All the guards and people down the wall stayed.

Zhao Jingyi stood in the wind, and the smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

Wen Jiu put his hand on the wall and suddenly stood up, "what's going on? Why..."

Why should Zhang Yueze, who should have retired, come from behind them with crown prince Zhao Feng and bring so many people?!

What the hell are these people doing?

She was full of doubts and anger, and her eyes fell between Zhang Yueze and the prince.

"Elder sister Huang." Zhao Feng sat on his horse and raised his head to call the eldest princess, "my father has an order. Please come down and take it. ”

Zhao Jingyi was in a complicated mood in her eyes, but she didn't move on the high building and hooked her lips. "Dare you ask the prince, what will the father do?"

Zhao Feng looked no different from usual. He looked up and said, "General Zhang came to Beijing to protect the Lord. Previously, the palace and sister Huang misunderstood him, so he made such a big joke. My father made a special order to let sister Huang talk about the old things with general Zhang. After complaining about the past, naturally nothing happened."

Wen Jiuwen was so angry that he wanted to pick up the shield on the ground and smashed it on Zhao Feng's head.

The prince has always been a kind man. He used to be like this in the court. I didn't expect that he could tell such lies with his eyes open now.

Zhang Yueze led his troops to attack Dijing, killed so many guards and separated many people's families.

Now Zhao Feng's light sentence "made a big joke" wants to lift everything?

When the eldest princess and everyone in the east gate were fighting to the death, the people behind her put the rebels into the city, and even reached an agreement with the old emperor. In a twinkling of an eye, she changed from the rebels to meritorious officials.

Zhao Feng also brought the old emperor's will to let Zhao Jingyi and Zhang Yueze end their former grievances?

How to end the Revenge of copying the family and destroying the family?

Warm wine was so confused that the eldest princess around her had already opened her mouth and sternly scolded:

"How much water did your mother fill your brain when she gave birth to you? You're stupid enough to let them into the city?"

Zhao Jingyi's whole body trembled angrily, and she barely stood firm with one hand on the wall. "Zhao Feng! The palace originally thought you were just incompetent, and you would never be as stupid as Zhao Zhi! But how can the palace think that you are not as good as him!"

"Elder sister Huang..." Zhao Feng lowered his head and looked up again after a long time. "Why mention this dead man, not to mention... This will is under the father's emperor. If elder sister Huang has any objection, it's better to come down and go into the palace with general Zhang and make it clear in front of the father's emperor?"

The people on both sides of the long street were disheartened, and zhangjiajun poured in, blocking all the way directly.

"Zhao Jingyi!" Zhang Yueze sat on his horse, looked up at the big princess on the gate and shouted to her.

He used to be a childe of a famous family. When he was young, he used to be a romantic horse. Now his right cheek is branded with the mark of a slave, covering half of his face and becoming vicious and terrible.

"I'll count three." Zhang Yueze reined in his horse and stood with a cold look. "If you don't come down, I'll kill the guards and people all over the street and remind the eldest princess."

Zhao Feng on his side turned white in vain and immediately said in a high voice, "sister Huang, you have to come down on both sides. It's better to..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Jingyi suddenly changed her face and said in a harsh voice, "Zhang Yueze! Dare you!"

Zhang Yueze laughed, and the blue slave mark on his face became more and more frightening. "What dare I not? Princess, do you think I'm still Zhang Yueze who let you play?"

He looked up at Zhao Jingyi. He couldn't help getting angry. He raised his hand and cut off the head of a nearby guard.

Fresh blood splashed all over the ground and the streets were in an uproar.

Zhang Yueze crossed his horse's knife and pulled out a smile from the corners of his mouth, "continue?"

The guard's head rolled to Zhao Feng's horse's hoof. It was hard to close its eyes until death.

Zhao Feng's face became very ugly for a moment. He couldn't help saying, "General Zhang..."

"This is my old resentment with Zhao Jingyi, and it has nothing to do with your highness." Zhang Yueze said in a deep tone: "Your Highness, you'd better not get involved."

Zhao Feng looked at Zhang Yueze, and then looked up at Zhao Jingyi on the city wall. He wanted to talk and stopped.

Zhao Jingyi took a picture on the head of the city, and suddenly bricks and stones flew across the city.

She turned and went down the steps. She kept up with Wen Jiu quickly and grabbed Zhao Jingyi's hand. "Princess, you can't go!"

Zhao Jingyi stepped slightly, "you can see that the one surnamed Zhang is coming for the palace. I won't go. Can he kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Wen Jiu stared at the big princess.

There are unparalleled beauties in the world. They are amazing and shy.

If a mediocre lives in a muddle headed way and then dies in a muddle headed way, it's all right.

Zhao Jingyi is always so sober.

She knew that she was the princess of the royal family. The queen had to bear the responsibility that others could not afford.

He also lived in a drunken dream and did not ask about the world.

Once you die generously, you don't change your face.

Wenjiu didn't know how to answer. She asked herself that she couldn't do this for the eldest princess in her life.

But she didn't want Zhao Jingyi to die.


Such an urgent and helpless moment.

Wen Jiu held Zhao Jingyi's hand tightly. The palm was full of cold sweat and didn't want to loosen it.

"Let go." Zhao Jingyi smiled at her, stretched out her hand to peel off the warm wine a little, brushed away with her, and whispered, "don't cry, if you want to be afraid, turn around."

Warm wine smell speech, instantly red eyes.

She watched Zhao Jingyi step by step in front of Zhang yuezema. Her sight gradually blurred. She could only look up at the sky and turn back her sour heart.

"After that, how do you end up with the palace?" Zhao Jingyi took off her red cloak full of blood and threw it on the ground. All the guards, the people and the zhangjiajun retreated.

Rao is now covered with blood. When she lifted her eyes, she was still a princess and proud.

"Zhao Jingyi, what can you be proud of when you get to this point?" Zhang Yueze grabbed the imperial edict in Zhao Feng's hand, threw it on Zhao Jingyi's face and sneered: "just because you are a princess? Your ridiculous father and emperor, in order to keep his throne, his son did not hesitate to send you to me and let me trample on you! What are you still proud of?"

Zhao Jingyi caught the edict, looked at it carefully, and then bowed her head and smiled.

In laughter, sour and sad account for half.

Born in the imperial family, he enjoys all the glory and wealth in peace. When the world is in chaos, he is nothing.

She asked Zhao Feng with a smile, "at all costs, how can you solve the problem with general Zhang? How can you do it in this palace at all costs?"

Zhao Feng scratched a trace of embarrassment on his face, reluctantly supported the natural appearance on his face, and then looked at Zhang Yueze, "this is about to ask general Zhang how to end it."

Zhang Yueze looked down at Zhao Jingyi and said word by word, "I want you to die."

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