At this critical moment, Wen Jiufei rushed over, held the blade with his hand, and forcibly stopped the long sword that had cut Zhao Jingyi's neck skin.

"Sorry, Princess..."

Warm wine shook his hands. The sword edge was embedded in the palm of his hand. Hot blood seeped from his fingers and his hands were dripping with blood.

She looked at the bloody Zhao Jingyi around her neck and whispered, "I'm afraid I can't do what you said... I want you to live and live a hundred years without worry."

"You..." Zhao Jingyi's lip color faded, and her suicide was stopped.

She looked at the pale girl in front of her, her voice trembled slightly, and sighed, "warm wine, you man!"

Just this sentence, Zhao Jingyi had no words for a while.

Wen Jiu doesn't care much about his appearance and figure.

Only cherish these hands.

Shopkeeper Wen wants to use these hands to calculate and count the silver notes. Hurting her hand will kill her half.

But today, Wenjiu did so for her.

Warm wine said: "I don't want to do what the princess asked me to do well. I'll make the princess suffer more. Think of another way."

Zhao Jingyi looked at her for a long time and didn't speak.

Warm wine didn't open his mouth, but there were thousands of words in his eyes.

Sometimes, death is the easiest thing.

Once you close your eyes, you can escape the troubles in the world and forget the coldness of family affection.

How many weak people in the world often choose to end their lives when they can't bear the blow.

In vain, Zhao Jingyi was pretentious. In the end, she chose such a way as those mediocres.

How can you be reconciled?

The long street was silent and silent.

The blood in the palm of warm wine flows to Zhao Jingyi's neck along the sword edge. It's still warm.

After a while.

Wenjiu couldn't help but speak to her. Zhang Yueze, sitting on the horse, suddenly picked up a long knife, opened the hands of Zhao Jingyi and Wenjiu, and the bloody sword "banged" fell to the ground.

Wenjiu could not stand steadily and fell to the ground. In an instant, two zhangjiajun came forward and pressed her.

Zhao Jingyi also stumbled and was carried by Zhang Yueze.

The dusk was getting darker. The man with the slave mark on his face bowed his head and leaned very close to the eldest princess. He clenched his teeth and said, "it's so easy to want to die, Zhao Jingyi. You think it's beautiful!"

Zhao Jingyi turned to warm wine and said to Zhang Yueze, "if you think I owe you, I owe you. It has nothing to do with warm wine. You let her go back!"

"Up to now, you dare to speak to me in such a condescending tone!" Zhang Yueze was angry when he heard this. "I won't let go. What can you do?"

Zhao Jingyi was very angry: "you..."

"Someone!" Zhang Yueze threw the long knife in his hand to the entourage under him. He changed his hand and carried Zhao Jingyi. He said coldly, "since the princess cares so much about this warm wine, let's start with her now."

His voice was extremely cold. "First pull out her tongue, then cut off her fingers one by one, and remove her limbs..."

"Zhang Yueze!"

Zhao Jingyi snapped at him, her eyes startled.

Zhang Yueze looked at her face and suddenly smiled. He smiled very quickly. "Zhao Jingyi, are you afraid? I tell you, your pain today is less than half of what I had in those years! What you owe me, you don't know in your life!"

After he finished, he turned his head and coldly ordered the people under him, "what are you doing? Drag the warm wine over!"

The two zhangjiajun who held Wenjiu were very cruel. With a seizure, the sound of bone fracture came from Wenjiu.

Her face lost its color in an instant.

"General Zhang!" seeing this, Zhao Feng turned pale and hurriedly said, "warm wine is Xie Heng's man. You can't move..."

His words were only half said, and Zhang Yueze began to interrupt him, "Your Highness, the prince is worried. The Emperor gave Xie Heng more people in his hand. When he returns to the dynasty, he will return it to the emperor. At that time, he will only be a general without soldiers. Why should he be afraid?"

Zhao Feng's face became more and more ugly when he heard the speech, "this..."

Zhang Yueze looked back at him in a very cold tone and said, "besides, as long as the crown prince is willing to protect me and wants to protect me, even if Xie Heng is rampant, what can he do with me? It's just a warm wine. I'm going to try my knife with her today."

Zhao Feng couldn't persuade him and choked half to death by another sentence.

There was no word.

Warm wine almost collapsed to the ground and stood up.

Behind her is Xie Heng.

She can't fall.

Zhang, why should I compare with Xie Heng.

The young man was far away at the border to fight for his country, but the man surnamed Zhang took advantage of the chaos to attack Dijing and embarrass the eldest princess.

Just shameless rats.

Wen Jiu kept telling himself in his heart that under the custody of the two zhangjiajun soldiers, he still stood straight, looked fearless and said, "today you try my knife, and tomorrow you will be the soul of my Xie family sword. If general Zhang doesn't believe it, just try!"

"Good!" Zhang Yueze was successfully angered, let go of Zhao Jingyi, and rode down to warm wine.

Right now.

Zhao Jingyi slapped Zhang Yueze on the chest. When the latter noticed, she had suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Yueze took a look at Zhao Jingyi, slapped people out with a green face, and his voice was cold. "I wanted to save your life again. Do you have to rush to death like this?"

Zhao Jingyi rolled on the ground for two times, and the blood flowed down the corners of her lips. She lifted her sleeve and wiped it. She stood up with a strong support. Her face was slightly cool and said, "I said, what's coming towards me? It doesn't matter to warm wine. You have to be angry for a while. What can't you do with Xie Heng?"

Zhang Yueze didn't speak at the moment.

She used to be like this. What she said from the big princess seemed very reasonable. Listening to everything for your appearance, she didn't tell the truth.

The warm wine on one side frowned and was about to speak when Zhao Jingyi stopped it with a gesture.

The eldest princess stood in front of her and asked Zhang Yueze, "what do you want from me?"

Zhang Yueze gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to survive, not to die!"


Zhao Jingyi said only one word, took out a dagger from her waist and inserted it into her abdomen.

White knives go in and red knives go out.

Blood flowed in an instant, "so?"

The stunned people around him gradually calmed down. Zhao Feng looked complex and wanted to speak, but he held back.

Zhang Yueze sneered, "not enough."

Zhao Jingyi then stabbed another knife, two knives, three or four knives

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