Warm wine raises eyes and smiles on lips.

It's really nothing strange if it's put on Xie Heng.

But the eldest princess said this to her, obviously with a sense of teasing.

Wen Jiu reached out and gently brushed away the folds between Zhao Jingyi's sleeves. Wen said, "I'd like to stay here with the princess. I'm afraid I'll be bored after you look at me for a long time. It's hard to repent and drive me out at that time."

"Just make the palace happy!"

Although Zhao Jingyi said so, her complexion obviously eased for a long time, and gradually brought a little smile. "I saw the medicinal materials you sent before, and don't send them later. Anyway, I don't need them. I threw them in the library for nothing."

Warm wine speechless for a moment.

To tell you the truth, the herbs she sent to the princess's residence are hard to find, even if they are not one in a million. But when they arrive, they will only have the life of accumulating ash.

The big Princess doesn't know at all how much those things are worth if they are sold outside.

She couldn't help feeling a little painful thinking like this.

These are all white silver!

Zhao Jingyi walked together and saw her look. She couldn't help laughing. "Why don't you go to the library and take out what can be used and sell it. Anyway, it also takes up space."

"This... Is not good."

Warm wine hesitated, but the eyes like ink had been shining slightly.

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help laughing at her“ Since it's not good, that's all. "


Wenjiu shouted to her quickly and thought, "I see there are many things you don't need in the princess's house. Well, I'll count them out and exchange them for food. What about the princess's unused things, which can win a good reputation if they are sent to the front line in exchange for food. It's a good deal!"

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help staring at her.

Princess highness: "is this surnamed Wen no food crazy?"

Jin'er and Yu Lu, who are a few steps away, want to go forward and drag their young lady home. It's agreed to visit the eldest princess. How can they think about raising food and grass for general Xie for a moment?

Wenjiu thought that the eldest princess's family is now growing.

The princes and ministers who curry favor with her don't know what to do. If they go out to make a stunt with the objects of the eldest princess today, these officials in the imperial city will have to give some face and casually collect thousands of kilograms of grain.

Although we can't get the number needed for the front line, it's better than what we don't have now.

Zhao Jingyi hasn't had time to speak.

Wenjiu had already thought about it, and immediately said, "thank you, princess."

Zhao Jingyi immediately: "... Warm the wine, you are not afraid that the princess will detain you."

"I'm not afraid." Wen said, "I'm not as good-looking as the princess. I'm not at a loss."

Zhao Jingyi could not help but help her forehead, waved and shouted to the maid, "take her to the warehouse and let her take away all the things sent by those individuals. Also, give her all the gold, silver and jade that were not used in the palace."

For that matter.

Rao is warm wine. No matter how slow he is, he knows what the eldest princess means.

In the past dynasties, in every war, if there was not enough military supplies, it was a solution discussed by the upper and lower levels of the court.

When Dayan came to Zhao Yi's generation, the monarchs and officials were in a mess. Even the head of the back palace, the mother of the country, did not stand up at this time.

On the contrary, the famous princess was the first to take out the gold and silver in the house to warm wine and let her change food and grass.

What about this?

Warm wine pressed thousands of words to the bottom of my heart and saluted Zhao Jingyi seriously.

The eldest princess reached out and held her. She didn't care much and said, "OK, OK, you have the Kung Fu to pay attention to the etiquette with the palace here. It's better to go outside and get more silver. The palace costs a lot. If you worship again, the palace can't give you anything else."

Wenjiu originally wanted to say a few words of gratitude. As soon as he heard this, he swallowed it back in an instant.

She immediately followed the big maid of the princess's house to the warehouse. The warehouse keeper and a group of young ladies took the big princess's orders, immediately began to count the items, handed the account books to Wenjiu and counted them one by one.

Many people came to the princess's house to give gifts. Wen Jiu stayed in the warehouse for most of the afternoon and moved all the items that could be moved to North Street.

When Wenjiu left, it was in the afternoon. The eldest princess was still holding the white cat in the garden, leaning on the beauty couch, listening to the little maids around her talking and laughing, with a very light smile on her face.

It's like watching life as a play. There's nothing to be particularly happy about or particularly disgusted with.

Warm wine is the same. She said two more words. Jin'er whispered, "the North Street is ready. It will be dark later."

Warm wine reached out and rubbed the eyebrows. The maid of the princess's house on the same side said, "after two days, the princess's injury will be better, so please ask her to walk along the North Street. It's said that warm wine invited her and asked her to enjoy her face."

The maid blessed her and whispered, "please don't worry, shopkeeper Wen. I wrote it down."

Warm wine nodded and turned away.

This day.

The dignitaries gathered in the North Street and warmed wine to exchange the eldest princess's belongings. They didn't exchange gold or silver, as long as they had surplus food in their families.

Zhao Jingyi's face is bigger than she thought.

In one afternoon, he raised eight thousand kilograms of grain.

The officials called by the middle of the court basically took out a lot of surplus grain, and even Wang Shoufu was carried by people.

In this way, we have to say something about the scene.

Warm wine and greet each other for a long time. On that day, they sent people to the front without stopping.

When she returned to Xie's house, it was completely dark.

Xiangman Hongtang was waiting in front of the court early. The two little ones at home stretched their necks and waited. As soon as they saw the warm wine coming back, they rushed and shook her hand again and again. "Sister-in-law is so powerful!"

"With my sister-in-law, my eldest brother and third brother won't be hungry!"

Wen Jiu smiled and reached out to touch Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi's head. "The eldest brother and the third brother are powerful. With them, we can stay in the imperial capital."

"Yes! My sister-in-law is right!"

The two little ones seemed to understand, but they agreed with Wenjiu.

Wenjiu took them both to the flower hall. Xiangman hurriedly reported: "young madam, before the fourth childe left, let all the people in the wind Lotus Garden return to the house to serve. Now everyone is waiting in the corridor. Would you like to have a look?"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and glanced down the corridor.

The lights were flying in the twilight, and the candlelight gently shook the faces of a group of maid boys. They had seen them many times before and looked familiar.

Just as she was about to let them down, the corner of her eyes suddenly swept the little boy in the corner. Her eyelids jumped violently and she couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

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