imperial capital and was stopped when I couldn't present it to the imperial case. I'm afraid my father would know, so I don't dare to make any more moves. I can only collect evidence from assisting Zhao qingluan..."

The common son of the king of Nanning came to Dijing. He first fainted for several days. When he woke up, he became a blockbuster and told the story of Yunzhou clearly.

Zhao LiMou has been in business for a long time and has many flaws, but Yunzhou is really far away from the emperor. All the people sent by the emperor were solved on the way. Zhao Qingfeng said that he had sent letters to Beijing, and there is no way to verify it.

All the people in Nanwang mansion are dead. King Rui and all the rebels have been cut down by Xie Xiaoyan. Now Zhao Qingfeng is what he says.

What's more, this man is also extremely smart. He picked Xie Heng, Xie Yu and Chen Yuanning, who had been lurking in Yunzhou before, that is, the crown prince. No one offended him. I brought many evidences to the imperial capital early and hid them outside the city. I took them out as soon as I woke up today and returned them with my loyalty.

The old foxes secretly felt that they might be feared later.

Zhao Li has such a son, which can be regarded as the smoke from his ancestral grave.

Only Xie Xuan still looked pale and asked the hall, "is Xie Heng here?"

Some of the officials at the bottom thought, "general Xie wants to come because there is a delay in the house. He should be here soon, soon."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and didn't speak.

Therefore, the whole lobby of the Ministry of punishment had to be frozen.

The one who sat in Ying Tianfu recently couldn't stand it. "Thank you, sir, general Xie hasn't come yet. I think it's because he received grievances before. It's hard to calm his heart... Do you want to send this case to the emperor first, wait for the emperor to see it, and then decide how to talk to general Xie?"

Xie Yu glanced at him, "since the case is being tried, how can people be tried if they don't come?"

There are words of suffering.

When trying other cases, it requires both human and material evidence. The criminal kneels respectfully at the bottom. If there is any disrespect, he will be directly punished.

Thank you, little Yama

Dare you call him a criminal?

Even if the king of Nanning was chopped down earlier, the great crime of beheading must be determined. People's God of wealth didn't take people away well.

Not to mention now, it is obvious that the old emperor has wronged Xie Heng and is in a hurry to wash the young man's wrongs.

They are not rare at all.

There are many ways in this matter.

I don't know how many ministers secretly gave gifts to Xie's house. They eagerly begged Xie Xiaoyan to forgive the previous things. Thanks to the servant Lang, his heart is like a rock and is not affected at all.

Everyone in the hall has their own thoughts.

Zhao Qingfeng knelt on the ground, shaky, watching a careless and faint.

Just then, the guard outside the hall announced, "general Xie Heng, here!"

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked. They quickly straightened their sitting posture. Zhao Qingfeng, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't shake for a moment.

Xie Heng was dressed in red and light fur. When he came in slowly, his clothes flew lightly.

If they hadn't seen this man wearing Xuanjia and fighting Lingyun with a sword two days ago, they would almost regard him as a handsome young man with romantic clothes.

The young man slightly hooked his lips, "so many people are here?"

The people hurriedly got up to salute, with a smile on their faces and a familiar look, "general Xie can count!"

"Let's wait so hard."

"Just now Zhao Qingfeng has said everything about Yunzhou. I was really wronged before. General Xie, we will make the truth known to the world and give general Xie justice!"

Only Xie Yu remained upright and motionless.

"What general? Xie is just a civilian now. You adults don't have to be so polite."

Xie Heng's tone was not salty, and choked the people half to death in an instant.

The old emperor said that if the official was reinstated, he would be reinstated?

I'm kidding. If I let you pinch the circle and flatten it, would I still thank the little hell?

A box of love!

He ignored these individuals and directly asked Xie Yu, "Lord Xie, why are you so anxious to come to me?"

"The man at the bottom is Zhao Qingfeng, the son of the king of Nanning." Xie Xuan said in a very light tone: "you have just made it clear about Yunzhou. You are excusable to kill Zhao Li."

"That's it?" Xie Heng didn't even give Zhao Qingfeng an eye wind, but brushed the fly ash between his sleeves. "Now there's a reason to talk about love. Don't you think it's too late?"

The ministers choked half to death: "...."

I've never seen such a person who doesn't give the emperor face!

Xie Yu said expressionless, "how are you doing?"

The Dali Temple minister on his side quickly whispered, "Lord Xie, Xie Heng is your eldest brother. Take it easy."

Xie Heng said with a smile, "what general, marquis, Xie is not rare. In other words, this case has been turned over. Can you return the money that my young lady used to redeem me?"

The faces and expressions of the people were instantly rigid.

How dare you thank the little Yama for asking for money?

It's really easier to ask God than to send God.

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and stepped onto the platform step by step. The pale golden sun scattered from the door, reflecting the youth's brilliance and momentum.

The Qing of Dali temple and Ying Tianfu Yin's face changed greatly, and they got up and retreated one after another. Only Xie Yu sat in the distance with a calm face.

Xie Heng put his hand on the table and smiled condescending. "It's not easy for my young lady to earn some money. Please deal with it impartially."

Xie Yu's eyes looked at him like ink, "nature."

The rest of the crowd only felt that the dark tide between the two people was surging and wanted to come forward to separate a little, but they looked at each other, and no one dared to come forward.

Xie Xiaoyan leaned over and lowered his voice. What he said to Xie Shilang was, "the third childe has been more and more reduced. Remember to go home early after accounting. I'll have someone stew you a black bone chicken to make up for it."

Xie Yu coughed the doctor and kept his expressionless face in front of him. He said "Hmm" coldly.

"Then I'll go back first." Xie Heng turned and strode away.

The people in the lobby looked at the man's back and Xie Shilang's face. They were very tacit and didn't say anything.

The case was turned over, but Xie Yu did those things that he did when he killed his family in righteousness.

Look at Xie Xiaoyan just now. I'm afraid these two brothers will never make friends again in this life.

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