He Yu was dazed by his roar, and he was hurt in his leg. He almost couldn't stand and leaned back.

Seeing that his side was perfect, he hurried forward to help him and advised him, "deputy general he, stand firm!"

He Yu looked at Xie Heng, who was covered with blood on the couch, and at Qingqi, whose face was as white as paper. The whole person was a little confused, "I just heard that you are perfect..."

He Fugang just listened to the two boys. He thought general Xie was dying. When he came in, he was more and more frightened.

Qichi man's eyes were red. As a result, Xie Heng scolded him. He didn't look like "people have a weak breath" in his mouth.

"Stop talking!" Xie Heng lowered his head and glanced at the injury on He Yu's leg.

The leg injury had been wrapped with white cloth before. It probably ran too fast. The wound burst open again. Fresh blood penetrated and dyed a large area red.

The boy couldn't help frowning. "Go to the corner and squat. Don't run around!"

He Yu was about to speak. Xie Heng glanced at him and immediately ran silently to the corner of the tent and squatted.

Xie Heng motioned Shimei to take the bedding on the couch and cover it for he Yu. He said to Qingqi, "go and show it to him later."

Qing Qi: "... Young master, do you dare to look down at your injuries? ”

I don't even look at what I've been hurt. I still have the mind to take care of others.

"Don't look." Xie Hengjun's face was slightly drawn, and all his attention was on the letter in his hand.

It's quite natural.

Qing Qi: "

You're great. You can say anything!

Deputy general he in the corner, wrapped in a quilt, said, "general, please say less. You don't hurt. I look at it."

"Shut up."

Xie Heng only gave him two words.

Then, let perfect take the pen and ink to the bedside.

With his left hand holding the pen, the cold sweat on his forehead kept falling. For fear that sweat and blood would fall on the rice paper, he let it be held in his hand and unfolded in the air.

He writes very slowly, almost drawing words one stroke at a time. Fortunately, the words written by his left hand are not inferior to those written by his right hand.

There was a moment of silence in the tent.

He Yu was completely stunned.

Perfect, holding rice paper in both hands, I dare not move at all.

Taking advantage of Xie Heng's mind, Qing Qi held his breath and moved two cruel hands.

Xie Heng wrung his eyebrows and held the pen a little. He almost dropped ink on the rice paper. Fortunately, he continued his strokes.

He wrote only three things.

I've exhausted my strength.

First thing:

Zhao Xi's entry into the house is not a disaster but a blessing. You should feel at ease and don't panic.

Second thing:

In a place of great disaster, children eat easily, The chaos is coming. I'm afraid it's difficult for ah Yu. The follow-up grain and grass can be transported to beizhou first.

The last thing he said was himself.

In the past, I missed you. I once left a note in my heart. Now I protect the mountains and rivers, and God will erase the old scars.

Thank God for giving you this.

Thank you again for your love and try your best to defend your country.

He dried the handwriting on the rice paper. He had not closed his eyes for a long time since he left the imperial capital. At the moment, he missed his wife, and his heart was a little secure.

Xie Heng knows that Wenjiu loves silver most in his life.

Those people outside call her a little god of wealth in front of people. They can't boast. When they get to people, they say that the girl gets into the eyes of money and doesn't recognize her when she goes to business.

But such a girl who loves money like her life will do everything for him.

How can people not worry?

Xie Heng asked for a perfect discount and sent it back to Dijing in an urgent way.

He Yu in the corner wanted to see what he had written. Before he could get up, Shiquan had finished the envelope and took it out.

The next moment.

A bang.

General Xie fell on his couch.

He Yu's words "what did you write in the letter" came to his mouth. Seeing this, he jumped up from the ground, "general!"

"How's the general?" deputy general he was so frightened that he jumped to his bed on one foot and asked Qingqi in a hurry, "it was fine just now. How can I say it?"

Qingqi just took the knife, sprinkled medicine on Xie Heng's wound with a medicine bottle in one hand, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve in the other hand. "Madam Kui, this letter came in time, otherwise the childe doesn't know if he can hold it."

He Yu was frightened when he saw the young man's wound. He couldn't help reaching out and covering his injured leg. He couldn't help asking, "is it really okay? I'll ask someone to inquire about Xiao Lingtian's injury again. We can't lose here when we fight!"

Qing Qi was speechless to the deputy general he, so he seriously bandaged Xie Heng and didn't speak again.

Ten beauties on one side couldn't help but say, "deputy general he, please sit down for a while. It hurt your leg and left something behind. It's difficult to marry a beautiful woman."

He Yu immediately suffered.

Thank you very much.

Even a young man got three or four points of the essence of the master. As soon as he opened his mouth, he pierced people's heart.

He Yu sat down directly beside the couch, and from time to time stretched out his hand to explore Xie Heng's breath.

Every time I feel the teenager's breath, I feel a little relieved.

Qingqi couldn't help but say, "deputy general he, you'd better go back to the corner."

"Why?" he Yu raised his head and looked at the young doctor inexplicably. "I'm the general's deputy general. Now he's seriously injured. I'm guarding him by his bed. What's the matter?"

Qing Qiyi said simply, "you have occupied a place."

He Yu: "... If I hadn't hurt my leg and couldn't walk, I would have left!"

Who are the Xie family?

"Stay on the side." Qing Qi was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to him. He wiped the blood from the boy and said, "I'll see the injury on your leg later."


He Yu was anxious and wanted to talk to someone. He made a noise to Xie Heng so that he could wake up early.

I didn't think the doctor was also a neat man. For this reason, he couldn't disturb others any more, so he squatted aside.

After a while.

He Yucai remembered that there was a Shiquan beside him. He shouted, "Shiquan, Shiquan, what did the general write in his letter to Mrs. Shao just now?"

Shiquan shook his head, "can't say."

Deputy general he looked helplessly at the couch. The people were dizzy. The people at the bottom were still so strict. There was really no way.

But he is also idle, thinking of grinding with Shiquan.

The latter seemed to guess what he was thinking, and immediately added, "it's no use asking. Save it."

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