Ying Wuqiu was silent and didn't open his mouth. He took out a jasper bottle from his sleeve and took out a red pill to feed her.

Zhao Jingyi doesn't really want to eat much, but she can't beat the tenderness in his eyes for a moment.

She still swallowed it. The pill melted at the entrance, and the bitterness spread all over her mouth. The taste was unspeakable.

The night around quietly receded, and the rising sun broke through the clouds and rose from the east mountain.

I don't know why. After taking the pill, her head became more and more dizzy.

It's like leaving this world.

Zhao Jingyi grabbed Ying Wuqiu's hand and said in a dumb voice, "Ying Wuqiu..."

She shook her hand and said slowly, "if the princess has anything to say, wait until she wakes up."

"Don't you always say that your family doesn't lie?" Zhao Jingyi said softly. "I know I can't wake up. You don't have to lie to me even if you don't want to talk to me."

"I'll wake up."

Should hold her hand and hold it tightly, as if those unspeakable words could be transmitted to her through the temperature of the palm. His voice trembled and said to her, "I will wake up."

He has never been a clumsy person. He often spits out lotus flowers when preaching scriptures and Taoism. When he was young, he often enlightened the eldest princess. They used to have endless words. After all these years, I don't know where to start.

Zhao Jingyi lowered her eyes and looked at each other's hands. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, "life and death are destiny, master... What panacea did you give me? Dare you say such a positive word to me."

Should not ask, did not speak.

Zhao Jingyi closed her eyes. Every time she saw him like this, even if she had a lot to say at the bottom of her heart, she couldn't say it again.

She gently opened her lips and whispered, "I If you're dead, don't say with warm wine that she's always afraid of death, but this time she did such a stupid thing for me... I'm afraid there won't be a second time in her life... You coax her and say I've traveled all over the world. I don't know how long I can come back... "

She thought: as time goes by, even if Wen Jiu knows the truth, he won't be too sad.

Ying Wuqiu was slightly stiff and still said, "the princess will wake up."

"I don't want to wake up." Zhao Jingyi whispered, "you say... You like me, okay?"

The warm blood passed from all the wounds on her body. A little bit, even the wind in her ear could not be heard.

But he was so stubborn that he wanted to hear it. He waited for more than ten years and didn't hear it.

Should not ask low eyes to see her, thin lips fretting, but no sound came out.

Zhao Jingyi opened her eyes and looked at him dimly, "or... Don't you want to?"

"I like you as much as all living beings." Ying Wuqiu said slowly, "I love all living beings. You are one of them."

When Zhao Jingyi heard the speech, the light in her eyes gradually dissipated, and the glow in the sky was thousands of miles. At this moment, the eldest princess was dim and heartbroken.

"OK... OK!"

She sneered gently. She looked very light, but suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood and dyed her white skirt red.

"Princess! Don't, don't talk." Ying Wuqiu hugged her and her eyes were flustered.

Zhao Jingyi ignored it and pulled her hand out of the palm of yingwuqiu little by little.

She looked into his eyes, tears across the corners of her eyes, pressed her heart full of sadness inch by inch like the bottom of her heart, and said word by word: "I wish your heart will never be sad, happy or crazy."

Until this moment.

Zhao Jingyi found that if Ying Wuqiu didn't like her all her life, it was also very good.

In that way, she will not make him sad whether she is dead or alive.

Dayan will not change without a princess, and his father will not be sad without a daughter.

Corresponding to no request, but also the sentient beings he loves, one less.

No one will be sad, no one will remember her.



The sound did not fall.

Zhao Jingyi just dropped her hand from yingwuqiu's palm, and her eyes closed tightly for a moment.

At the beginning of winter in the distance, the light shines all over the ground, and there is frost everywhere.


Should not ask tears across the cheek, fell in the middle of her eyebrows, for many years did not call the export of small words, now opened his mouth, but could not make any sound.

Many years ago, she was not the big princess who was arrogant and arrogant. Her little name was do Qingqing.

Because of his identity, only the empress would call her like this. When empress yuan died, the old emperor threw himself on his sons, and no one dared to call her like this.

In those years when Zhao Jingyi was out of control, she was the Qingqing that little master Ying was most concerned about.

After little master Ying became master Wuqiu, Qingqing disappeared.

After many years, should not ask to call her again, but there will be no response.

At the moment, her blood was still warm, but her face was as white as paper.

He hugged Zhao Jingyi tightly, raised his hand and explored the tip of her nose. He noticed a faint breath, which made him feel a little relieved.

Then, his hand raised a little, covered her eyes, tried his best to make his voice as calm as before, "forget... Forget me and all the suffering in the world."

The man in his arms was silent.

The side wind blew the withered grass, and the dew fell to the ground.

Everything is light, extremely small.

Ying Wuqiu's voice was hoarse and sang in a low voice: "Qingqing Zijin, long my heart. Even if I don't go, zining won't inherit the sound..."

When Zhao Jingyi was a little girl, she always told him that her father cheated her mother with this poem, so she gave her a nickname Qingqing.

The empress also loved her for many years and gave her unique love.

Even though these favors and love dissipated between the beauty and the new favorite, Zhao Jingyi occasionally missed her childhood, so she pestered little master Ying to sing to her.

He would never sing to her. Such sentimental poems could never be exported.

But now, what she can't hear depends on him, but he is reading "Qingqing".

Should not ask, holding the person in your arms, facing the cold wind.

He has been closed for most of the year since he was nineteen.

Before that, he wanted to return to vulgarity.

On the day when the master asked him to shave, Ying Wuqiu suddenly figured it out and said to him, "I want to return to the common customs."

Everyone in the temple was surprised.

The host asked him why.

Ying Wuqiu said, "the world of mortals is not over."

The host called together a group of high-ranking masters, discussed for a long time, and finally asked him, "but for the big princess?"

There should be no language.

The host immediately said, "no!"

Should not ask, did not intend to listen, saluted the people, turned and left.

The martial uncle, who had been closed for ten years, suddenly went out of the pass and said to him, "the big princess has a big disaster. If you insist on doing so, you will hurt her!"

Should not ask to leave the footsteps of a little pause, turned back and asked him, "is this true?"

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