The great princess, whom the emperor values most, is floating and sinking in the bloody storm of the Imperial Hall.

Master Wuqiu, who has always had no sorrow or joy, saved people from natural and man-made disasters.

Once morning and evening, once on different roads.

Zhao Jingyi went through those conspiracy schemes, squeezed out some free time, intentionally or unintentionally passed through the bustling long street, waiting for him to get out of the temple door once in a while.

Once in a while, when she was really waiting, she could only drive out through the curtain and weft sedan. The maid and believers on the third floor and the third floor outside took a distant look.

The emperor said that the capital was big or small. Her Princess's house was three blocks away from Wanhua temple. Half an hour's journey was not much sad compared with those who were thousands of miles away from the ends of the earth.

Say small is not small, between the two, dozens of steps away, then separated by a sea of people.

Whether you are golden branches and jade leaves or nine heavenly immortals, it is difficult to cross.

Therefore, Zhao Jingyi owed one marriage debt after another in the Planning exchange room.

When her father chose the third husband for the eldest princess, she finally had the opportunity to stand in front of Ying Wuqiu.

At that time, Zhang Yueze was still stunned. He mistook seeing color for love at first sight. He happily asked for marriage in front of his father and couldn't wait to jump into the abyss that trapped her.

Before marriage, Zhang Yueze invited her to visit Wanhua temple.

This is something the first two princesses would never do, but everyone who was born in Dijing and has some contacts knows that the eldest princess has been delusional about master Wuqiu for many years.

Later, when it failed, it almost burned the Wanhua temple and destroyed the temples, gods and Buddhas.

This is a very unreasonable girl. She is happy because of love and resentful because of love.

After all, it's because I can't let that man go.

It happened that Zhang Yueze had been stationed at the border for many years. When Zhang Yueze first arrived in Dijing, he was lost by the beauty of the eldest princess. He was really too young to prove to his sweetheart that I was much better than that bald donkey.

At that time, Zhao Jingyi walked in her hometown where she had lived for several years. She was dazed by the arch and thought: there were two red bean trees in this place before. Why are they missing now?

Buddhism is a pure place. Naturally, no one will deliberately plant this kind of lovesickness in romantic poetry.

Just because I don't know who dropped the seed, it happened that it was so clever. When the big princess was in love, it took root and grew into a small tree. Between the faint incense, it produced a few red spots.

Let her, as a young girl, take it off one by one and treasure it carefully.

Looking forward to her lover, like these red beans that should not appear in the temple, her heart is like glass and her body is attached to the world of mortals.

Unfortunately, I can't do it.

The old people are gone, and the trees are replaced by new plants and trees.

Piansheng Zhang Yueze also stood very close to her, blushed and said to her, "the princess used to see the wrong person, just because she hadn't met me."

At that time, childe Zhang was really full of confidence. "They didn't take good care of the princess. I'm different. I like you more than anyone in the world and will treat you better than them."

Zhao Jingyi just smiled, reached out and brushed the evergreen beside her. Inadvertently, she looked up and saw Ying Wuqiu, who was talking with the two little Shamis, walking towards her through the shade of the tree.

On that day, the sun was bright, the wind was light, the grass was green, and everything was good.

It was also very natural for Ying to nod to them without asking, and walk past her without saying a word.

It seems that they have never had the relative five years, and there is no difference between passing by the street and strangers.

Zhao Jingyi was stunned.

Zhang Yueze said on her side, "this is master Wuqiu? Apart from being younger, he doesn't look more special than other monks?"

The eldest princess hooked her lips, but didn't talk to him. She turned and went to the Buddha Hall and didn't enter the incense.

Sandalwood curls in the hall, and the Buddha is golden, sitting in the center of the town.

The two little Shamis are cleaning the dust. They should sit on the futon and knock on the wooden fish. At the moment when Zhao Jingyi stepped into the room, his hand paused.

Zhao Jingyi walked to yingwuqiu and looked at him condescending.

The latter closed his eyes and continued to knock on his wooden fish and recite his Buddhist scriptures.

The little monk hurried forward and said, "please chant scriptures and pray in the main hall, female benefactor..."

Before he finished, Zhao Jingyi stretched out her hand and gently pushed him away. "Either go out or stay aside. Shut up and don't make a sound."

Two little Shamis: "

Those who meditate and chant scriptures should ask nothing, as if they had heard nothing and had no response at all.

Zhao Jingyi slightly attached herself and asked in his ear, "what are you doing hiding from me? Are you afraid that I will really haunt you all my life?"

The wooden fish in the young monk's hand stopped, slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. His tone was calm without any waves. "The princess has to meet a lover, it won't be so."

Zhao Jingyi smiled with self mockery, "beloved? Where is the beloved?"

Should sit on the ground without asking, motionless, without even blinking.

The eldest princess was so close to him, but it seemed far away.

She attached herself to him and wanted to get a little closer, but she didn't dare to touch it. She was afraid that she wouldn't let go if she caught it.

So Zhao Jingyi turned to look at the statue of Buddha and said in an ordinary tone, "you said you were born to help all living beings. Then I was born in the emperor's house, so I was destined to be a chess piece. What kind of person I married and what kind of life I lived were all used to pave the way for the 95 year old."

Ordinary people love to disturb themselves, fools are happy, and only those who are awake in the abyss are the most painful.

For her, it's nothing more than a cloud of good things that she can't ask for.

But the clouds and smoke were imposed on her by providence. When they dispersed, they dissipated the joy of the rest of her life.


Should not ask for a warm voice to interrupt her, before she had time to say the next sentence.

Zhao Jingyi suddenly turned around. Her red lips almost wiped his ears and asked with a smile, "look at me? Am I crazy?"

Ying Wuqiu was stunned for a moment and slowly read "Amitabha".

"Should not ask..." when Zhao Jingyi heard this sentence, she was filled with despair in an instant.

She smiled, but her eyes were full of bitterness, "until today, you still don't want to... Just, just..."

Zhao Jingyi turned and walked out of the hall door.

Ying Wuqiu closed his eyes, held the Buddha beads, and read the Buddhist scriptures again and again. He was sweating on his forehead and all thoughts were in disorder. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that all living beings were suffering in front of the Buddhist niche.

Love and hate are easy to produce, but infatuation is difficult to break.

Who ever thought that the eldest princess who was most greedy for beauty hid him in her heart for so many years.

The wind was blowing on the top of the mountain. Zhao Jingyi looked up at the stars all night and recalled the past bit by bit. Her eyes couldn't open.

Ying Wuqiu is still giving her internal power. Everyone knows that it's useless. It's better than nothing.

The eldest princess took his wrist and fell into a warm embrace. "Don't waste your energy. Talk to me."

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