When Wen Jiu returned to Xie's house, it was already dark.

She comforted Mrs. Xie and others, and then accompanied the two small ones to have a late night snack before returning to her own yard.

A group of maids gathered around her and asked her a lot of questions. Wenjiu reluctantly scattered them and entered the house alone.

That Wang Shoufu looked loyal in front of the old emperor in ordinary days. Now he is smarter than anyone in abacus.

What the old emperor asked her to bring must not be given to the old fox.

It's not the best policy to put it with her.

Wen Jiu sat at the table thinking, reached out his hand and took out the cloth in his sleeve. When he opened it, he saw the word "Zhao Xi" written in blood on the bright yellow cloth.

She suddenly folded the cloth, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

This is really a book.

Wang Shoufu was unreliable, but the youngest son the old emperor thought of at this critical juncture was already in her Xie house.

After the prince disappeared, Zhao fan was able to get out of the tower and restore the body of the prince. He became the only son of the old emperor who could serve his side, as well as Zhang Yueze.

The old emperor was afraid that he couldn't close his eyes in the hospital bed. Then he remembered that the little son who had been thrown into a corner wanted to find it back and check Zhao fan a little.

The Royal man, sure enough, will not give up his power if he has one breath left.

The lights in the room are dim, and the window is exposed deep at night.

Warm wine wrapped the cloth and silk, put it into the brocade bag, and thought of handing it over to Zhao Xi tomorrow.

In this way, it can be regarded as sending the Buddha to the West.

The future of the little prince depends on whether he has such good luck.


Wanhua temple.

The imperial doctors worked for several hours and used all their skills to save the old emperor.

Wang Liang was giving medicine. Zhao Feng, dressed in plain clothes, stood outside the double door and looked up at the night sky.

A tall young man rushed to Zhao fan and whispered, "this is a secret letter sent by my master. Please have a look."

Then he took the letter out of his sleeve and offered it.

Zhao fan's people were on the left and right. After he took it, he directly opened it and read it at a glance. He sneered: "the northern desert wolf feared by all countries was so vulnerable when it was riding in Xie Heng's hands!"

He said, turned and walked to the stove, threw the letter into the fire, the wind blew, the flame soared, and the paper was burned into fly ash in an instant.

The messenger's face suddenly became very ugly when he heard the speech. "Don't forget how the fourth prince asked my master to help you!"

Zhao fan's eyes were cold. Looking back at him, he called the messenger fiercely, and immediately turned the conversation, "the fourth prince should know what kind of person Xie Heng is. If he wins the Hui Dynasty, it's not a good thing for you."

The messenger looked at Zhao fan's look and continued: "what's more, Xie Heng has military power now. How do you know he doesn't have the heart of tiger and wolf?"

After a while.

Zhao fancai returned to a gentle appearance and said with a smile, "you don't have to remind the prince of what to do and what to do. The prince naturally knows what to do."

The messenger met his eyes.

They looked at each other for a moment.

The night was silent.

Only a few steps away from the stove, a little spark from time to time.

"Next, it depends on the ability of the fourth prince." the messenger nodded slightly, said "goodbye" and turned away.

Zhao fan stood under the eaves, his eyes getting darker and darker.

Not long.

Several ministers of the Ministry of war hurried here with a happy face. Before they arrived, they reported their joy, "victory! General Xie won!"

"Greetings, your highness." Zheng Anhe, the Minister of the Ministry of war, first saluted Zhao fan, and then asked, "how's the emperor's dragon body? Can you go into the hall and report to the military affairs?"

The people behind him were also very calm and respectful to the fourth prince who had just recovered his identity.

Seeing this, Zhao fan smiled kindly and said, "my father just woke up. He should be taking medicine now. Several adults might as well ask the waiter to inform me."

He stood where he was and didn't mean to move.

Zheng Anhe couldn't help asking, "Your Highness, won't you go in together?"

"No." Zhao Fan said, "I'm the one who thought about it. Thanks to my father's long grace, I forgive the great sin. It's the matter of the court..."

As soon as Zheng Anhe heard this, he immediately understood, "yes, your highness said yes, the old minister went to report first." after he said that, he saluted Zhao fan, took a group of people to ask the internal attendant to inform him and entered the hall door.

The old emperor had just finished half a bowl of medicine, and his eyebrows were frowning.

Wang Liang advised painstakingly: "the emperor should drink some more. The good medicine tastes bitter. You have to drink the whole bowl."

Zhao Yi leaned on the couch and waved weakly.

I don't want to drink any more.

"Minister, please see the emperor." Zheng Anhe took a group of people to kneel down and salute. Before the old emperor could speak, he reported: "the great victory at the border, general Xie, no! The North King led the Moyu army to defeat the northern desert wolf riding. Congratulations to the Emperor! Congratulations to the emperor! God bless me!"

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment. He propped up his bed to sit up. He was unbelievable and said, "won? Xie Heng won?"

This time Xie Heng went out to fight and sent urgent reports back several times. He fought a lot of big and small battles, both losing and winning.

Originally, in terms of military strength, Dayan had no chance to win, and the old emperor's condition became more and more serious.

At this moment, when I first heard such news, I suddenly felt that my spirit had been better for a long time.

"Yes! Won!" Zheng Anhe's eyes were bright when he said about the border crossing. "Xie Heng, the northern king, is really capable! Even the northern desert wolf riding, which is most feared by all countries, was beaten by him. This time, we Dayan really want to be proud!"

The Ministry of war echoed the story of sweeping through neighboring countries in the next few years and finding back all the fields lost in the previous 20 years.

The old emperor's head stopped hurting and his eyes stopped. He took the medicine bowl in Wang Liang's hand and looked up and dried it.

The king and his officials discussed until midnight.

The imperial doctor advised at the door, "emperor, it's late at night. You should have a rest."

The old emperor stopped and waved to Zheng Anhe.

When these people came to the door, he remembered Zhao fan, turned his head and asked, "where is the fourth prince?"

The waiter hurried forward and replied, "wait at the door."

"What are you waiting for at the door on such a cold day?" Zhao Yilong was so happy that he raised his hand and said, "call him in."

The waiter hurriedly said yes, go out and pass it on.

A moment later, Zhao fan stepped into the door. He was still in his old plain clothes when he thought about it. He saluted the old emperor and asked for peace. Wen Sheng said a few words about taking care of the dragon body, and then stood quietly.

The old emperor coughed several times before looking at him and said, "Xie Heng should be the first to win the great victory at the border. You say, how should I reward him?"

"You should be rewarded for your meritorious service." Zhao fan lowered his head slightly and said respectfully, "it's just... Someone just sent a letter to my son's minister. It's about Xie Heng. My son doesn't know what to say."

The old emperor's turbid eyes stagnated slightly, and then said, "if there's anything wrong, just talk!"

"The man said that Xie Heng was not related to Duke Heng by blood. His biological mother was someone else..." Zhao fan was tempted to stop talking and wondered, "his biological mother... Surnamed Zhao."

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