The fourth childe was really helpless. Just now he was outside and sweat came out in front of a group of old foxes. As a result, his eldest brother was like a nobody inside.

So is wine.

But the girl calmed down as soon as she saw Xie Heng. At present, he was the only one who looked so flustered.

It's not fair.

As soon as Wenjiu looked back, he saw the fourth childe who had just performed well in front of people. At this time, he had written all his unhappiness on his face and couldn't help laughing. "In fact, I was very flustered, but those people didn't know when they would come again, so they had to figure out how to deal with it."

The fourth childe sighed and sat down at the table. He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly. He didn't forget to ask, "elder brother, when will you get better?"

Xie Heng said, "it's time."

"You're not..." nonsense?

Xie Wanjin was very conscious of his eldest brother's sight and swallowed the words behind with tea.

Wenjiu reluctantly said, "the fourth brother has just worked hard. Drink tea to moisten his throat first."

The fourth childe silently carried the tea, turned around and stared at the candles on the table.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng stood side by side in front of the window and looked up at the horizon.

At the end of the night, the stars are bright, surrounded by the bright moon.

The night wind swept through the courtyard and blew into the small porch window, blowing their sleeves to fly.

The broken hair between the warm wine forehead was blown disorderly, and a wisp crossed the eyelashes, which was itchy and interfered with the line of sight.

She raised her hand and tied her hair. Then she happened to see the young man's slightly open skirt in her eyes.

The night wind was cold, but Xie Heng didn't feel it at all.

Wenjiu did not want to, and stretched out his hand to close his skirt.

"What is Mrs. Shao doing?" Xie Heng looked down at her, and thin lips unconsciously smiled.

She didn't think of anything.

But the young man's face was gorgeous, and the stars in his amber eyes were infinite. In this way, he looked at her without blinking, and a little smile trapped her in the wanqianxing river.

"That..." Xie Wanjin remembered one thing. As soon as he looked back, he wanted to talk to them. He immediately turned to the wall.

Fourth childe, be careful. You're so flustered.

What's all this?

Why does he stay here in the warm Pavilion and have beautiful maids who don't talk and laugh at night? He wants to stay here and see what his eldest brother and ah Jiu are here.

The night wind was blowing and the candles on the table shook slightly.

Warm wine suddenly woke up and looked a little unnatural. He loosened the young man's skirt and whispered, "it's windy by the window. Put on your clothes."

"Don't worry about it." Xie Heng said with a smile, "I'll blow more wind here. My face is blue and white with cold. When I enter the palace, it's more like picking up a life in the gate of hell."

Warm wine, sour nose, drooping eyes and not talking.

The treacherous and courteous officials in the court are all eloquent. Even if the errand is not done well, it can make the old emperor happy.

On the contrary, Xie Heng lived and died on the battlefield. No matter what he did or said, the old emperor would think more and constantly fear suspicion.

Even when the border war is urgent, he wants to lead the troops to fight a war, and he also wants to deal with those individuals in the palace.

Xie Heng finished saying this. Seeing ah Jiu's appearance, he had a bad heart.

He was just about to speak.

A few steps away, Xie Wanjin suddenly stood up, turned around and asked him, "elder brother, is it really worth it?"

From childhood, the fourth childe mostly welcomes people with a smiling face. There are few times when he is so serious.

Xie Heng smiled slowly, "is it worth saying?"

Xie Wanjin brushed open his sleeves and walked up to him and said, "elder brother, you know, those important officials who have gained military power since ancient times are either afraid of death by the king, or they forget their last name and want to make further progress. The end is miserable. You are going to take military power to fight the north desert now. Have you ever thought about what the old emperor would do to you?"

Xie Heng was wearing thin clothes and stood in the cold wind. He was still outstanding.

He heard the speech and said with a smile, "no matter what the old emperor thinks, I just have a clear conscience."

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath and continued: "yes, I know you have a clear conscience, ah Jiu knows, the third brother knows, and we all know it. Can all the officials in the hall believe it? Those individuals scramble for power and profit and want to climb up the corpse mountain. Will they believe you have no intention of power?"

Xie Heng didn't speak.

Wen Jiu was listening to it. He was cold all over and his limbs were cold with anger.

Xie Wanjin was so angry that he couldn't help but say, "they won't believe it! They just live by themselves. They think you're playing tricks and means to climb up, support the soldiers and respect themselves. They want to suppress them and rob their power, fame and wealth!"

Xie Heng said slowly: "if Dayan is prosperous and peaceful now, they can fight as much as they like, but now the country will not be protected. What else can they fight for?"

The fourth childe whispered, "it's probably for who dies faster."

Warm wine whispered "fourth brother".

"It's their business that they want to die." Xie Heng patted the fourth childe on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "we have to live well. We can't lose an inch of Dayan land with us."

"Elder brother..." Xie Wanjin's voice dropped a lot. He always seemed to be drunk, and now he became very clear and clear. "I suddenly know why so many people rebelled. Many times, they can't help themselves. They stand on the top and look down on all living beings. It's better than others to guard against you every day and think that you work for him. You really didn't think about it..."

Xie Heng directly interrupted him, "I didn't think about it."

Xie Wanjin said, "it's time for you to think about it now. Dayan's territory has been the most extensive in all countries for 400 years, and it was once rich and prosperous, which is beyond the reach of neighboring countries. Now the emperor has succeeded to the throne for only 20 years, and he is cronyist and loyal. As a result, Dayan is weak. So far, anyone dares to commit it. If I were the ancestor of Zhao, I would probably explode out of the coffin in anger!"

The fourth childe touched his chin. "If someone else on the dragon throne cleans the old forces of chaotang, will the big Yan world become what we want?"

Fourth childe really dares to think.

After hearing this, Wenjiu felt a little hot in his blood.

It's not impossible.

She just likes it, but Xie Heng doesn't.

"Even you think so. The old emperor and the crown prince don't have to worry about sleeping every day."

Xie Heng passed him, poured out a glass of water and drank it all in one gulp.

Xie Wanjin: "If they don't have the ability to fight for that position, they should abdicate and give way to the virtuous. The world is very beautiful. It should be created by the masters and virtuous officials. Otherwise, they occupy a pile of ragged mountains and rivers, suffer with so many people, and have to guard against this and that every day. Can't they be short-lived? Especially you, elder brother, the old emperor probably wants you to fight back After the northern desert wolf rode, he died on the battlefield. You don't want to fight, but people are afraid of you. "

Xie Heng took Wen Jiu's hand and held it tightly.

The young man smiled wildly and frivolously, "who loves the world? I just want to give ah Jiu a home."

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