Hearing the news, the young ladies looked at the warm wine in a panic.

Jin'er took the lead in pressing the bolt, turned back and asked in a low voice, "what do you do now, madam?"

"This man can't stay!" Yulu always has a simple mind. Even when she exclaimed, "he's a big trouble! Young lady, throw him out quickly."

Since Chen Yuanning came back from Yunzhou, he has been staying at Zhao Feng's side. This time, his master was suddenly assassinated. It's not easy to tell who's doing something behind. It's just his blood.

The sons of the Xie family are not in the mansion. Wen Jiu is still injured. Naturally, it's good not to be involved.

What's more, there is another Zhao Xi there.

"Open the door! Open the door!" the guard outside the door kept urging, almost breaking the door panel.

"Qing ER!" Wen Jiu called the green guard who Xie Heng had left on her side and calmly ordered, "take Lord Chen out of the city and let him go anywhere."

Hearing the speech, Qing Er, who had just flown out of the dark, bowed his head and said "yes", and stretched out his hand to pick up Chen Yuanning on the ground.

"Shopkeeper Wen!" Chen Yuanning's face changed greatly and he couldn't get up on the ground. "You can't save me, but you can't ignore the life of the crown prince!"

Wenjiu's ears were constantly urging knocking at the door. In front of him, everyone in the house looked nervous.

She brushed the wrinkles on her sleeve, looked at Chen Yuanning and said: "Chen Yuanning has this loyalty, even if he saves it himself. Wen is not talented. He really can't manage such a big event."

"Warm wine! You are clearly holding a grudge against the prince!"

When Chen Yuanning was carried away by Qing Er, he suddenly shouted to her.

Before the sound fell, people had been taken across the eaves and disappeared in front of warm wine.

Warm wine looked up at the sky, gently rubbed his hand under his sleeve, and a sarcastic arc was slightly raised on his lips, "so what? ”

If Zhao Feng hadn't let Zhang Yueze into the city at the critical time, the eldest princess wouldn't have fallen to such a point.

Why is Zhao Jingyi's life and death uncertain, but Zhao Feng can stay in the house safely.

At present, it's just the reincarnation of heaven.

The most she can do is to send Chen Yuanning outside the city and help him escape this time. As for how he will be in the future, does Zhao Feng have a life to come back.

It's not her business as a businessman.

"Just now, a villain broke into Xie's house and was besieged until he hurried away. Remember?" Wen Jiugang asked the young ladies.

They nodded again and again. Before they could answer, a group of guards who knocked at the door as if urging them to break in.

The leader asked sternly, "did you see an assassin who assassinated the crown prince running here just now?"

Jin'er was knocked back a few steps and nearly fell to the ground. He still reached out his right arm with warm wine and grabbed the man.

She held jin'er and took her hand back slowly.

Then he stood in front of a group of young ladies and maids, looked up and smiled coldly: "when will the wheel come to you and smash my Xie's door?"

"Wen... Shopkeeper Wen?" the leader turned pale when he saw that it was warm wine. He turned his head and looked at the door smashed by his own people. Suddenly his voice trembled and immediately said, "we don't want to offend Xie family. Someone just saw the villain who assassinated the crown prince looking here..."

It's strange that these people didn't see clearly. If they knew this was the back door of Xie's house, who would dare to bump into it!

"The villain who assassinated the crown prince?" Wen Jiu frowned slightly and asked in surprise: "who assassinated the crown prince in the emperor's capital in broad daylight? I don't want to die?"

The leader looked bitter and said angrily: "it's not just that he doesn't want to die! He's bold! The villain was chased by us for eight blocks. Somehow, he suddenly came to your house! Looking at the appearance of shopkeeper Wen, it must be..."

He looked at the warm wine, the blood on the ground and the look of the servants in Xie's house, and asked tentatively, "have you seen the villain just now?"

Hearing the speech, the bodyguards who were searching looked at the warm wine one after another.

In front of such a scene, I said I had never seen the villain, and no one believed it.

She frowned and asked, "but with blood all over and high martial arts?"

The leader looked a little strange in his eyes, then nodded and said, "yes! It should be that man! Where is he now?"

Warm wine heart:

These people who live in the imperial capital are really darker than each other.

Chen Yuanning has excellent martial arts?

What a joke.

This man wanted to devote himself to Zhao Feng. When he came, he became the villain who assassinated the crown prince.

She looked back at the blood on the ground, "just now someone broke in and was seriously injured by the people in Xie's house. She ran over the wall."

"Run away?" the leader froze when he looked at me. "There are so many people in the Xie family... How can a seriously injured person escape? This..."

Wen Jiu interrupted him, "if you run away, you run away. Since you don't believe me, why ask me?"

"Shopkeeper Wen misunderstood." the leader quickly apologized: "I absolutely don't believe shopkeeper Wen. If there's anything wrong with my words, I'll forgive shopkeeper Wen."

It's enough for the Xie family to have such a murderous little Yama. It's just that Xie Shilang, who has made great progress, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The one in front of me was the pearl jade in the hands of the two teenagers.

Wait for idle people, who dares to offend half?

A group of bodyguards were thinking about how to open their mouth to warm wine and say to search the Xie family. Suddenly, they heard shopkeeper Wen seriously ask, "if you catch the villain, how much is the reward?"

When the leader and a group of searching guards heard the speech, they immediately: "..."

Shopkeeper Wen didn't mean to save people. As soon as he came up, he said he had seen the villain and asked the boys to fight. It's hard to say if the man wants to escape.

If you want to search, she directly asked... How much reward is there.

It's hard to resist such businessmen who only look at silver.

After a while.

The bodyguard in the back came forward and whispered to the leader, "Xie family can't afford to offend. Forget it, go outside first, so that the villain won't take the opportunity to escape."

The leader smiled awkwardly, "if shopkeeper Wen catches the assassin, the emperor will reward him. We still have important things to do. I'll leave first."

He came in a hurry, took people in a hurry, and installed the broken door.

Warm wine stood in front of the door and said, "take your time."

Those individuals who dared to be half a step slower accelerated their steps and ran away.

Wen Jiu looked back at the courtyard and told the people, "clear the blood on the ground."

The boys and waitresses were busy.

Wenjiu stood by the wall. I don't know why, these people and uninvited guests left, but her heart always felt like a huge stone.

Is it... What's wrong behind?

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