Zhang Yueze was very angry. His face became more and more dark. He raised his hand to take the three arrow feathers on the horse's side and put them on the string. In an instant, he shot in the direction of Ying Wuqiu and Zhao Jingyi.

The dusk was heavy, and the deadly arrow feather broke through the wind.

"Qing ER!" Wen Jiu shouted hoarsely.

Qing Er flew up in the crowd. The horizontal sword flew around in mid air and cut off two arrow feathers. The last one disappeared into the night.

Zhang Yueze abandoned the bow and arrow in his hand, picked up the big knife handed over by his entourage, cut on a group of guards, and angrily said, "chase me!"

The soldiers lit torches, and the night wind blew the flames flying, reflecting Zhang Yueze's face with the mark of a slave.

He snapped, "if you can't find Zhao Jingyi and the dead bald donkey, kill all these people!"

And the people of the Zhangjia army immediately shivered. Under the anger, the hands became more and more intense and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Zhao Feng's horse was startled, turned around in place, and threw him off the horse in two or three times.

As soon as Wen Jiu was ready, he was on the side and pulled the prince up from the ground.

She didn't know where the strength came from. Perhaps in her anger, her potential exploded. Her bloodstained hand carried Zhao Feng's collar and said angrily, "the princess is your own sister. Do you just watch others bully her?"

Zhao Feng fell very heavily and was carried by warm wine. He lost his face.

His face turned purple and said, "this is the will of my father..."

"If it weren't for you, how did Zhang Yueze get into the city?" Wen Jiu looked at him, his lips were slightly white, and his voice was cold, "seven foot men have cartilage! Why thick face and light women?"

When the voice fell, she retreated Zhao Feng to Zhang Yueze.

Wen Jiu stood in the middle of the crowd, his cloud sleeves were broken and swayed with the wind. He looked up at Zhang Yueze and said word by word: "if you want to embarrass the princess again today, step on my body!"

The strong wind circled the city gate several times, and her voice echoed in the air.

The noisy fighting around gradually quieted down, and everyone looked back at the warm wine.

"Die!" Zhang Yueze cut down the warm wine with a knife in his face.

Qinger and others quickly flew from the crowd, but someone grabbed in front of them and stopped the blade that was about to fall on the side of Wenjiu's neck.

Zhao Feng held Zhang Yueze's wrist, fastened it tightly, turned back and said to Wen Jiu, "what can you do here? Don't go quickly!"

Zhao Feng's face was very ugly. He opened his mouth to the people and said, "there's nothing in the city right now. You all go home!"

As soon as the prince said this, everyone looked at the warm wine.

Wen Jiu looked at him with complex eyes and said in a dumb voice, "go back."

The people were angry for a moment, and the copied guys brought blunt tools, which could not be compared with the murder knife in the hands of Zhang Jiajun. Most of the guards were exhausted. Without the barrier of the city gate, they were like a knife.

When she finished, the people put away the guys, retreated like the tide, went home, bolted the door and put out the lights.

Green two and several green guards flew over at the same time, "master Wuqiu and the big princess should have gone far, young lady, let's withdraw quickly."

The sound fell.

Several people held her and flew away.

Who knows what the prince's move means. If he can't hold on later and Zhang Yueze goes crazy and ignores it, it's over if he really takes Mrs. Shao to vent his hatred.

Zhao Feng stood where he was, closed his eyes and said, "let's finish today, general Zhang."

"What does the crown prince mean?" Zhang Yueze said coldly, "do you want to go back? It's too late for the crown prince to go back now."

"How many times have I told you! She's from Xie Fu, she's Xie Heng's life!" Zhao Feng suddenly opened his eyes and said with complex eyes: "let's not hurt her, Zhang Yueze. Think about it. If she has something good or bad, Xie Heng won't cut you back!"

Zhang Yueze glanced at the warm wine and said, "the prince is too alarmist. Don't say Xie Hengyuan is at the border. He can't come back for a while. Even if he really returns to the imperial capital, I don't necessarily lose to him."

"More is better than less." Zhao Feng was helpless and held Zhang Yueze's hand tightly for fear that he would die of warm wine if he moved another minute.

Zhang Yueze did not listen to his advice. He brushed away Zhao Feng and would continue to do it.

The prince, who has always been wise to protect himself, refused to give in. He grabbed the handle of the knife and gritted his teeth and said, "elder sister Huang of the palace has been seriously injured so far. What else do you want? Do you really want her to die in front of you?"

Zhang Yueze was calm and silent.

Zhao Feng's voice trembled and said, "she stabbed so many knives into her body and suffered so heavy injuries that she won't live long..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Yueze snapped at him. There was some indescribable panic in his eyes. " She is reluctant to die. She... How can she die so easily with such a scourge! "

Zhao Feng looked at the bleak moonlight. His voice was full of fatigue and said, "try stabbing yourself ten knives to see if you will die? You think she owes you. She'll pay you back today. That's all for any resentment or hatred."

"It's not over!" Zhang Yueze turned a deaf ear and told the people under him, "search for me! Dig three feet and find Zhao Jingyi!"

Zhao Feng reached out and rubbed his temples. He looked at the dazzling fire in front of the city gate and the blood flowing across the ground.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are heavy loads, and every inch is stained with blood.


Wen Jiu and others returned to Xie's house. The boys immediately closed the door.

Mrs. Xie was worried in the house all day and night. She sat in front of the court and waited. Seeing that the second green and others came back with warm wine, she immediately got up and greeted them, "why is there so much blood? What's the matter with wine?"

Warm wine, pale lips, whispered: "hurt your hand, just wrap it up later."

"You child..." Mrs. Xie said anxiously, "let me see. The wound on this hand is so deep. You have to ask a doctor! Somebody!"

Jinyumantang several maids rushed here, two holding warm wine to go inside, and two rushed into the house to find medicine.

The lights under the eaves were flickered by the wind.

The Xie family was sweating in a hurry.

The waitresses leaned against the beauty's couch with a messy warm wine, got hot water, didn't come with wound medicine and white sand, and began to be busy.

Yulu was timid. Seeing her blood, she burst into tears and couldn't help saying, "I said I can't go out. How can Mrs. Shao go out..."

Wenjiu's hand was so painful that he couldn't see the little maid crying. He could only bear it. As if it didn't hurt at all, he whispered, "I don't know what happened to the big princess?"

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