
Zhao Jingyi strongly supported Zhang Yueze and stabbed herself every step.

Zhang Yueze's face was green and black, and he couldn't speak for a moment.

He doesn't speak.

Zhao Jingyi's hand kept moving. The blood splashed between pulling out and inserting the dagger.

It was dark, and the ground around her was bright red, like strange and gorgeous flowers.

The north wind roared past and made the eldest princess fly in disorder.

There was a dead silence around.

Zhang Yueze looked at her, clenched his knife hand into a fist, and green veins burst out on his arm.

The eldest princess stabbed herself with ten knives. At last, she had no strength to pull out the dagger embedded in her bones and flesh. She could only let the cold blade stab her body.

The bright red blood overflowed from all the wounds and dyed her Rouge colored Royal dress with a more gorgeous color.

Zhao Jingyi held back, straightened her body full of blood, looked up at Zhang Yueze and asked in a dumb voice, "I count all the accounts of your parents and brothers and sisters in your family. I pay you ten knives today. Can you relieve your hatred?"

"Zhao Jingyi... You think! Do you think this is enough?" Zhang Yueze turned over and dismounted, pulled out the dagger on Zhao Jingyi and threw it away.

He grabbed the eldest princess by the neck and said angrily, "do you think you can understand gratitude and resentment by stabbing yourself? You can get rid of me? You can't think about it!"

The two of them also watched Hibiscus in the red tent and drank together under the dragon and Phoenix candles.

Zhang Yueze's eyes were full of blood. "I didn't say you could die, you have to continue to live for me! I promise you to die, you can die!"

That year, that day.

He also fell in love with her, knelt before the emperor and sincerely asked to marry her, who had been married twice and had a bad end for her husband's family.

Zhang Yueze felt that he was different from the two previous brides in law. No matter how his parents and sister-in-law advised him, he did not change his mind. He happily married the eldest princess into the door, thinking of respecting her, loving her and treating her well.

Until the day when she was copied, her parents and brothers and her little nephew, who had just been born, were not spared. Zhao Jingyi returned to the palace in royal clothes like nothing happened.

Only then did he know that all this was a trap.

What flowers before and after the moon, smile and fall in love, it's all a bubble!

On his way to escape, Zhang Yueze gradually woke up day by day and deepened his resentment day by day.

When I was hungry and cold, I wanted to eat her meat and drink her blood. In the fight again and again, I thought about how to stab the lethal knife into her body

How much he loved her, how much he hated her now.

Zhao Jingyi's face turned purple when he pinched her. She had more breath and less air. She saw that her life would rest.

Wenjiu desperately broke free from the imprisonment of the two zhangjiajun and bumped into Zhang Yueze.

With all her strength, she knocked people away, and quickly reached out to catch Zhao Jingyi who couldn't fall to the ground.

Qinger and others jumped down from the city wall and protected Wenjiu and Zhao Jingyi in an instant.

"Young lady..." Qing Er reached out to help her and wanted to say to her, "let go of the big princess. She can't escape this disaster today." but looking at Wen Jiu, she couldn't say this.

"Princess..." Wenjiu sat down on the ground, hugged Zhao Jingyi, pressed her acupoints to let her breathe, and said to Qingqi, "go to Wanhua temple! Call Ying Wuqiu!"

Qing Er frowned and said, "but..."

Warm wine kept pressing Zhao Jingyi's acupoints, and beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and dropped on the big princess's eyebrows.

Zhao Jingyi's long eyelashes trembled slightly and said in a trembling voice: "don't press..."

Her voice was hoarse and she whispered, "you are really... You might as well have let this palace die earlier and don't have to suffer this crime."

Although the eldest princess said so, she couldn't help looking up in the direction of Wanhua temple.

It's hard to calm down

"Go and call Ying Wuqiu! Come on!" Wen Jiu told Qing Er while tearing off her clothes and bandaging the eldest princess.

There are too many wounds on Zhao Jingyi. She can't stop the blood.

In addition, the warm wine palms were stained with blood. For a time, I couldn't tell whose blood was on the cloth.

"OK, don't be busy." Zhao Jingyi's voice was weak. She pulled at the corners of her mouth and said in a dumb voice: "Zhang Yueze won't let go of the palace today. Why don't you mend it?"

Just as Wen Jiu was about to speak, Zhang Yueze hit several guards in front of them with a knife and grabbed Zhao Jingyi's collar with one hand.

At this time, the strong wind swept through the long street, and the dead leaves were flying all over the sky.

A golden Zen staff passed through the crowd and hit Zhang Yueze in the heart, pushing him back several steps in an instant.

Dressed in a monk's robe, the visitor walked to Zhao Jingyi step by step with dead leaves all over the ground.

The calm eyes of the past were rendered bright red at the moment. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to erase the blood on Zhao Jingyi's face. He looked careful and gentle.

He nodded slightly at Wen Jiu and said, "there's shopkeeper Lao Wen."


Ying Wuqiu picked up Zhao Jingyi, who was hurt all over. It's so natural to hold her now.

Zhao Jingyi looked at him and asked in a dumb voice, "aren't you the last to see me? What are you doing here?"

"Although I can't have fun with you in this life, I can die with you." Ying Wuqiu hugged her and turned to look at Zhang Yueze and the zhangjiajun. His eyes were full of blood.

He said to Zhang Yueze, "how much does the princess owe you? Although revenge is on the poor monk, the poor monk will never resist."

"Answer without asking!" Zhao Jingyi was very angry. Blood was seeping from the corners of her mouth. She clenched her teeth and said, "if you don't want to have fun with me, do you think I will die on the same day with you? You... Get out of here!"

"Sorry." Ying Wuqiu looked ahead and smiled gently. "I haven't learned what the princess wants to see yet."

Zhao Jingyi was silenced by him for a moment: "..."

"Good! Great!" Zhang Yueze threw his knife and took the bow and arrow in the hands of the soldiers around him. In an instant, he put the arrow feather on the string and went straight to Ying Wuqiu and Zhao Jingyi.

Wenjiu, who had been sitting on the ground, suddenly stood up, raised his hand, retreated without asking, and stood in front of them. "Stop talking nonsense, take the princess with you!"

The sound fell.

The arrow feather in Zhang Yueze's hand leaves the string, and qinger and others fly forward to block it together with the loyal guard of the princess's house.

Wen Jiu wiped the blood on his face, and Lang said in a loud voice, "are all the imperial guards dead? Let such a traitor humiliate our princess Dayan?!"

The emperor's capital, the guards and the people endured it for most of the day. They were so angry that they shouted abuse one after another, and the copied guys hit the zhangjiajun on the head.

The chaos was only for a moment.

"Thank you!" Ying Wuqiu glanced at the warm wine protected by the people, and immediately took the eldest princess flying on the eaves and walls into the night.

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