When Wen Jiu heard the speech, her eyes suddenly changed. There were many servants behind her. They all stared here. She didn't dare to react too much. She had to bow her head and whisper, "the emperor should take care of the dragon body..."

As she was talking, the old emperor suddenly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Wen Jiu was stunned and immediately bent over to check the old emperor's condition.

But as soon as she moved, she saw the old emperor's finger move.

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

It's really not easy for people who can sit on the throne of God. Even acting is more exquisite than others.

She couldn't get involved, so she had to turn around and ask Wang Liang, "what's the matter, emperor?"

Wang Lianggang said to the waiter beside him, "go and invite doctor Zhang. ”

As soon as I turned around, I heard Wen Jiu ask like this. There was a strange flash on my face. Then I lowered my voice and said to her, "the emperor was assassinated and unconscious in Wanhua Temple yesterday. It was the fourth prince who saved me..."

He seemed to want to remind him to warm the wine, but as soon as he said two words, someone came closer.

Wang Liang stopped immediately, and the waiters around him retreated one after another.

Wang Liang's back was stiff and he was still standing in front of his couch.

The room was a little too quiet. When I glanced at the corner of my eyes, I saw Zhao fan in plain clothes standing two steps away from her.

The old emperor stayed well in the palace. Why did he suddenly come to Wanhua temple?

Even if it is because of the prince's disappearance, it should not be such a mistake. Someone should have done it on purpose.

What's more, in places like Wanhua temple, there are many pilgrims and monks follow the rules. When the old emperor came, all the assassins came out.

Zhang Yueze didn't protect the old emperor with so many people. It was Zhao fan who had thought in the seven Jue tower who came out to save him.

The prince and King Rui fought for so long and made a big circle, but Zhao fan calculated it.

Wen Jiu thought in his heart and couldn't help taking a breath.

Zhao fan glanced at the warm wine and the sleepy old emperor on the couch and asked Wang Liang, "is your father better?"

"Go back, your highness. ” The old Chamberlain who had been in the palace for decades bowed his head slightly and said respectfully, "the Emperor just woke up for a moment. He mistook shopkeeper Wen for an old man. After calling twice, he fell asleep again."

Zhao fan waved, "you step back."

Wang Liang took a look at the warm wine, then answered "yes" and bowed down.

Wenjiu quickly said, "the doctor will be here soon. Wenmou will leave first."

She said that and immediately turned away.

"Warm wine."

Just two steps away, Zhao fan behind him suddenly opened his mouth and called her.

Wenjiu's body was slightly stunned. "Your Highness, what else can I do for you?"

She didn't look back. She just looked at the weak sunshine outside the door and the bamboo shadow of the branches was shaken by the wind.

"Nothing." Zhao fan's tone took some fun, "just shout."

The hand under Wenjiu's sleeve unconsciously folded into a fist, and the tone was very light: "since your Highness has nothing to do, Wenmou leaves!"

This time, she walked so fast that she almost ran away from the door.

Behind you.

Zhao fan looked at her hurried away back, slightly hooked her lips, turned and walked to the couch, and called low, "father emperor? Father emperor!"

Zhao Yi fell asleep and didn't respond.

Not long after, the internal attendant led several imperial doctors into the door.

Zhao fan took his hand, opened his mouth with worry and said, "my father just woke up for a moment and fainted again. Please have a look."

The imperial doctors hurriedly replied that they came to see their pulse.

Zhao fan stood and looked for a moment, called one of the little waiters to him, and asked in a low voice, "what did the emperor Tongwen shopkeeper say just now?"


Wenjiu went to Wanhua temple, which was like entering the gate of hell.

Zhao fan has a deep resentment with her and can't eliminate it with money. If he regards the whole Xie family as an enemy, it will be difficult in the future.

She was so worried that even Zhang Yueze sent a carriage to send her off.

The cloth and silk given by the old emperor is hidden in his sleeve, which is more like a hot potato at the moment.

The sky did not know when it was dark, and only a few birds skipped the eaves.

There were not many pedestrians in the street, and the remnant leaves drifted away, making it more and more silent and desolate.

When Wenjiu walked two blocks, he always felt that someone was following behind him. When he looked around, he couldn't even see a personal picture.

She took a shortcut and went straight into the back door of yonglefang.

Everyone here knew that she had a good relationship with boss Su, and no one stopped her. She went to the small building with warm wine and familiar ways, stood at the corner and looked at the street when she came.

If there are two people sneaking I followed the back door of yonglefang and lost someone. The meeting is whispering and discussing countermeasures.

"What are you looking at?" Su Ruoshui didn't know when he came behind her and half leaned on the railing. When he looked at her, he was full of amorous feelings and half true and half false anger. "Shopkeeper Wen has been busy since he returned to imperial capital. I can't see him as a neighbor. ”

Wenjiu turned to look at her. Her bloodless cheeks gradually warmed up, smiled and said, "I came to see you."

"Come on. I know you must be in trouble again from what you look like. When he was chased by others, he ran to my Yongle square to take refuge? "

Su Ruoshui said, raising his hand to raise his silk, and the full sleeve fragrance rustled on the warm wine face.

Ah Jiu was not annoyed when he was seen through. He smiled and leaned close to Su ruo's water, hooked her silk with his wrist, rolled it gently, and pulled the people, "which fragrant powder has Su Meier changed recently? It's so fragrant?"

"Don't talk to me about anything else!" Su Ruoshui lowered his eyes and saw Wenjiu's hands wrapped with heavy white gauze. He couldn't help frowning and said, "I heard that you almost risked your life for the eldest princess at the east gate that day. I've known you for so long. Why don't I know you're still a 'hero' who doesn't know how to live or die?"

The last two words, which she deliberately bit heavily, added a bit of mockery.

Wenjiu was helpless. He raised his hand and rubbed the tip of his nose with the back of his hand. He didn't mean to talk.

It happened that Su Ruoshui would not let her go easily. "I remember some people who kept saying that they were born businessmen and never did business at a loss. I don't know how good that person treated you and made you give up your life."

"It's all over. Don't mention it again! Don't mention it again!" Wen Jiu said as he walked to Su Ruoshui's house, "I have something urgent to do today. Borrow a dress from you..."

She said and was about to push the door in.

Su Ruoshui, who was still talking to her just now, suddenly changed his face and quickly squeezed over to block the hand of warm wine pushing the door. He even leaned against the door panel to prevent her from approaching.

"Sumerian? What are you doing?" Wen Jiu was a little confused by her and said with a smile, "I just borrowed a dress and didn't rob. Why are you so nervous?"

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