Wen Jiu smelled the speech and his eyes were dim. He handed the lamp in his hand to the maid on the side and asked, "who's from the princess's house? What else did he say?"

"No," said the boy, "the man came and went in a hurry, and the little one didn't have time to ask."

Wen Jiu thought for a while and asked, "is that man male or female? What does he look like and have characteristics?"

Looking back, the little fellow said, "the little one only remembers that she is very beautiful and what she looks like..." he touched his head, and his anxious sweat came out. "The little one and the little one can't remember clearly. By the way, she embroidered Begonia flowers on her clothes, and there was a small red dot at the end of her right eyebrow!"

"It's the big maid beside the princess, Begonia."

Wen Jiu has seen Begonia several times. The big maid is very dependent on the big princess. The princess was served by Begonia several times before.

Zhao Jingyi asked Haitang to come to Xie's house to deliver a message today. Something big must have happened.

But what kind of thing is so urgent that you can say two words and leave immediately?

Wen Jiu thought of this and couldn't help feeling anxious. He immediately called some clever young boys and said, "go outside and see what happened. Remember, don't make too much publicity. As soon as you find something wrong, you'll come back to the house."

"Yes! Young lady!"

The boys responded in unison and left the house immediately.

Warm wine stood in place, his mind slightly heavy.

The imperial capital's troops were greatly reduced during the rebellion of King Rui. This time, most of them were transferred to the border to fight against the northern desert. At the moment, if someone invades the imperial capital, it's really helpless.

"Can't run, Ansheng stay here." Zhao Xi stood a few steps away, his tone was not like a young man.

Wen Jiu looked back at him, his eyes a little more puzzled, "what do you know?"

The son of Tianjia, even if he is still a young boy, his mind is very comparable.

"What should I know?"

Zhao Xi asked.

At night, the wind was chaotic, and the young man's voice was slowly mixed together, just like the quiet moment before the storm, nihilistic and ethereal.

Wen Jiu sighed and said helplessly, "just let me go out and have a look. Go to bed earlier."

She forgot that the little emperor was never a good talker.

Even if he knew something, he wouldn't tell her.

What's more, Zhao Xi is just a young boy who needs to hide in Xie's house. What can she know now.

She thought so, turned and left.


Zhao Xi suddenly opened her mouth.

Wen Jiu looked back at him strangely.

Before he could speak, he heard the little boy calmly say, "you're right to listen to Zhao Jingyi. No matter what happens in the imperial capital, no one will come to embarrass you as long as you don't go out of this door."

Warm wine slightly raises eyes.

This boy is really interesting.

Zhao Xi thought she didn't understand and continued: "Xie Heng has more than 100000 people in his hand. As long as you don't hurry to reincarnate, no one dares to move you."

This has been made very clear.

Wenjiu and Xie's family will be fine in a short time if they are wise to protect themselves.

But in the capital People are different.

Once something goes wrong, it must be another big fight.

Warm wine nodded slightly to Zhao Xi, said "thank you for reminding", turned and left.

The night was dark and the lights were shaky.

The shadow of the branches is oblique, the shadow of the people is shaking, and the sky wants to pour the cold moonlight.

Zhao Xi stood in place and watched Wen Jiu go away with the young ladies. She hadn't moved for a long time.

After a while.

Xie Xiaoliu secretly opened a door, wrapped in a small quilt and walked gently to Zhao Xi. He was just about to reach out and pat him on the shoulder.

When his hand was half raised, he was noticed by the little boy and turned to look at her.

Xie Xiaoliu: "er..."

She hasn't taken it yet!

"Why hasn't Miss Liu slept yet?" Zhao Xi's tone was calm, not like a young man at all.

"I slept and woke up again!" Xie Xiaoliu wrapped his quilt and his nose was red with cold.

The little girl was delicate and warm in the house. After blowing for a while, she couldn't help sneezing.

She reached out a hand and rubbed her nose. She whispered, "has my sister-in-law come just now?"


Zhao Xi thought she wanted to ask something else. She just asked a warm wine. A little surprise flashed in her eyes and soon returned to calm.

"I knew it!" Xie Xiaoliu heard him hum, but he was very happy. He jumped up and was going to knock on Xie Xiaoqi's door next door.

She just jumped four or five steps.

Zhao Xi stopped her, "miss six."

"Ah?" Xie Xiaoliu looked back and asked him with a smile, "what else can I do for you, little brother?"

Zhao Xi said in a flat tone: "it's late at night."

"Yes." Xie Xiaoliu didn't understand. He thought it was nothing. Then he said again, "it's late. Little brother, go back to bed."

The cold night is quiet.

The little boy and the little girl were five or six steps away, one standing in half light and half darkness, the other in the bright moonlight.

After the world's cold and warm, the calm and unpopular eyes develop innocent eyebrows and eyes that are still spoiled by thousands of beauties in the troubled world.

Time seems to be a little slower.

Zhao Xi stood in place and said slowly, "men and women have different seats at the age of eight."

"I don't sleep with Xiao Qi!" Xie Xiaoliu said blankly, "I just called him up to talk."

She spoke very naturally.

The little girl with pink carving and jade carving smiled and continued: "I used to hear people say that a child with a mother is a treasure. When it's hot, my mother will fan the wind, and when it's cold, my mother will make clothes. It's late at night... My mother will secretly come to cover the quilt because she can't rest assured. Although Xiao Qi and I don't have such a good mother, our sister-in-law is also very good. I have to tell him."

Zhao Xi stood where she was and didn't speak.

After Xie Xiaoliu finished, he suddenly remembered that the little boy in front of him seemed to have no mother.

She took a breath and casually found a reason, "forget it, Xie Xiaoqi, the pig can't wake up when he falls asleep. Little brother, let's talk together."

Zhao Xi remained silent.

Xie Xiaoliu sat down by the railing first, stretched out his hand and patted the position on the side, "come on, sit here! My little quilt is half yours."


Xie Fu, in front of the court.

Warm wine and no sleep, just sat under the plum blossom tree and waited for news.

Jin'er Yulu kept persuading her to go back and have a rest. After persuading her for a long time, she saw that she was motionless, made tea again and waited beside her.

After nearly an hour, the boy who went out to inquire about the news came back and reported it. He stumbled a little, "young lady, Zhang Yueze led his army to attack the imperial capital, and there are troops under the city!"

"Zhang Yueze?" Wen Jiu tried to recall this man. He had some impressions, but he couldn't think of how a man who had done nothing in his previous life suddenly attacked imperial capital in his life.

Jin'er said, "Zhang Yueze? Isn't he the third husband of the eldest princess?"

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