War raged at the border, and the victims in beizhou rioted. One thing after another made the people in Dijing panic.

The old emperor was ill in bed, and all major and minor matters in the court were deliberated by crown prince Zhao Feng and Wang Shoufu.

So, a few days later.

The fourth childe went to Nanhua, but there was no news.

Wenjiu wandered among the high-ranking families in the imperial capital. He went out early and returned late every day. He tried his best to buy grain from these individuals, but it was a drop in the bucket after all.

That night, when she returned to Xie's house, it was already dark.

Mrs. Xie and Xie Yucheng talked in front of the court. As soon as they saw her coming back, they immediately welcomed her, "ah Jiu!"

Although the third lady has a short temper, she is always steady in case of trouble. She is rarely in such a hurry and disorder.

"Three aunts." Wen Jiu crossed the maid with the lantern and walked to them, "what happened?"

Mrs. Xie looked at the people around her, leaned over to Wen Jiu's ear and said, "today someone secretly sent a letter to the house saying that there will be chaos in the imperial capital recently. Let's go quickly!"

Warm wine eyes color slightly changed, "who gave the news? Is it reliable?"

"Who would make fun of this?" Mrs. Xie said solemnly: "I don't think it's groundless. Ah Jiu... You'd better go back and clean up the soft. We'll go out of the city at dawn and find a place to take refuge until Dongfeng or ah Yu comes back!"

Wen Jiu thought for a moment and didn't speak for a moment.

Mrs. Xie took Xie Yucheng aside and said, "Wanjin has to run so far at this time. I don't know what's going on now."

She usually dislikes this son again. It's just talking. It's a piece of meat that fell off her body. How can she not worry.

Xie Yucheng hurriedly advised: "Wanjin has been lucky since childhood. This time, he must be able to turn bad luck into good luck. He will come back well!"

Mrs. Xie said "I hope so".

Then, she continued to warm wine and said, "ah wine, go back and pack up. Let's go at dawn!"

"I'm afraid it's not right." Wen Jiu said as usual: "the eldest brother and the third brother are in the land of tigers and wolves. The Xie family is already under the surveillance of the old emperor. If we suddenly move our family, don't say we're out of the city. I'm afraid we'll be stopped by patrol soldiers just a few steps out of the house."

Xie Heng took the amulet, and now more than 100000 people and horses are in the hands of the young man.

The old emperor was so worried that he couldn't eat or sleep. How could he let the Xie family go.

Moreover, the chaos in beizhou has not been assessed. There is a great need for a man carrying a pot.

At the beginning, Xie Yu asked for orders to go. How many people stared at him at the beginning, and now how many people stare at the Xie family.

"What should I do now?" Mrs. Xie said anxiously, "if the emperor's capital is in chaos, you and me will lose their lives!"

"Madam! Madam, keep your voice down."

Xie Yucheng couldn't stop her. She was sweating all over her head.

Wenjiu whispered, "don't panic, aunt. It's too late. You and uncle go back and have a rest first. I'll let someone go outside to explore the deficiency and reality."

What else does Mrs. Xie want to say.

Wen Jiu said again, "at present, the four sides are in chaos. If it is not safe at the foot of the emperor, where can it be better if it is changed to another place?"

Mrs. Xie looked at her and didn't speak again.

"Yes." Xie Yucheng advised, "ah Jiu said very well. You can believe a note casually handed in outside. What if others deliberately want us to frighten the emperor at this juncture? Madam, it's getting late. Let's go back to bed."

As he spoke, he took Mrs. Xie to his own yard.

So I took more than ten steps.

Xie Yucheng looked back.

Warm wine nodded slightly and said:

The third uncle usually seems to have no way to take the third lady. At the critical time, he still has a way.

Jin'er Yulu was holding a lamp on one side, and she wanted to talk and stop.

Warm wine turned back and said, "what you shouldn't listen to, just as you haven't heard anything."

The two maids looked at each other and said "yes" in unison.

Wen Jiu took the lamp from jin'er and whispered, "it's getting late. I'll go and see Xiao six and Xiao seven. Go back and have a rest."

The maid stepped down.

Wenjiu went to the pine and crane hall alone with lanterns. The young boys and waitresses along the road stopped to salute and say hello.

She nodded slightly as a response. After a while, she came to the Songhe hall.

The maid said that old lady Xie had rested early. Miss 6 and childe 7 had done a lot of homework in the daytime and went to bed very early today.

Wen Jiu smiled, "it's better to go to bed early."

The maid said a few words to her about what she was doing in the two small days.

After listening to the warm wine one by one, he asked the waitresses to step down and think of going to the small six and seven rooms to have a look at the two small ones.

It's too busy to come in. I live in a house and can't see my face.

Wen Jiu walked through the arch with a lamp, and looked at the little boy in plain clothes sitting under the corridor. Half of his face was shrouded in moonlight, and the other half was hidden in the dark. A curved moon hung on the horizon, shining on a mole between the boy's eyebrows.

It's really a fairy, beautiful and monstrous bone.

Warm wine at the door, stunned for a moment.

Zhao Xi turned around to see that the empty and ethereal eyes outlined a cool smile, "shopkeeper Wen?"

The little boy is really capable.

Shaving bald and wearing plain clothes can also make people laugh as cool as when they were little emperors.

As soon as Wen Jiu heard his tone, his heart jumped, and his face remained calm. "Little six and seven are asleep. Why don't you sleep? ”

Zhao Yi raised his eyes and slightly raised his lips, "I'm waiting for you."

"What am I going to do?" Wenjiu felt colder and colder. His hands holding the lamp were tangled and pretended not to know anything. "Don't you miss your senior brother? You want me to take you back to Wanhua temple? I don't count."

Zhao Xi suddenly got up and said, "don't shopkeeper Wen want to kick my trouble away as soon as possible?"

Teenagers are not short.

He stood on the steps, a little higher than warm wine.

In the dark night, the young man took his inherent heavenly majesty and momentum to force people.

The more nervous you are about warm wine, the more you want to laugh.

She raised her eyes slightly and said slowly, "Your Highness, why do you think you are a trouble?"

Zhao Xi was stunned and didn't speak.

Wen Jiu said, "when you come to Xie's house, I'm really worried, worried..."

Zhao Xi frowned at her.

"I'm worried that you have harmed my little six." Wenjiu immediately added such a sentence and asked with a smile, "Your Highness, has anyone reminded you that you can't smile at a little girl if you are too good-looking?"

Zhao Xi: "

I've never seen such a natural person who opens his eyes and tells lies!

As they were talking, the young man outside the hospital rushed, "young lady! The eldest princess's house sent a message that no matter what happens in the imperial capital tonight, young lady will not step out of the house!"

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