"Surname Zhao?" the old emperor sank and insisted, "it's impossible!"

Zhao fan quickly bowed his head and lowered his voice for a few minutes. "I can't believe it... It's just the letter sent by the man just now. What the head said is really unbelievable..."

"What letter? Bring it to me!" Zhao Yi suddenly sat up and coughed again.

"Emperor! Emperor, slow down!" Wang Liang hurriedly came forward and gently stroked the old emperor's back to let him breathe.

Zhao Yi took the letter in Zhao fan's hand and opened it.

After only one glance, an old face darkened and sank in a deep voice. He said to the people, "Wang Liang, take them all out and leave fan er."

Wang Lianggong answered "yes" and hurriedly called a group of maids out, "let's go!"

For a while.

In such a big room, only the old emperor and Zhao fan were left.

There are bright lights around.

The father and son sat and the other stood, and the curtain weft was shaken by the wind.

When the Chamberlain closed the door, the old emperor continued to read the letter.

There are two pieces of stationery.

Since Zhao Yi won the throne 20 years ago, the powerful people in the imperial capital are in danger. It is said that Princess Zhao chengning and the youngest daughter of the Ye family fled at the same time. At that time, the pursuers of Zhao chengning found them for nearly half a year.

Finally, Zhao chengning fell into the valley and his bones didn't exist. It was extremely absurd.

It was Miss ye who died that year, and Zhao chengning married Xie's family anonymously and gave birth to a son named Xie Heng.

What happened above is very strange, but when it comes to Zhao Yi's seizure of the throne 20 years ago, everything is true.

People who know these things are almost dead.

The more he looked, the darker his face became. He patted the letter on the couch and asked in a deep tone, "I ask you, where does this letter come from?"

Zhao fan raised her eyes and said, "my son doesn't know."

"You, you don't know?" Zhao Yi heard the speech, and an old blood gushed up from his throat. "You don't even know the messenger, so take this letter to me?"

He threw the letter in Zhao fan's face angrily, "it's ridiculous!"

"My ministers also know that this is inappropriate, but..." Zhao fan thought for so long. His temper and temperament are obviously much longer than before. Now he looks extremely gentle in front of the old emperor.

He bent down to pick up the letters on the ground and said casually, "but my son didn't dare to decide this without authorization. I didn't see it. My son thought that my father was wise and wouldn't believe this groundless thing. My father must have his own decision."

Zhao Yi looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "Do you really think what the letter said is groundless? Is someone deliberately trapping Xie Heng?"

Everyone knows that Zhao fan has a feud with the Xie family. At this time, he got a letter that can kill Xie Heng. Unexpectedly, he would say that it may not be true.

It really impressed him.

Zhao Fangong said in a voice, "my son thought that there was no evidence for what was said in the letter, and it was not conclusive. Moreover, my son was stupid and had made a big mistake. After meditating on his past, he felt the great kindness of my father. No matter how my father decided the matter in the court, my son just did it and listened to it and shared his worries."

He looks more modest than Zhao Feng before.

The old emperor couldn't help looking at him more, and his voice became more friendly. "I'm very glad you think so."

A moment later.

Zhao Yi suddenly asked, "what should I do about Xie Heng?"

This remark came back again.

Zhao fan smelled the speech and thought with embarrassment for a long time before he said, "my son thought that this matter should not be publicized for the time being. Wait until it was calmed down, my father would call Xie Heng back to ask."

Zhao Yi frowned and asked, "ask?"

"Xie Heng is far away at the border and holds a heavy army. If his father calls him, he will return as soon as he calls him. If he doesn't return..." Zhao fan paused and continued: "it's not too late for his father to do something else."

Zhao Yi listened to the speech with a calm face.

Zhao fan hurriedly added: "however, my son felt that Xie Heng must be loyal to his father when he fought for Da Yan at the border. When he was called back, his father would solve the fog by asking two questions. There should be no second possibility."

He said, glancing at the old emperor's face.

The latter pondered for a long time before he said, "pass on my golden order and call Xie Heng back to Beijing!"

Zhao Fangong answered "yes", bowed his head, hooked his lips in the shadow and smiled coldly.

Xie Heng, if you dare to come back, you will die without burial.

If you don't come back, Dayan will have no place for you.

This time, I'll see. How do you choose?


The border.

Xie Heng went to battle with an injury and fought for several days. The wound just scabbed and burst open. The blood dyed the white cloth red one after another.

Green seven could have pressed him with his wife.

But when little Yama fought, he had no time.

This victory gave us a chance to breathe.

Moyu camp finished the war up and down, and he was afraid to eat the last meal or not.

Several deputy generals gathered in the main account. At the last moment, they were still talking about where to fight, and at the next moment, they were worried, "when will the next batch of grain and grass arrive?"

"General, the rice grain transported by shopkeeper Wen is almost eaten now. The gang leader camp says that the remaining rice grain is only enough for three days at most!"

"We finally won the war. Even if the imperial court didn't reward us, we didn't care about filling our stomachs! How can we continue to fight!"

Xie Heng turned around and sat in the master's chair, "OK! Can you be hungry with me?"

The lower Deputy generals laughed at the speech.

He Yu said, "we can rely on general Xie instead of the imperial court..."

As he spoke, he first walked aside and said, "shopkeeper Wen of general Xie's house! The toughest man in the war, we eat soft food when we get home! We have no daughter-in-law, so we can only rub the general's!"

The people laughed, "it makes sense! Vice general he makes sense!"

Xie Heng picked up the fold on the table, smashed it, smiled and scolded, "can you be a little promising?"

He Yu flew to catch the fold and said with a smile, "I don't want anything except to eat enough and win the war."

In the main account, people were talking.

"Eight hundred Li hurry!" the messenger soldier reported urgently: "general, the imperial capital is eight hundred Li hurry!"

Xie Heng raised his hand and motioned the people to get out of the way. It's not tight. He said slowly, "bring it in."

The bearer hastily presented the letter.

A group of deputy generals laughed and said, "it's rare to know that we won the war. The commendation fold came down so soon!"

"Let's see if the emperor is happy. He has suddenly recovered from his illness."

"You think so!" Xie Heng glanced at the crowd, opened the letter fold and sneered, "the old emperor wants to call me back to Beijing."

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