This year, Wenjiu was 16 years old, and he hid a boy he couldn't like more.

After parting, he waited for him to come back.

Sit opposite her and enjoy the bright moon.

This day.

Wenjiu stood outside the pavilion and watched 80000 soldiers go away. The people who saw them off gradually dispersed, leaving only fallen leaves and flying dust all over the ground.

The setting sun, the warm sun and the afterglow dissipated, and the strong wind blew again, making her skirt elegant and her green silk messy.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Wanjin stood a few steps away and called her, "it's getting dark. Go home."

The family had already returned to the house. Old lady Xie was too old to stand. The two young ones were still stable, but their eyes began to turn red when they saw more of their backs.

Xie Sanfu was afraid that Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi would cry outside. He hurriedly took people back first, leaving Xie Wanjin watching ah Jiu.

Mrs. Shao looks gentle and virtuous on weekdays. In fact, she can smash half of the money with one shot.

It's hard to guarantee that she won't do anything amazing when her eldest brother leaves.

So she was watching the sunset and listening to the sound of Horseshoes going away.

The fourth childe looked at her without blinking.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinned the messy hair. Then he turned back and said, "fourth brother, go back first. I want to stand for a while."

The fourth childe reached out and touched his chin. He came forward and said, "what's good here? People are far away. You can't see it standing here. It's getting dark and the wind is getting stronger. If you're frozen, how can I explain to my eldest brother?"

Warm wine: "

Fourth childe is usually unreasonable.

But once I start talking to you, I will be completely overwhelmed and my head will be dizzy by him.

She reached for her forehead and couldn't help saying, "how could he know if you don't say it?"

Xie Wanjin thought for a moment and said seriously, "elder brother beat me mercilessly, you know. Although he didn't look at me when he left, in fact, he told me early to take care of you. You can't be tired or sick... Lovesickness can't become a disease."

When the fourth childe said the last sentence, he smiled and revealed two shallow pear vortices.

He always spoke with two or three truths. Wen Jiu couldn't help looking at him and thinking about him for a moment.

Then she smiled and said, "fourth brother."

"Ah Jiu, don't smile at me like this..."

Xie Wanjin quickly stepped back and wrote on his face, "if you want to do this, my eldest brother will beat me! Ah Jiu, shopkeeper Wen, Mrs. Da Shao..."

The fourth childe couldn't hang up his smile. He hurriedly said, "I'm wrong. I won't tell you this in the future?"

Warm wine, close your sleeves, hold your hand, turn back slowly, "go back, fourth brother."

Xie Wanjin breathed a sigh of relief and followed her back.

As pedestrians scattered outside the city, the dusk became thicker and thicker.

Wenjiu didn't walk fast. The fourth childe kept two steps away from her all the time, and said not seriously, "ah Jiu, Xiao Liu, let me ask you, since you want to improve your embroidery, can she not learn?"

Wenjiu didn't look back and said faintly, "No."

Xie Wanjin said in surprise, "why?"

"It's too late for me to regret when she arrives." Wen Jiu forcibly pressed down the embarrassment in her heart and said seriously: "it's better to learn some things as soon as possible."

The fourth childe "tut".

Originally, he was just looking for two words. After all, they were the only two walking home together. It was so quiet that the atmosphere was a little strange.

I didn't think that ah Jiu was very sensitive.

Suddenly I felt that I was suddenly abused again.

Young lady, you are more and more like your eldest brother!

He quickened his pace, walked to Wenjiu's side, walked side by side with her, and couldn't help asking, "is it really so difficult to embroider a wedding dress?"

Wen Jiu stopped and looked subtly at the fourth childe in front of him, "why don't you try it yourself?"


Xie Wangang wanted to say 'try it, try it', but when he looked at the subtle look of warm wine, he suddenly regained his mind and said silently, "I'm a man. What do I do with embroidering wedding clothes?"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly and said, "if the fourth young lady can't embroider in the future, the fourth brother can embroider it for her."

The four childe, who was always very eloquent, immediately said nothing: "...."

This mouth is much poorer, and he will always meet more powerful people.

Ah jiuna has nothing to do with his eldest brother. He is as afraid of the third childe as a mouse when he sees a cat.

Besides, I have never lost to others.

Xie Wanjin shook his head and said, "this is also a family. Why is the difference so big?"

Wenjiu walked ahead as if he didn't hear anything.

The fourth childe behind him has a trembling tongue and can't take her.

The two men talked and went back to Xie's house together.

Yu Liang and a group of young managers received a message from shopkeeper Wen early and have been waiting in front of the court.

There are also four CHILDES who used to do business in Dijing. There are more than 100 people in the hatchback.

In the twilight, the lights fluttered under the eaves.

"Met shopkeeper Wen!"

"I've seen the fourth childe!"

The people on both sides saw the ceremony and came together.

Yu Liang took the lead and said to Wen wine: "all the surplus grain in the South has been transported to beizhou for the third childe's use of allocating grain for disaster relief. Recently, he also collected some around Dijing for occasional use. My uncle asked Xiao an and Xiao Luo to escort them with the army this time..."

Two steps away, Mr. Zhang, who is over 50 a year, said to Xie Wanjin, "fourth childe..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the fourth childe. "Later, you can directly tell the young lady that they are all a family, regardless of each other."

Wen Jiu was listening to the stewards. When he heard them, he couldn't help looking back at Xie Wanjin.

In the past, she only knew that Xie Si was doing a great deal of business outside. After all, she was the richest man in her previous life. This man also had countless family wealth, There is no shortage of bars for this.

These individuals in front of him are only those he often uses near the imperial capital. Looking at the world, I don't know how many such men Xie Wanjin has hidden.

If Xie Heng hadn't gone out today, there would be a shortage of military supplies. I don't know when the fourth childe would show this skill.

The fourth childe nodded slightly, raised his right hand gently, and his wide sleeves swayed. In an instant, all the people's eyes were attracted to warm wine, "This is the eldest and youngest lady of the Xie family. Who doesn't know? I'll open my eyes and show you to my childe. I'm all in the Xie family, from the CHILDES to the young ladies, and all the managers of the shop and villa outside listen to her orders. I'll see her better than me in the future. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" they all answered, turned around and saluted Wen wine, bowed down and bowed, "I've seen Mrs. Da Shao!"

Warm wine also gave a half gift, "thank you for your courtesy. At present, there is a shortage of food and grass, and the whole country is difficult. I also urge you to work together to tide over the difficulties!"

The crowd hurriedly said, "madam, it's serious!"

"There is a great disaster in the north. Although there is a great shortage of food and grass, there will not be none at all. We will try our best to relieve the young lady's worries!"

"All right, all right." Xie Wanjin said, "don't talk nonsense. People have seen it. What to do."

People: "

Fourth childe, you are not like this on weekdays!

Aren't you the one who talks the most?

But these words could not be said directly in front of Xie Wanjin. The people had to keep staring at the fourth childe, hoping that he could see something from their eyes.

As a result, Xie Wanjin ignored them at all. "On the tenth day, I will give you ten days. One person can't receive a thousand kilograms of grain. Don't come to my Xie house in the future."

The people who had just opened their mouth found their way and flew away from the house.

Only the stewards of shopkeeper Wen are left.

Xie Wanjin turned his head and said, "at present, it's not enough to rely on the surplus food of Dayan alone. I'll go to Nanhua. Ah Jiu, it's up to you at home."

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