The action on Wenjiu's hand was slight, and the smile on his face was also light.

"My shopkeeper's injury hasn't healed yet..." as soon as yulugang spoke, Zhang Yueze's entourage pulled a knife around her neck and scolded, "our general is talking to shopkeeper Wen. How can you interrupt?"

Yu Lu turned pale with fear.

The drinkers were also a little flustered.

"Since it's the emperor's will, I'll go with the general." Wen Jiu slowly got up and said faintly, "little girl is not sensible. Please give general Zhang Haihan."


Zhang Yueze raised his hand and motioned his entourage to step down.

The latter quickly took the knife back and stood behind him.

Zhang Yueze smiled and said, "shopkeeper Wen, please."

Warm wine nodded slightly, "please."

She walked out with Zhang Yueze. Jin'er was just about to keep up when he was stopped by the zhangjiajun behind him. "The emperor only summoned shopkeeper Wen."

One word stopped everyone.

Jin'er shouted "little madam" with some worry.

Wen Jiuwen stopped and looked back. Wen Sheng said, "since it's the emperor's will, go back to your house and say to the old lady and three aunts, I'll go back."

"But..." jin'er wanted to say something. She stopped it with a look in her eyes, and then nodded "yes".

Although there are many servants in the Xie family, and the green guards who follow Wen wine are not vegetarian, they are still too stiff with different royal families before it is necessary. After all, Xie Heng and Xie Yu don't know when they will come back.

Wenjiu turned and got into the carriage blocking the wine door here. The horses and carriages turned around and left. The wind blew the driving curtain. She raised her eyes and saw that the long street was bleak and no longer lively in the past.

At this time, Dijing was very different from when she came.

Zhang Yueze got on his horse and said, "let's go."

Hundreds of Zhang soldiers followed the carriage and went to Wanhua Temple together. I don't know what I thought was sitting in the carriage.

Warm wine half leaned on the carriage and had a headache.

After all, she didn't know Zhang Yueze well. She only knew that this man acted ruthlessly and spared no room.

It is reasonable to say that he was released by Zhao Feng and should stand aside with the crown prince, but people have been missing for so long, and general Zhang is not nervous.

There's something wrong here.

Is it

Zhang Yueze was not the prince from the beginning?

Wen Jiu guessed a few points in his heart and immediately took a breath.

In Wanhua temple, there are not only statues of eminent monks and Buddhas, but also

That man.

She arrived at Wanhua Temple full of anxiety, got off the carriage and followed Zhang Yueze inside.

Along the way, the monks bowed their heads and avoided, and no other pilgrims came in and out, which was particularly quiet.

Incense is scattered in the air, hazy, so that people can't see the outside scene clearly.

Even the sound of wooden fish echoing in my ears seems different from usual.

Wenjiu walked a little slowly, two steps behind Zhang Yueze, glancing at the arch and shade.

Just a moment.

Zhang Yueze stopped and said, "shopkeeper Wen, don't dally. There are guards up and down the Wanhua temple. You can't walk away."

Wen Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, pretending to be puzzled and said, "what's general Zhang's words? I'm here to meet the saint. I haven't seen the emperor yet. Why should I leave?"

Zhang Yueze sneered and didn't talk to her again.

Wen Jiu didn't intend to talk nonsense with this man. He walked in silence, wondering who was behind Zhang Yueze.

They passed through the corridor and passed through layers of tree shadows. The Wanhua temple is basically one person in five steps and one sentry in ten steps, which is better than the emperor's guard.

Near the main hall.

Zhang Yueze suddenly asked Wen Jiu, "where is she?"

"Who?" Wen Jiu raised his eyes and asked, "does general Zhang always make people guess? It's a pity that Wen is not very clever and can't guess."

Zhang Yueze stopped and looked at her coldly, "Zhao Jingyi."

Wen Jiuxin was surprised and relieved at the same time.

Zhang Yueze asked her this, which means that his people haven't found the big Princess yet.

In this situation, the best result is not to find a surprise.

She stood still, greeted Zhang Yueze's cold eyes, and slightly raised a cold arc at the corners of her mouth. "People in the business field love and shout Wen a little god of wealth, but Wen is not a real fairy. Where is the big princess? How about now? General Zhang doesn't know. How can I know?"

Zhang Yueze looked at her for a long time, as if he wanted to see something in her eyes.

In the end, nothing was gained.

Can only give up.

He turned to the main hall and reported to the inside, "shopkeeper Wen is coming."

The internal attendants opened the closed door of the hall, warmed wine and came forward. As soon as they were about to salute, they saw the man sitting in the center of the hall turning around. It seemed that it was not Zhao Yi, but... Zhao fan!

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