The warm wine eyebrows jumped and said:

Mrs. Xie's work is really first-class. She just said to let the waitresses play. In the twinkling of an eye, the medicine jar and the doctor were arranged.

She couldn't help looking back at Xie Wanjin.

Seeing the fourth childe's anger on his face, he walked over and kicked the young doctor, "will you cure it? If not, get out! Who makes you say something frustrating? If you dare to let my eldest brother hear such words, I will chop you and feed you to the dog!"

The perfect man on the side quickly stopped him and scolded the young doctor, "quack! Get out! If my childe wakes up, he must cut you!"

Shimei advised Xie Wanjin, "fourth childe, please calm down! Don't be common with such a quack."

There are so many people in the courtyard that it seems very noisy.

Wang Zhicheng and his ministers looked at the scene in front of them, and their eyes became very complex.

Wen Jiu raised his sleeve and wiped the corners of his eyes. He turned back and asked the people, "he's resting inside. It's inconvenient for all adults to go in. It's better to invite two of you to go in and have a look. In this way, all adults can go back to the emperor and recover their lives."

After a few discussions, they finally decided to let Wenjiu go in with the old Duke.

Warm wine drooped his eyes, "Lord Jun, please."

The old Duke glanced at the crowd angrily, "you are smart. If you encounter bad luck, let me go."

They quickly flattered him and said ha ha.

Only those with evil intentions can understand this.

Xie Heng is really dying. How bad it is for them to go in. If he was pretending, it would be worse if he pulled out his sword and cut people in a moment of anger.

Wang Zhicheng turned back and said to the imperial doctor, "you two go in with the old county Lord to see general Xie, and leave two to see what medicine they have used. General Xie is the pillar of my great Yan. You must not be delayed by these quacks in the market."

The Royal doctors separated in pairs, and those who wanted to enter the house accelerated their pace, followed the warm wine, went to check the medicine, and went directly to the side of the medicine jar.

Wen Jiu glanced back. The fourth childe looked up and gave her a look of "you take care of the inside, there's me here".

She nodded without trace, turned around and took people into Xie Heng's house.

Just two steps forward, the green guards hiding in the dark flew out, stunned the two royal doctors, quickly took off their clothes and put them on themselves, took out human skin masks and began to trim quickly according to the original appearance of the royal doctor.

The old Duke immediately took a breath, opened the bead curtain and strode to the inner room. At a glance, he saw the eldest son who was seriously injured and died, lying lazily on the soft couch and smiling at him, "old Duke, you're coming."

"What are you doing?" the old Duke looked outside and looked at the boy on the couch. "You're a great crime of bullying the king! If you're known by the one in the palace, it's a great crime of killing the nine families!"

As he spoke, he quickly covered his mouth for fear of being heard by outsiders.

Xie Heng simply sat up and didn't care much. "I'm already punishing the sins of the nine families when I'm alive. Are you afraid he'll give me another grade?"

Warm wine opened the bead curtain and entered. Just hearing this, I couldn't help shaking my heart.

The young man looked up at her, and then he restrained himself for a few minutes. He was just with the old county: "what a big thing. I'll bother you to come here."

Xu Hongwu, the old Duke of the county, has not been involved in the affairs of the imperial government in recent years. Because of this, he has no interest in anyone and can have a word with anyone in the imperial capital.

Previously, Xie Heng's affairs were so ugly that Xu Hongwu didn't have a bad relationship with him. The old emperor took a fancy to this. Today, he specially asked him to come to the Xie house with Wang Zhicheng, thinking about how he could persuade Xie Heng.

When the old Duke came to the tower, his smiling face suddenly became very rigorous. "What do you mean now? Do you really want to pretend to be ill, regardless of the border? Don't forget your identity. Those people are greedy for life and afraid of death. Those people are useless. You can't... you can't!"

Xie Heng raised his eyes and said, "the old Duke is worried. This battle must be fought."

When Xu Hongwu heard this, his face looked a little better, but he was a little more worried at random. "It's so easy to fight a war. Now all the younger generations hide at home and cry to make achievements on weekdays. When it comes to employing people, none of them dare to go up. Now there is a shortage of troops and food and grass. Whoever goes will die..."

"A life of near death, isn't there still a life?" Xie Heng said with a smile: "the old county Lord used to see life and death. He was so fearless when he rushed to the front. How can he worry about me now?"

The old Duke looked stiff and wished he could punch him.

He clenched his fists. Seeing the warm wine on one side, he kept looking at him. He raised his hand to half and let it go. He sighed, "don't say that. Tell me what's going on now?"

Xie Heng got down and bowed to the old county official, "I want to have military power in hand without checks and balances. At least before I beat back the northern desert wolf, no one will interfere with my marching array."

The old Duke looked at him for a long time and asked, "is that all you want?"

Xie Heng stepped back, stood on the side of Wen Jiu and held her hand. "I just want to come back alive and marry my young lady."

"What you think is so simple, but the people in the palace and those outside don't think so." the old county Lord said sadly: "if you want military power, you will be hated by others and there will be no checks and balances. How can the emperor rest assured?"

Previously, only 50000 Moyu rode on Xie Heng's hand, and chaoye was so jealous.

This will only be worse than before.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "it depends on the old Duke to deal with the emperor."

"It's better to kill me!" the old county Lord walked around the house twice and felt uncomfortable at the sight of Xie Heng.

Wenjiu went to the table, poured a cup of tea and handed it to him. "County Lord, take a rest and sit down and have a cup of tea."

Xu Hongwu took the tea cup, took a sip, suddenly remembered something and asked Wen Jiu, "are you just looking at him to embarrass me? I'm getting old. It's hard to live a clean life for a few days. You have to calculate me like this one by one!"

Wen Jiu took out a sachet from his sleeve and handed it to the old Duke. He said, "if the old Duke can't cry in the palace, just smell this. It's very useful."

"What's the matter?" Xu Hongwu picked it up, smelled it, sneezed several times, and then tears came out.

He threw the sachet on the ground and ran outside the door.

Seeing Xu Hongwu's old tears, Wang Shoufu was surprised and asked, "what's the matter with the old Duke of county? Is it Xie Heng..."

The old Duke of the county raised his sleeves and wiped his eyes. He secretly scolded Xie Heng for warming wine. His face was heavy and sighed: "I'm so old and still strong. Why can't Xie Heng be a boy?"

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