That evening, the fourth childe went out of the imperial capital with great wealth and several attendants.

In the past, Nanhua could not compare with Dayan. The current leader of the country, who was in power, had been a proton in the imperial capital for many years when he was young. After Zhao Yi succeeded to the throne, he took advantage of the chaos and returned to his hometown.

The land of Nanhua is blessed by nature. In recent years, it has become richer and richer. It has accumulated the most grain among the countries, but what is the previous resentment.

Whether Xie Wanjin can get military food this time depends on his means.

Warm wine stayed in Xie's house and asked the managers to manage all the shops and businesses in bafangcheng and other places, and make transactions with local rich businessmen in exchange for their surplus food.

For a time, everyone was busy without touching the ground.

Mrs. Xie stayed at home with Xie Yucheng and accompanied the old lady with two small.

Outsiders are waiting to see the chaos in Xie's house.

Waiting and waiting, I saw nothing but calm. Shopkeeper Wen arranged everything in order.

Two days passed.

Wenjiu also took time to take jin'er Yulu to the princess's house to see Zhao Jingyi.

Princess mansion.

The guards at the gate knew the warm wine. As soon as they saw her coming, they immediately sent someone to inform them, and then they let her directly into the door.

Jin'er and Yu Lu whispered behind Wen Jiu: "it seems that the eldest princess's to the shopkeeper is really different from others."

"Yes, someone else has changed. I don't know how long I have to wait at the door. There may not be a reply after the notification."

Warm wine just smiled and said to the two little maids, "don't talk more."

The eldest princess doesn't like dealing with ordinary people. It's not a day or two. She is also the daughter most valued by the old emperor. On weekdays, I don't know how many people want to come to flatter.

When Wen jiuchu first came to the imperial capital, he wanted to ask the big princess for a favor, but it was difficult for her to see her. He took great pains to enter the door.

Later, when I became familiar, I realized that Zhao Jingyi was good.

The maidens of the princesses greeted Wen wine from a distance. The big maid beside Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "shopkeeper Wen is coming. The princess said that you are better back."

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "there are many things in the house. I can't get away for a moment. I came to the princess house when I have time. By the way, how about the princess coming in?"

The maid said, "keep it. The princess doesn't like to move these days."

Wenjiu asked two more questions, and the maid answered them one by one. As she walked, she talked and went to the garden.

The sun was weak, and a faint light shrouded in all kinds of peonies.

Zhao Jingyi leaned on the beauty couch, and the snow-white cat nestled beside her. Everyone and the cat were lazy. When she saw someone coming, she looked up and closed her eyes again.

"The princess's cat." Wenjiu came forward and asked with a smile, "it's as beautiful as the princess."

Zhao Jingyi raised her hand and gently touched the white cat. She didn't even bother to open her eyes. "Xie Heng left. You came to see the palace. It's too insincere."

Wen Jiuxin said: why does the big Princess care about this.

The smile on her face became a little helpless, "I'm afraid to disturb the princess's recovery."

"Don't say such words." the eldest princess opened her eyes and glanced at her. "If you don't come, others will come. When will the palace be clean?"

Wen Jiu: "... I haven't seen you for a few days. The princess is more and more... Well, transparent."

The eldest princess was on the heaven worship platform to protect the people. They protected the king and father. Women did not let men. The old emperor valued her more and more.

The officials at the bottom even let the women's family members come to the princess's house more by this excuse.

Once upon a time, those people used to give gifts through the back door. Zhao Jingyi shut them out directly, but this time, everyone walked through the front door and didn't let them in. They had to hold a group and whisper behind you.

The eldest princess couldn't bear the disturbance. Now she can't help annoying her when she sees warm wine.

Don't come when it's time to stop people.

"What are you doing here today?" Zhao Jingyi couldn't help but stretch out her hand and pull people to the beauty couch and sit down. "Is it to see if the palace is dead?"


Warm wine, eyes slightly dark.

"This palace just said casually, what are you nervous about? ” Zhao Jingyi handed the cat in her arms to Wen Jiu. She slowly sat up, folded a peony and played with it in her hand.

Wen Jiu held the cat and looked sideways at Zhao Jingyi. "Why did the princess suddenly have a cat?"

If she remembered correctly.

The princess's residence is full of male favorites and musicians and singers. Why did Zhao Jingyi come back from Lingyun mountain and change her temper.

In the past, no matter where they were, they were surrounded and noisy. Now they are alone.

Zhao Jingyi said, "sometimes cats and dogs are more reliable than people."

Wenjiu didn't speak, just smiled.

"Just when it's with you, don't worry that it will suddenly kill you." Zhao Jingyi took the peony in her hand, gently brushed Wenjiu's cheek and said softly, "although it's meaningless to live, if you die for no reason, it's too worthless. Wenjiu, don't you think so?"

When the maid on her side heard what she said, her face suddenly showed bitterness. She wanted to say something, but she wanted to stop talking.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes, bent his lips and asked, "why does the princess think it's boring to live?"

Zhao Jingyi didn't expect her to ask so. A trace of surprise crossed her eyes.


The eldest princess said with a smile, "if you want something, you can't get it all your life. If you don't want it, others will try their best to give it to you , What's the point? "

Warm wine held the white cat's two front paws, let it face Zhao Jingyi, and slowly said, "the world is very beautiful, everything has spirit. How does the princess know that she will never meet what she wants in the future?

"Naive." Zhao Jingyi stretched out her hand and gently brushed the warm wine's eyebrows and eyes. "My palace likes you to see so many dangerous people in the world and be so naive."

Warm wine: "

After living for two lives, many people say she is rich and unkind, and get into the eyes of money.

But no one said she was God.

The eldest princess doesn't drink too much medicine and her brain doesn't work well?


The next moment.

Zhao Jingyi gently touched her eyebrows with a smile on her lips, but it was hard to hide her sadness in her eyes. "The world is beautiful and the mountains and rivers are infinite, but our palace is trapped in this golden and jade cage. No matter how good the world is, what does it have to do with our palace?"

Wenjiu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help whispering, "princess, this is..."

She has an unspeakable feeling at the moment.

The eldest princess is still the most beautiful princess, but now it looks different from what she has seen before.

"Why are you so nervous?" Zhao Jingyi smiled, reached out her hand and brushed away the steps wrapped around her hair at the temples of warm wine. She changed her decadent color just now, came up to her and whispered, "do you think if this palace let you come to the princess mansion to accompany this Palace in the future and Xie Xiaoyan returns to Beijing, would you lift your sword and cut down the gate of the princess mansion?"

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