When they saw this, they were shocked.

Xu Hongwu, the old Duke of the county, is famous for his bright and open mind. His only daughter didn't shed tears in front of people when she left. She just entered Xie Heng's house for a moment and cried.

It can be seen that Xie Heng is really dying.

Just then, the two imperial doctors who tested the medicine on the side also finished the test, walked to Wang Zhicheng and said, "Lord Shoufu, these medicine cans are all tonic medicine for hanging life..."

One of them lowered his voice and said to Wang Zhicheng, "ordinary injuries will never be used like this. These top-grade ginseng Ganoderma lucidum are very precious and rare. The whole hospital can't take so much. It seems that general Xie can't last long."

"How could this happen?" Wang Zhicheng said, but he obviously didn't believe it.

He walked directly from the side of the old Duke and went straight to Xie Heng's house. After him, a group of people looked at each other for a moment and followed in.

After wiping his eyes for a long time, the old Duke managed to stop his tears and sobbed: "go in if you want to see it. Anyway, he can't jump up and draw his sword to cut people."

Wang Zhicheng stepped slightly, but he still came to the door.

Wen Jiu just came out at this time, blocked the door and stopped the people.

"Shopkeeper Wen..." Wang Zhicheng just spoke.

The two royal doctors who had just entered the house to check Xie Heng's condition came out and shook their heads towards Wang Zhicheng with a embarrassed face, indicating that there was no help.

Wenjiu slightly sideways let the two go out. Then, he raised his eyes and asked Wang Zhicheng, "the royal doctor said so. Can the chief assistant go in and see it in person?"

Under the girl's calm face, the water in her ink eyes was dense, and her voice was a little dull.

In this situation, people are more and more confused.

Wang Zhicheng's face was slightly stiff. After thinking for a moment, he stood by the door and looked inside.

The inner room was quiet, the night wind blew, the bead curtain shook slightly, the lights swayed and floated, and there was no sound from the boy inside.

Wang Shoufu looked at it for a long time. His complexion was complex and he said, "in that case, I won't disturb general Xie's rest."

The old Duke suddenly thought of something. "I remember there are still two life extending pills in the palace. I'll go back and tell the emperor and ask for pills for general Xie. Isn't it solved?"

Someone said strangely, "I haven't heard of any life extending pills in the palace..." if there were such a good thing in the palace, the old emperor would have eaten it by himself. How could he expect others.

He didn't have a chance to say the second half of this sentence at all.

Xie Wanjin went to the old Duke of the county and bowed and said, "then I'll thank the Duke of the county first. If this life renewal pill can really save my eldest brother's life, I'm willing to pay no matter how much money!"

"That's right." Wenjiu quickly answered, "please go to the palace to ask for medicine for my eldest son. If you keep the man, everything is easy to discuss."

A few people sang in unison, said the false as if it were true, and confused all the important officials.

The one who just said that there was no life renewal pill in the palace was also a little confused at the moment and said, "I probably didn't ask about drugs, so I don't know. Since even the old Duke said so, this life renewal pill should be available."

Wang Zhicheng's eyes swept over several people and finally fell on Xu Hongwu.

It happened that the latter also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other, and their faces were silent.

Wen Jiu looked around the whole situation, understood a little, immediately saluted the people, and said with a calm face: "thank you, Mr. Wang, the chief assistant, the old Duke of the county, and all your adults! If my eldest son can be safe, Wen Jiu will thank you very much in the future!"

"Shopkeeper Wen is serious!" the old county Lord helped her and said meaningfully, "the one inside doesn't know when he will wake up. You'd better go inside and accompany him. I don't need you to greet me and these people."

After saying this, he turned back and dragged Wang Zhicheng out, "I said, Wang Shoufu, what are you doing? Hurry into the palace and ask for magic medicine!"

Wang Shoufu looked at him with a complicated look, lowered his voice and said, "isn't the county Lord old and confused? Has there ever been a life extending elixir in the palace?"

Xu Hongwu slowed down a little, looked at him and said, "not before. Now I and Wang Shoufu want to ask, then there will be."

"You mean..." Wang Zhicheng suddenly realized that he was about to look back at the Xie family and remembered that there were important officials in the court behind him.

He just glanced slightly and stopped his action. He grabbed the old Duke with his backhand, "the more you live, the more daring you are!"

Xu Hongwu said, "what did chief Fu say? Xie Heng's injury is hard to heal. I didn't hurt him. You and I were ordered to invite him today. Although we didn't invite him, we knew that there was still medicine for his disease. What are we going to spend with him here? Go and get the medicine to cure his heart disease, and everything will be solved?"

Wang Zhicheng hesitated, "this..."

"Don't do that," the old Duke interrupted. "If you have this Kung Fu, you'd better think about how to deal with entering the palace."

Rao is Wang Shoufu, who has lived so calmly for most of his life. At this moment, he can't hold his anger. "You've already figured out how to do it. What else can I say?"

Xu Hongwu said, "you can't say that. You are the chief assistant and the pillar of the country. Who else can do this except you, the king's chief assistant, to ask for medicine to save Xie Heng and then save all the people?"

Wang Zhicheng: "

Today, Xie's house is a pit. Now Xu Hongwu has dragged him down.


I fought with a group of old foxes for most of my life. Today, I was planted in the hands of Xie Heng. I'm so angry!

A crowd behind them didn't know what the two whispered, so they left Xie's house with their own worries.

As soon as these people leave.

The maids took the fans in their hands and tried their best to fan the smell of medicine in the yard. The fog was filled in the yard, and they couldn't see each other's faces clearly.

Wen Jiu took out a brocade handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked back at Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe just breathed a sigh of relief, raised his sleeve and wiped his cheek. He noticed her eyes, raised his eyes and looked at him with a smile. Fortunately, he said, "at least he sent people away. If you do it again, it's really unbearable."

The ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum boiled in those dozens of medicine cans are all white silver!

Warm wine calmed his mood and said in a warm voice, "go in and talk."


The fourth childe answered and followed Wen Jiu into the room.

The two royal doctors who had just been knocked unconscious had been dragged away by the green guards. The whole room was empty, and only a lamp was lit on the table in the inner room.

The young man in white clothes stood by the window and looked at the people going away, with his eyes slightly heavy.

Wenjiu went to his side and asked in a low voice, "who will come next time?"

Xie Heng turned back, slightly hooked his lips and said, "Prince Zhao Feng."

The old emperor was still ill, and he had to stay in bed to think of the palace. Moreover, Zhao Yi would never admit that he had treated Xie Heng badly before. He couldn't pull down his old face and put down the emperor's airs.

So this time, Wang Zhicheng and the old Duke of the county returned to the palace to reply. After weighing the pros and cons, the old emperor came to Xie's house to invite Xie Heng three times. It must be crown prince Zhao Feng.

The status of a country's monarchs is valuable. It is most reasonable for a son to go to the door for his father.

"I said you two..." Xie Wanjin, who was four or five steps away, couldn't help touching his chin. "Can you have a sense of competing with the emperor? Why can you be so calm and calm that you embarrass the young master who is still afraid in his heart?"

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