This night, the disturbance of the imperial capital made it difficult for everyone to sleep.

Wenjiu also stayed up at night. He simply cleared the accounts under the two sunsets. While staying in the house to heal his wounds, he helped the border and beizhou raise money and food.

As soon as the fourth childe went, there was no news. I don't know what's going on now.

She sent for information, but there was no reply.

So three or four days passed.

Warm wine really can't stay. I took jin'er and Yu Lu to have wine here early in the morning.

As soon as I walked through the corridor, I met Mrs. Xie and Xie Yucheng.

Wen Jiu said hello, so he turned aside and gave way.

"It's so early. Where is ah Jiu going?" Mrs. Xie stopped and asked, "it was a mess all night last night. I don't know what will happen today. Don't go out to avoid any trouble."

Xie Yucheng also advised: "yes, it's a mess. Ah Jiu is still in the house. ”

Wen Jiu smiled and said, "I only go here to have a look at the wine. If I don't go out, there will be no accident."

"You child..." Mrs. Xie knew that she was a person with great ideas. She could only reluctantly ask her to be more careful and take more boys around.

Wen Jiu nodded in response and finished talking with Mrs. Xie. Most of the morning glow in the sky dissipated. The sun was dazzling through the clouds. It didn't look like the sudden change of the wind and cloud at all.

She took a group of people to the pub. On the way, she met several groups of bodyguards searching, but there were few pedestrians in the street.

The trees on both sides of the street were blown by the wind, their branches were dancing wildly, and the dead leaves were falling all over the sky.

The past bustle was swept away.

When Wenjiu and others came here to have wine, there were many drinkers.

The people whispered, "this man surnamed Zhang hasn't stopped for a day since he entered the imperial capital."

Others were filled with righteous indignation, raised their voice and said, "if general Xie is here, which round will the man surnamed Zhang be so arrogant in the imperial capital?"

"Take it easy! Take it easy!" the wine drinker nearby quickly reminded, "it's all zhangjiajun coming and going outside. Aren't you in a hurry to find sin?"

People's comments gradually decreased, and finally turned into a sigh.

When Wenjiu stepped inside, he suddenly heard someone whispering, "I don't know when general Xie will come back."

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her hands under her sleeves closed slightly, and her heart said:

Xie Dongfeng

What time will you come back?

I miss you so much.

I really want to.

Warm wine stopped by the bead curtain. I don't know who had sharp eyes saw her and said in a high voice, "shopkeeper Wen is coming!"

When they heard this, all the drinkers turned their heads and looked, "Hello, shopkeeper Wen!"

"Shopkeeper Wen, did general Xie send a letter home?"

Wenjiu shook his head, "No."

The crowd was quiet for a moment.

After a long time, someone said, "no, I've heard a lot of good news from the military department. General Xie must be busy fighting the enemy, so he doesn't have time to write home letters!"

"It must be! It must be!"

The crowd quickly agreed and looked at the warm wine's face from time to time.

She just smiled. "It should be so."

The frontier war reports are frequent, the news is good and bad, but there is no letter from Xie Heng.

Warm wine will inevitably upset you.

Plus God, the capital is in chaos now. She can't concentrate on making money. If she's not so busy, she will inevitably think more.

Seeing her like this, jin'er quickly opened her mouth. She went to see the newly brewed wine, took it down the cellar and saw some new ones. After this circle, several hours passed.

The other waitresses were afraid that she would be busy and racked their brains to find something for her.

Hongtang directly found out the account book of wine here for a whole year. With a bitter look on his face, he said, "madam, when I checked the account two days ago, I suddenly found that the account was wrong, and I don't know what went wrong. You... Look?"

"Why can't you be right?" Yulu didn't understand: "this account book is clearly calculated every month..."

Before she finished, she was dragged to the side by jin'er. "Hongtang is not right. There must be something wrong inside. Madam Shao is an expert. You've all come. Just have a look."

All the ladies nodded together and said in the same voice, "young lady, just have a look."

Yulu was completely covered: "...."

Wenjiu didn't know what these little maids were thinking. Some helplessly raised their hands and let them see their hands wrapped in white cloth.

The maids were speechless immediately: "...."

Jin'er reacted the fastest and hurriedly said, "look at my memory! Madam Shao's injury is not well yet. You can't be tired. Sit down and have a rest first!"

Wen Jiu looked at her helplessly and funny.

The waitresses quickly helped her to sit down behind the counter. Jin'er was a little uncomfortable by her and volunteered to settle the wrong account.

Wen Jiu leaned back on his chair and looked out the window at the flying leaves chasing the wind.

Listen to the drinkers in the building talk about what happened in Tiancheng:

After the prince was assassinated, his whereabouts were unknown.

The old emperor ordered a thorough investigation and ordered Zhang Yueze to be responsible for the search. He nearly turned over the whole imperial capital, and he never found half a trace.

Zhao Fengru evaporated among others.

The old emperor's condition worsened again. I don't know who was preaching that he committed too many sins when he was young, and all his children were broken.

When I was young, there was nothing wrong with a few princes. Seeing that the deadline is coming, the eldest daughter and Prince have had accidents one after another. This is not a good sign.

Today, the old emperor dragged his sick body to Wanhua temple to pray.

The hand of warming wine is not very convenient. You can only gently move the counting beads with your fingertips.

She bowed her head and thought that the disappearance of the prince must have something to do with the old emperor being encouraged to go to Wanhua temple.

There is no such coincidence in the world.

Earlier, when Ying Wuqiu sent Zhao Xi to Xie's house, it seemed that it was not safe in the temple.

Warm wine unconsciously stirred the abacus.

Someone came in against the light, stretched out his hand, followed a group of bodyguards and blocked the gate.

For a moment, all the wine guests were as quiet as cicadas.

"Young lady..." Yu Lu's voice trembled.

Wen Jiu looked up and saw Zhang Yueze.

The scar face came up to her, smiled and said, "the emperor has invited shopkeeper Wen."

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