Su Ruoshui refused to let her in front of her. In the past, she was the most smiling beauty. Now she looks a little different, "what clothes do you want? I'll go in for you. Today... It's inconvenient for you to go in."

Wen Jiu nodded and asked thoughtfully, "how inconvenient?"

She used to live in this room.

Every time she came, Su Ruoshui didn't treat her as an outsider. Today, it's a little unusual.

She glanced around, and then she realized that there were many maids and boys waiting on the small building, and there were many people around Guangsu Ruoshui.

When Wenjiu went upstairs today, he didn't encounter it at all. Originally, he thought everyone was busy. For a moment, no one was guarding here. He didn't think it was su Ruoshui's intention.

She glanced into the crack of the door. It was vaguely visible that behind the bead curtain was a young man wearing only a white lining. She couldn't help but eyebrow and said, "I said what's the inconvenience. It was boss Su who had a new lover in his house."

Su Ruoshui's face was slightly stiff, then he reacted, stretched out his hand and nodded warm wine on his forehead“ What if you say less? "

Warm wine was very cooperative. He shut up and didn't speak again.

Seeing this, Su Ruoshui smiled helplessly and asked her, "what clothes do you want? Where to wear them?"

There was a subtle tacit understanding between them when they didn't know.

When we meet, we are full of laughter. If we can help, we will help. If we ask more than one word, we won't ask.

Obviously, she is the most mortal woman in the world, but she knows best that friends between gentlemen are as light as water.

Wenjiu whispered, "go to Wang Shoufu's house. The more ordinary the clothes, the better."

"Wang Shoufu?" Su Ruoshui pondered for a moment, and then said, "then you don't have to go. He is now in my Yongle square. It's in chaos at this time of the year. What do you want him to do?"

"Here you are?"

Wen Jiu slightly raised his eyebrows and touched the tip of his nose.

All right.

What a coincidence.

"It's not in my house!" Su Ruoshui was angry at her and gently pushed her. "In the elegant room in front, we are discussing with a group of adults about something important. It's been all afternoon."

Warm wine stalled, "I didn't say anything just now. ”

Su Ruoshui glanced at her with an expression of "what are you thinking, I don't know yet".

"OK, OK, I have something important. Please take me there and inform Wang Shoufu alone."

Wen Jiu said, rolling Su Ruoshui's silk with his wrist, and dragged people downstairs.

Su Ruoshui said, "there are many people in that room. I can't support the meeting for a while. Now wait next door. If they leave, I'll send someone to invite Wang Shoufu."

Wen Jiu smelled the speech and nodded, "that's good."

As soon as it was dark, Yongle square became lively. It seemed that it didn't know the surging clouds in the emperor's capital. As usual, it sang and danced long.

Su Ruoshui took warm wine to the next door of the elegant room. As soon as he ordered the maid to "serve tea", he saw that warm wine was familiar, removed the beauty picture on the wall, and looked at the movement of the elegant room next door through a small hole in the top.

"I said..." Su Ruoshui couldn't help putting his hand on Wen Jiu's shoulder. "Did your little Yama know you came to me and followed up with his own family?"

"Shh." Wen Jiu put his index finger to his lips and motioned her to stop.

In the elegant room next door, Wang Shoufu took the first place, and there are more than 20 ministers, all of whom are dignified figures in the court. Now you are talking to me about what to do after the prince disappears.

These people should have discussed for a long time. They all blush and have thick necks.

Even Wang Shoufu, who has always been the most calm, doesn't look as friendly as before.

There was a humanitarian person: "the fourth prince saved the Wanhua temple this time, even if there was a big mistake in the past, it was written off, and there was only one left under the emperor's knee. The mentor didn't help him at the moment. In the future, the Dragon skill was occupied by others, but..."

"Yes." another man sitting on the side of Wang Shoufu said, "the fourth Prince has been in qijuetah for more than a year, and now his state of mind has changed greatly. As the saying goes, no one can make mistakes unless he knows his mistakes. He must be a wise king in the future!"

A crowd agreed and advised Wang Shoufu.

The old fox surnamed Wang touched his chin and said in a deep voice, "what's your hurry? The Emperor just ordered the fourth prince to recover his identity. He hasn't issued an imperial edict yet. The prince is just missing. If there's anything to do, wait until the fourth prince comes to see me first. It's not too late."

When they heard the speech, they immediately understood and began to compliment.

The more you listen to warm wine, the colder your heart is.

The old emperor asked her to bring the cloth to Wang Shoufu, but the man was here with the disciples to discuss whether to stand on Zhao fan's side and take advantage of the dragon as soon as possible.

This cloth cannot be given.

She raised her hand and put the beauty picture back to its original position. She turned around and said to Su Ruo, "I have something else to do. I'll go back to my house first."

"Don't you want to see Wang Shoufu?" Su Ruoshui didn't understand. "You'll go back before you see this man?"

"No need to see."

Warm wine has a headache. How to deal with the cloth in your sleeve and walk out with your sleeve closed.

"Wait." Su Ruoshui hurried up and put a gauze hat on Wenjiu's head, covering her face.

Warm wine looked at her through the gauze, hazy, even the smile became not very real.

In the workshop, the dancers' sleeves are flying, and the sound of zither and zither is blowing around their ears. I don't know where the gathering and separation of infatuated people are staged.

Su Ruoshui looked at her and said, "I'll send you."

After that, she walked out with warm wine in her arms. Many people greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, boss su."

"Boss Su is more and more beautiful tonight."

Sentence by sentence lingered in the Sheng song. Su Ruoshui just nodded slightly and sent warm wine out of the side door. "There are many people, but they are eye-catching. I won't ask them to send you. Go back to the house quickly."

Wen Jiu thinks today's suroshui is a little strange.

I can't say anything.

She looked at her two more eyes and said, "then I'll go."

"Let's go." Su Ruoshui leaned against the door frame, watched her, smiled and said, "let's go."

Wenjiu felt something wrong in his heart. He took a few steps forward and couldn't help turning back. He went to Su Ruoshui and asked, "Su Meier, have you met something?"

Su Ruoshui was amused and asked, "what can happen to me?"

Warm wine eyes looked at her like ink and didn't speak.

She learned this move with the third childe.

Every time the third brother looked at her like this, she was very guilty. She wanted to explain everything to him.

Su Ruoshui was looked at by her for a moment, looked away, pretended to casually ask, "if... If I were dying one day, would you come to save me like a big princess?"

"Yes." Wenjiu raised his hand, gently touched Su Ruoshui's corner of the eye with his fingertips, and said with a bitter smile: "as long as you don't dislike it."

"OK, just have your words." Su Ruoshui raised his hand and put it on Wenjiu's shoulder. He turned her around and pushed her forward. "You hurry. I'm still busy tonight."

Warm wine was confused by her. When she turned around again, Su Ruoshui had gone back.

She didn't have time to say anything.

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