He Yu was speechless.

The tent quieted down during the meal.

After a long time.

Qing Qi finished dressing Xie Heng, picked up the handkerchief in the medicine box and wiped the sweat on his head. Then he stepped back a few steps, greatly relieved, turned to He Yu and said, "take off your pants."

Squatting in the corner, deputy general he stared and said in disbelief, "what are you talking about?"

Qing Qi was tired and didn't want to say one more word. Seeing the other party's reaction, he couldn't help but say, "I'll see the injury on your leg."

"Oh... Look at the injury." he Yu breathed a sigh of relief and relieved himself.

Shiquan silently withdrew from the account.

"Here's the grain and grass!" Ye Zhiqiu excitedly walked to the tent with a silver gun. "General! Madam Shao sent someone to bring grain and grass! Brothers don't have to fight with Beimo hungry! ”

"Ye..." Shiquan just wanted to remind her that deputy general he was taking it off inside.

It was too late.

Ye Zhiqiu went in.

The next moment.

He Yu looked up and waved to Ye Zhiqiu, "my legs hurt and numb. I can't move my pants. Brother ye... Come and help me take them off."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned in place. He took a smoke from the corners of his mouth. He hurriedly didn't turn his head. His tone was a little unnatural and said, "isn't Qing Qi there? You asked him to help you!"

She turned and wanted to go.

"Brother Ye! Why are you in a hurry?" he Yu said anxiously: "didn't you come to find the general? He's still asleep. Come and help me... Although Qing Qi seems to have nothing to do, he has just helped the general heal his wounds. His face is white. He's shaking his hands now. He can't work hard at all!"

Ye Zhiqiu Leng didn't turn his head. The silver gun turned and changed his hand. "I just hurt my hand, and I can't work hard!"

He Yu looked at her for a long time and said, "when you carry the gun, you don't have anything in your hand!"

Ye Zhiqiu bit his teeth, strode over, picked up the gun and pulled down He Yu's pants.

"Tear" sounded.

He Yu exclaimed and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull his coat to block his head. "Brother ye... You can do whatever you say!"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't turn his head and said to Tong Qingqi, "I don't think he's badly hurt. You can cure him."

Qing Qi nodded, "I see it too."

He Yu: "

How do you feel invisible and offended many people.

At midnight that day.

Beizhou sent an urgent report. The victims rioted, and Xie Yu was in a critical situation.

A group of deputy generals gathered outside the main account to discuss countermeasures. Xie Heng was seriously injured and unconscious. They quarreled in the dark for a moment.

Half advocate the security of the border, and half feel that it is also very important to calm civil strife.

So noisy for most of the hour.

Xie Heng woke up and said in a dumb voice, "what's the noise? Get in here!"

They quickly shut up and went into the tent together.

Xie Heng had already sat up and leaned against the couch. Qing Qi stood aside.

There was a brazier beside the couch, and sparks appeared from time to time, which made the young man's eyes bright.

"General!" Ye Zhiqiu was the first to stand up and said with a fist: "the disaster victims' riot in beizhou has affected the surrounding states. At the end of the day, he will ask for orders to put down the rebellion and solve the civil unrest!"

Her voice just fell.

Deputy General Zhang said: "the end general thinks that there is Lord Xie in beizhou. No matter how chaotic it is, maybe it's just that the thunder and rain are small, and it's the most important thing for us to fight with the northern desert. In addition, there are not as many people here as in the northern desert. If we divide some people to take charge of beizhou, the odds of winning will be smaller!"

Most people think so.

It is widely said in the imperial capital that Xie Shilang and general Xie have been at odds for a long time. At such a critical time, we should assign people and horses to help the enemy. We don't have such a brain to play with!

A crowd of people spit in the main account.

Except ye Zhiqiu, everyone's meaning is very obvious. We can't take care of the affairs in beizhou now.

Deputy General Li said: "the emperor and those ministers should have solved such a big event as the disaster victims' riot. If you had to ask our general for anything, you would be a meritorious minister when the trouble was solved. When things were settled, those individuals looked back and thought: No, you shouldn't have done this. Why should you run out to earn this credit!"

Those who stand high will not remember how much blood you have shed and what losses you have suffered. In the end, they will only be afraid of your success.

Wen Chen claimed to be clean and honest. He bumped into and died in the hall of politics. At least there was a whole body.

Military generals are completely different. Once they die in battle, it's still good to wrap their bodies in a horse's clothes. I'm afraid that birds and birds will make good use of their bows and hide. In the past, meritorious heroes were forced to become traitors.

When they heard these words, they couldn't help feeling sad.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and shouted calmly, "Ye Wuji, listen to the order, call 30000 troops, and calm the riots in beizhou within ten days!"

The crowd suddenly looked up at the young general reclining on his sickbed.

Ye Zhiqiu hugged his fist and raised his voice, "at the end of the day, I will get the order!"

Vice General Zhang and Vice General Li still have something to say, and he Yu also wants to speak.

Before these individuals spoke, Xie Heng waved first, "I want to explain Xiaoye, you go out."

They were helpless and speechless, but they didn't dare to say more in front of Xie Xiaoyan, so they bowed their heads and retreated.

For a time, only Ye Zhiqiu was still in front of his bed.

Xie Heng covered the white gauze in his heart and changed a slightly more comfortable sitting position. Tongye Zhiqiu said, "you go back to beizhou and be sure to protect ah Yu. ”

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly said, "yes. ”

"Today, Mrs. Shao sent the grain and grass here, and you take half of it to beizhou." Xie Heng looked at the fire pot not far away, and the fire was surging in his amber eyes. "Tell ah Yu that if there is a eldest brother, he can do whatever he wants! As long as others are all right, no matter how big the crime is, my eldest brother will carry it for him!"

"Little master..."

Ye Zhiqiu was just about to say that it's nice to have a brother like you.

The next moment.

Xie Heng thought about it and added, "the third childe of my family always doesn't bow his head when he is in a desperate situation. When life and death are at stake, don't talk nonsense with him. If you faint, just carry it away."

Ye Zhiqiu: "

She couldn't help thinking: Although there's nothing wrong with what the little Lord said, it's really good to teach others to knock their brother out and beat him?

"All right, you go."

Xie Heng's wound hurt badly, and his voice was obviously lower.

Ye Zhiqiu saluted with a fist and said, "take care, little Lord!"

He turned away from the main account and immediately ordered troops to go to beizhou.

This night.

Xie Heng lay on the couch and listened to the horse's hooves gallop away.

Think about what the young lady who is far away in Dijing will look like when she receives his reply.

Ah Jiu will know about his injury sooner or later.

In that case, he might as well say it himself.

I don't hurt at all.

I just miss you very much.

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