"Back to the palace? I don't want to go back."

At that time, Zhao Jingyi was still a beautiful little girl.

Although I saw many unhappy things in the world early, I always felt that the people in front of me would not be the same as those ordinary people in the world, because I had no choice but to leave her for such a painful reason.

Standing under the branches and leaves full of peach blossoms, she was extremely serious and concentric. The master said, "there is no demand. The world is very big and the world is very beautiful. You stayed here since childhood and haven't seen thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. How do you know that shaving is your favorite?"

Ying Wuqiu made a Buddha salute to her, looked at her calmly, and slowly read, "Amitabha."

Just one sentence will make Zhao Jingyi's world fall apart.

If he explained more, or opened his mouth to find a reason, she had a way to say that she should not ask for a change of heart.

But he didn't even say a word.

Zhao Jingyi held back her almost out of control mood and stretched out her hand to pull her wrist.

The latter is like a great enemy and will withdraw in an instant.

"What are you panicking about?" Zhao Jingyi was glad that she had practiced martial arts for many years for the first time. Even if her sweetheart was much taller than her, she couldn't touch the word thin and weak at all. At the moment, she couldn't earn her hand.

"Princess... Men and women don't give and receive. What's more, I'll shave right away. It's very inappropriate for you to do so."

When Ying Wuqiu said these words to her, there was no difference in tone from usual.

Seems to be talking about something unusual.


Zhao Jingyi knew this for a long time.

The whole world knows that a fairy of Ying family was born on the day of Buddha's birthday. She was born to inherit the fate of heaven and want to cultivate Buddhism and Taoism to cross the world.

When he was less than three years old, he was presided over and received the Wanhua temple. He separated from his close relatives, did not cry or make trouble, and was calm and impermanent.

At the age of eight, he discussed Taoism with famous teachers, opened a forum to preach scriptures, closed doors and participated in Zen.

There are many hardships in the world, but he was born a man in heaven, but fell into the world of mortals by mistake.

If she had not listened to the rain under his eaves, watched fish and played with him by the stream, and had not had the five years of day and night.

Generally speaking, Zhao Jingyi was the big princess who came to Wanhua temple for a pilgrimage by chance. When she went in and out, a group of maid palace people surrounded her. Looking at master Wuqiu, who was surrounded by believers from a distance, she would only casually say, "the monk is so handsome. How can't you stop the world of mortals?"

At most, I only look at it and forget it when I go back to the house.

But God always teases people.

Let her meet this man early, look up at the star with him in the dark night, and know that there is such a simple and pure kindness and love in this world in addition to intrigues and tricks.

After getting it, how can you bear to lose it?

For a long time, the first thing the young princess saw every day was to touch his hair.

At that time, she was helpless. Day after day, she said to the princess, "men and women don't give and receive. The princess won't do this next time."

Unfortunately, the eldest princess at that time had first seen her thick face. She looked at her lover with a smile and said, "I know the truth, and I'm different from others."

Her sweetheart is too calm and gentle. Even if she says something to keep you away from him, she doesn't have a half hurtful tone.

So the eldest princess forgot what she didn't want to hear in her left and right ears. Often the next day, it was still the same.

Later, Ying Wuqiu was like a routine. As for Zhao Jingyi's touch and knead, she went with her.

The host said that the world's 3000 worry silk should be shaved after entering the Buddhism.

She knew that she would give up these troubles one day. He was different from those young men outside.

When teenagers of the same age broke their heads for fame and wealth and scattered thousands of gold for beauty, they should not ask for anything, but mistook Buddhism and Taoism, walk in a poor place and spend all the people.

Everyone says that young people in white are the most romantic.

But he didn't care about this when he was dressed in royal clothes and jade. He didn't care about plain linen, blind staff and straw sandals.

Zhao Jingyi knows that she can't monopolize such a person, but she can't help asking for it.

Year after year, day after day, she hopes that he can keep his hair and sing Jianjia with her.

But the reason why extravagance is extravagance is that it can't be asked.

He will leave her after all.

At that time, she was so obsessed with it that she insisted on it with all her heart. She pulled the hand that should not be asked, took out the hand bracelet made of Acacia beans from her sleeve and took it to his wrist.

Not big or small, just right.

She was so happy that she held his hand high, "you see, I picked each of the red beans from Wanhua temple, drilled into the air and put them together. There are 22 in total. Take the meaning of pairs, the meaning of lovesickness..."

"Princess." Ying Wuqiu, who has always been very patient, interrupted her and said in a warm voice, "although red beans are good, they will decay. Just like love, they are only happy when they are young, but they will not last long."

Little by little, he took his hand back. Every word was his Buddha and all sentient beings, just like those who begged but could not give birth to obsession, and advised her to put it down.

Zhao Jingyi stood there alive, but she was only beautiful and white in Ying Wuqiu's eyes.

One day, like the string of red beans she sent him, they will decay and die and return to the dust.

From that day on, it was a nightmare for Zhao Jingyi to see the gods and Buddhas in the halls of Wanhua temple.

That year, Zhao Jingyi left the imperial capital alone, walked through many places she had never been before, and revisited the road she had walked with Ying Wuqiu.

Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are changing. There are businessmen in the once barren land.

The dolls like peas in the past also faded childishness.

When Zhao Jingyi was traveling thousands of miles and looking forward to returning, her sweetheart had changed her mind.

But she waited and waited. In the end, she just waited for an eyeliner to say, "the day of the shaving is fixed, and the princess will return quickly."

Zhao Jingyi rushed back to the imperial capital day and night. She stopped in front of the door and asked him if he could change his mind.

He said only four words——

Never change in this life.

She was a very determined person. On the day she didn't ask for shaving, she married someone else.

Later, he put on his cassock and she married again.

Later, he became the living Buddha respected by everyone, and she became a * * Slut despised by everyone.

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