She ventured up a tall building and heard the drum, so that her youth was safe and sound.

This is the third time.

Wen Jiu stood beside Zhao Jingyi, beating drums against the dazzling beacon fire.

With wide sleeves, the young girl is so thin and proud.

The killing outside the city gate was so loud that the arrows fell on her side, the warm blood splashed on her, and one guard after another fell at her feet.

"Warm wine!" Zhao Jingyi couldn't help shouting at her.

When the slightly hoarse voice mixed with the wind and floated to the ear of warm wine, there was only a little residual sound left.

Wenjiu hit the drum face twice. Turning back, he smiled at the eldest princess in the light of the fire. "Wenjiu is not talented. He can't cut the rebels like the princess. He can only beat the drum for you here. I hope the princess won't give up."

"Don't talk." Zhao Jingyi smiled and stopped looking. While fighting with the rebels who climbed the wall, she said, "you say two more words. The palace wants to be a man and marry you home!"

Wenjiu stood in the beacon fire and looked up at the night sky. The night wind blew the green silk flying. She missed the stars in her youth's eyes.

I can't help thinking:

If only Xie Heng were there.

It's a pity that you are thousands of miles away and the moon is far away from you.

"Young lady..." Qing Er flew to Wenjiu's side and just wanted to remind her to be careful, he heard her say first: "go and protect the princess."

Qing Er didn't dare to let her alone here. He immediately thought, "can..."

"Don't worry about it." Wen Jiu said, "hold the gate and I'll find you a daughter-in-law."

Qing Er: "

This is really not a matter of daughter-in-law not daughter-in-law. If the childe and the third childe know, this is whether they can save their lives.

Wenjiu had a lot of sweat on his head. He still beat the drum with great strength and said, "go quickly."

Zhao Jingyi has her own persistence in her heart.

Warm wine can't change her choice, but she can stand with her at the moment.

She beat the drums with all her strength and stood on the tower singing: "where is the city broken? Who can be safe when the country is dead?"

The sound scattered into the night wind, echoed around the city, mixed with the fighting sound all over the sky, and heard people's blood surging.

The leader of the enemy personally shot at the warm wine beating the drum with an arrow on the string. Zhao Jingyi and Qing Er flew up at the same time and cut the arrow feather into several pieces.

Everyone's heart hung high in their throat.

It happened that Wenjiu himself seemed that nothing had happened. He wholeheartedly hit her drum. His voice was a little dumb by the cold wind, but it was more and more shocking.

The rebels could not attack from above by using ladders and other objects. They began to attack the city from below by taking advantage of the number of people. Hundreds of people pushed huge siege hammers to hit the city gate again and again.

The guards in the city were hard to support up and down. They looked up at the top and looked down at the gate. They were about to lose their support.

Zhao Jingyi looked back at Wen Jiu, and the general on the same side said, "protect shopkeeper Wen, this palace..."

She was just about to go down to the city tower.

Just then, the people in the city rushed downstairs, men, women and children. The butcher took a pig knife, the florist took a hoe, and the cook took a kitchen knife

At the beginning, there were only ten or eight, followed by hundreds and hundreds, and then thousands of people rushed to the city gate spontaneously and carried them to death.

Originally, all the lights in the city were out and there was darkness and silence. Now every family's door is wide open. There are a large number of people in the long street. Even if one person's strength is weak, such a large number of people can also block the rebels from approaching.

"Shopkeeper Wen!" someone in the crowd shouted, "when the rebels retreat this time, will you buy everyone a drink?"

"Please!" Zhao Jingyi said loudly, "you must! The palace promised for her!"

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "the princess has promised. How can I not invite you? Thank you, hold on!"


Thousands of people responded loudly, the echo of the long street was loud, the beacon smoke was diffuse, and the blood was hot.

This night was the most concerted night of the imperial people since the founding of Dayan.

The rebels could not open the east gate by five times.

Zhao Jingyi killed hundreds of people. The guards are one for ten. The whole city can be called heroes.

After Wenjiu drumming, his hands were almost not his own.

But the blood in my heart kept beating the drum.

In the evening of the second day of the battle of defending the city, all the people ate in restaurants under the name of warm wine. The restaurants directly steamed steamed bread and sent it to them, two for one. The guards wolfed down and ran back to the front to kill the enemy.

Many people swallowed steamed buns and steamed buns mixed with splashing blood, and so did warm wine.

At a time of great difficulty, there are so many.

As long as the gate can be guarded.

As long as you can live, it's all right.

The next day, when it was dark, the rebels attacking the East Gate suddenly began to retreat.

The sunset reddened half the sky, and the afterglow of the sunset crossed the gorgeous sky.

Ladders, stone catapults and siege hammers began to turn around, and thousands of rebels were injured and left, gradually disappearing.

“ Back! "

"The rebels have retreated!"

The soldiers raised their arms and shouted, "Your Highness! We've held it! We've won!"

Their faces were covered with blood. The seriously injured guards collapsed to the ground, and the young soldiers who lacked arms and legs clenched their teeth and bound themselves.

The people guarding the city gate with crowd tactics sat down on the ground. The whole people breathed a heavy sigh of relief and cheered, "if you don't die, you will have a blessing!"

As soon as the wine warming hand was loose, the drumstick fell to the ground. Her whole legs were soft and couldn't stand. As soon as the strength was loose, she fell down and leaned against the big drum.

The blood smell spread all around. She closed her eyes and recited in her heart several times, "if you don't die, you will have a blessing."

"Warm wine! ” Zhao Jingyi threw away her long sword and strode to the warm wine on the war drum. She picked up the man and hugged him. "Little god of wealth, you see, he's a wonderful man!"

It's rare for people like the eldest princess to feel so depressed. After all, they come to guard the city with the heart of death. They never thought they could live. D

"Cough..." Wenjiu almost couldn't come up at one breath, but said, "princess, please be gentle. I'm about to fall apart by you."

This man usually looks elegant. He didn't want to start so hard.

Zhao Jingyi let go of her, sat directly on the city tower, took warm wine and sat aside. She raised her hand and wiped the blood on her forehead. "You can go back to the house immediately after you have a rest. The palace advanced to the palace and reply to the father emperor!"

She said, "I don't know what happened to the other gates. I have to go and have a look."

The voice just fell.

Countless horse hoofs galloped from the long street behind, and the people sitting on the ground had to get up and retreat to both sides.

Zhao Feng took the lead. The people who were with him were dressed in military uniform. Behind them, a group of soldiers held a "Zhang" flag.

That man is clearly Zhang Yueze who just attacked the city outside!

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